
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University


Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is an innovative and energetic joint venture university located in Suzhou, China. XJTLU offers over 60 UK undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, taught in English by international faculty. Study in the areas of sciences, engineering, computing, mathematics, architecture, urban planning, industrial design, languages and culture, media and communication, business, economics and finance.

Scholarships of up to 50% are available for all full-time degree programmes.

Enjoy an international learning environment with over 10,000 students on a modern campus.

Learn Chