  • Ireland
    • Dublin
Academic Year, Fall, Spring
Subject Areas
Anthropology Art History Business Communications Computer Science Cultural Studies Economics Engineering Health Sciences International Business International Relations Political Science Sociology Theater +4

Program Details

Program Type
Trinity College- Dublin
Degree Level


Price Details
Contact IES Abroad or see website for details: www.IESabroad.org/dublin
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Classes Some Meals Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
Aug 21, 2019
Aug 09, 2018

About Program

You won’t need the luck of the Irish to have an unforgettable study abroad experience in Dublin. By directly enrolling at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), you’ll have the joy of befriending the Irish, who are known for their hospitality. You’ll feel more at home knowing that Dublin has a young population (more than half of the city is under 25).

We want you to feel at home in Dublin, so we will do everything we can to help you integrate into life in Ireland. Enrolling directly in an Irish institution through IES Abroad provides you with a chance to sample the local academic culture while still benefiting from the support of IES Abroad staff and housing.

Trinity College Dublin offers a wide variety of challenging courses and appeals primarily to those students who are ready for the challenge of adapting to an entirely new academic culture that requires significant independent work.

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About Trinity College- Dublin

Trinity College Dublin
Year Founded:
International Students:

At Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin we provide a liberal environment where independence of thought is highly valued and all are encouraged to achieve their potential. We promote a diverse, interdisciplinary, inclusive environment which nurtures ground-breaking research, innovation, and creativity through engaging with issues of global significance.


IES Abroad Scholarships

IES Abroad Scholarships and Financial Aid

As far as we're concerned, financial limitations shouldn't prevent you from studying abroad with us. That's why we offer more than $5 million in scholarships and aid.

$500 - $5,000

Program Reviews

9.5 Rating
based on 18 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 94.44%
  • 7-8 rating 5.56%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 8.6
  • Support 9.2
  • Fun 8.7
  • Housing 9.6
  • Safety 9.5
Showing 1 - 8 of 18 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amongst the Irish

Since returning to the U.S., looking back on my time in Ireland feels like remembering another life. It was an absolutely whirlwind of 4 months, filled to the brim with experiences I may never live again but I will be eternally grateful for. Study abroad is this bizarre period in which it’s so easy to get caught up in the fantasy of it all – oh, I’ll spend my birthday in Paris or take a quick weekend in Madrid to try real paella and then meet some friends of a friend in Edinburgh? Easy. Book a RyanAir flight and do it. It will teach you invaluable skills like how to adapt as well as a deep appreciation for how special all of these places are.

I chose to study in Dublin, Ireland because ever since my family took a trip to the Emerald Isle when I was 9 years old, it’s been a mystical place that I was sure I’d return to. And it’s true, the people are some of the best and most friendly you’ll ever encounter, you’ll learn to appreciate great beer, and you’ll leave practically able to quote Yeats to any passerby. But, as with any life-upending experiences, it is a mixture of highs and lows. Be ready for rain, and lots of it. Dublin can sometimes feel small and grey but there are so many adorable cafes and museums tucked within its winding streets, you’ll never be short of a new place to explore.

However cliché and pretentious it may sound, study abroad does change you. It gives you a perspective of yourself and your life that would be almost impossible to understand by staying still. Whatever your experience abroad, I can almost promise you’ll come out the other end infected with what they call the “travel bug” and soon be itching to get back on a plane and keep exploring.

What would you improve about this program?
While this program was great for the most part, studying at Trinity College Dublin could sometimes be a frustrating experience. The class registration process and lots of other bureaucratic pieces functioned very differently from American universities and there was often not a lot of instruction to guide a new student. And while I absolutely recommend studying through a program like IES because the extra support is invaluable, your program does not have any pull when it comes to the University itself and you, as a student, may end up knowing more about its functioning than they do.
25 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

An education and program experience I wouldn't trade.

I studied abroad with IES in Dublin, Ireland, through Direct Enrollment at Trinity College Dublin spring semester and it was a great experience. IES staff helped me through the application process, pre-departure, preparation and during the entire semester from doctors appointments to recommendations on restaurants. The optional trips offered through IES were fantastic and a great bonding experience to get to know other IES students in all of their offered programs in Dublin. The classes at Trinity were very rigorous and scheduling was a nightmare (as Irish students have one focus where as you may have a major and minor so it is tough to not get an overlapping schedule) but staff was there to help the whole way through! Most classes were assessed on the final exam/paper and not on continuous assessment which was very different to my home college but also helped me take responsibility for my studies.
Through Direct Enrollment, I was able to take classes with local and other international students and fully immerse myself in the college community. I joined the ultimate frisbee team and was able to travel all over Ireland and play against almost all of the Irish teams. I also created lifelong friends. Because of this abroad experiences with IES, I see more opportunities in my future and plan to visit Ireland again. I would highly recommend this program to anyone even slightly interested, contact the IES staff with any questions you have!

What would you improve about this program?
The only aspect that I believe could be improved is providing more opportunities for the direct enrollment students to talk to staff, visit the center, and see other students in IES programs as I did feel very separated at times.
21 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Time of my Life at Trinity College Dublin

Where to begin?! I was lucky enough to study abroad as a Directly Enrolled student at Trinity College Dublin through IES. I was in the amazing city of Dublin from early January until late May, and I can confidently say that it has been the greatest experience of my life thus far.
Because I was directly enrolled at Trinity College, IES was less involved in my day to day life. They organized my housing, and coordinated my enrollment with Trinity, meaning that I just had to show up! IES met me at the airport, and had an RA waiting at my apartment to meet me when I arrived. Though our housing had some hiccups (heating and plumbing issues) IES was VERY responsive in getting things sorted. These issues were beyond anyone's control, but the Director and staff were very helpful, and apologetic for any inconveniences.

In terms of academics, IES explained how we would register for classes, and offered support throughout the semester. As I said, because we were directly enrolled, IES played a smaller part here. Trinity itself was a bit tricky, and takes a bit of getting used to, but overall it was an incredible experience. You are in courses (modules) with Irish students, and you are learning from Irish professors, so the atmosphere is amazing.

Though our classes were not through IES, we were ALWAYS welcome to study in the IES Center, to print from their computers, or to just drop by for a chat. They planned trips for us, and had coffee meet ups during the semester to make sure everyone was settling in ok.

If I could go back and do it again, I would in a heartbeat. Dublin happens to be the hub for most RyanAir flights, meaning that cheap flights were super accessible (and encouraged!). I made friends that will last me a lifetime, and I strongly suggest that you spend your semester abroad in Dublin.

What would you improve about this program?
My housing was a bit far from the city center, and the apartment had some issues. I found housing to be the only negative about my time there, and even so, the problems were easily managed.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Living in Dublin

I was immensely glad I chose to travel to Dublin through IES. The IES coordinated field trips to Northern Ireland and Causey Farm were some of the best experiences I had while I was abroad. Causey Farm was particularly interesting because I talked to a friend from Dublin, and she said she remembered the same trip from primary school! It was awesome to know that we were experiencing the same thing as those who lived in Ireland.
In addition, I was in Paris for travel at the time of the Paris Terror attacks, and I was exceptionally glad to know that IES was watching over me. I recieved a call from the Chicago center and from the staff at the Dublin center within an hour of the beginning of the attacks, ensuring my safety and ready to give advice should I need it. I really appreciated the prompt response and the knowledge that someone knew where I was and was watching out for me.
Trinity College was an amazing experience as well. I loved being directly enrolled, and joining societies was a great way to meet people and engage with the local culture. The academics were an adjustment, as any different system will be, and overall the experience was one of immense value.

What would you improve about this program?
The constant RA contact was irritating because we never had a set time; she tried to communicate a new time every week, which never worked out for everyone's schedules.
24 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Irish Immersion

I absolutely loved my study abroad experience in Dublin, Ireland! With a gracious culture reflected in cozy pubs and gentle parks, Dublin became my ideal city; the people are warm and inviting, the cityscape is walk-able and historic, and the coast is remarkably serene. With my student apartment so close the city center, I managed to start most mornings walking through the verdant paths of St. Steven’s Green.
Because of how accessible Dublin and the surrounding countryside is, I felt very connected to the cultural and recreational opportunities that Ireland has to offer; I woke up each morning with a great sense of excitement and delight in pursuing all of the pubs, museums, plays, hikes (Wicklow Mountains!), and historical sights that were within easy reach.
My favorite part about the experience, however, was being directly enrolled into Trinity College and enjoying all of the academic (like the Book of Kells!) and social resources provided by the campus. The program allowed me to immerse myself in the student life at Trinity and befriend not only Irish students, but also international students from various continents studying at the historic college center. Societies, for me, ranging from volunteer to athletic and niche areas in between (Juggling!) were the most rewarding ways to get involved and experience Dublin through unique perspectives; rock climbing around Ireland with the Climbing Club and participating in various tastings and workshops with the Food and Drink Society offered fun opportunities to not necessarily tour around, but rather live in Dublin as a local student.
My IES Abroad Direct Enrollment experience, overall, was infused with positive memories of feeling integrated into the city and social life of Dublin!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A New Home

Dublin truly became a second home to me and it really didn't even take that long for me to feel comfortable there. A huge part of this was the amazing staff at IES Abroad Dublin. I cannot say enough times how amazing these people all were. Dublin itself is incredible as well and being able to directly enroll in a university and thus directly immerse myself in Dublin city life was so important towards my comfort in the city. I would suggest direct enrollment to everyone who goes abroad because I think it truly enriched my experience due to the fact that I could meet Irish students and become friends with them as well as have Irish professors. It made my education in Ireland that much better. The trips and activities organized by IES were also incredible. I met so many wonderful people through the programs and learned about the history of Ireland by actually seeing the sites. I truly hope I can return one day.

What would you improve about this program?
The plumbing could have been better in the flat we had but otherwise i really have no complaints. It was as close to perfect as humanly possible.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Studying at Trinity College Dublin with IES Abroad

My semester abroad in Dublin, Ireland at Trinity College Dublin was an invaluable experience, filled with wonderful people, extraordinary places, and vital life lessons. With the help of the staff at IES Abroad Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, and the friends that I made, Dublin became like home to me. The staff was always willing to help with any issues I had and share a conversation over a cup of tea.

As a student directly enrolled in Trinity College Dublin, I was able to join clubs and societies on campus, which helped me get involved and make new friends. I joined the Club Swim Team, and we went to Galway for a weekend for a gala (swim meet)! Additionally, I was able to take classes related to my major, Speech and Hearing Science, which gave me the ability to see my field of study in a different perspective. I was able to build relationships with professors and students from all over the world who are teaching and studying similar subjects. It was very beneficial and has given me the courage and confidence to explore postgraduate and professional opportunities abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
I would encourage more communication between the IES Staff and students throughout the entire semester. I feel like I only started to get to really know them towards the end of my time in Ireland, which is really unfortunate.
22 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

New Country, New Home: a Semester at Trinity College

When I decided I wanted to study abroad, I knew that I wanted to do more than study. IES's direct enrollment program was great because I was guaranteed to fulfill both my academic requirements and my wish to travel. My main concerns while planning my semester were not where I was going to live or when to book my flights, but rather what I wanted to see and what I wanted to do.
Living and studying in Dublin was wonderful. The college, while it may be a bit behind the times administratively, has world class professors who love their subjects. Class attendance and homework are more optional than in the States, but the library has every book you could possibly find useful for the final papers. The Trinity campus is picture perfect (just ask the line of tourists) and the adjacent Grafton Street provides street entertainers who are a great study break.
But living in Dublin doesn't mean that you're confined to city life. Within a thirty minute commuter train ride are two coastal walking paths, several charming seaside towns, and a castle. On weekends or days when I didn't have homework, I tried to take the train to a different city every time.
Traveling outside of the Dublin to the rest of Ireland is a must. The island is stunning, with plunging cliffs, otherworldly woods, and peaceful mountains. IES offers trips to the north and west of Ireland that are well worth the price. With nice hotel rooms, local meals, and a bus that goes beyond where tourist buses normally go, the trips are a great way to see Ireland. Beyond Ireland, the discount airline Ryanair offers cheap flights (costing 5-15 pints of Guinness if you want a practical measure) to much of Europe. While traveling, I loved seeing as many different cultures as possible while I had the chance and was surprised at how much braver I became after navigating around a country in which I did not speak the language.
Now that I am back, I have no regrets about studying in Dublin. I am much more willing to try new things now and to find out what is going on in my community. Studying abroad forced me to seek out and try new experiences and I am not going to let that habit die. I am also more confident advocating for myself now. I have moved to a foreign country where I didn’t know anybody and know now that I am strong enough to make new friends and a new life, wherever I end up.

What would you improve about this program?
I would increase communication between staff and students. The IES staff were wonderful people and very willing to go out of their way to help you, but they were located a twenty five minute walk from campus. Having weekly emails or more regular breakfasts would help students better realize what a great resource IES is.
25 people found this review helpful.
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Questions & Answers

Hi Cara! After studying abroad in Ireland, I definitely wished I had the opportunity to be there longer or spend my whole college career there. I would suggest looking into international programs to enroll into for certain colleges in Ireland, like University College Dublin or Trinity College. That way, you'd just be an international student at the college for your entire college career instead of...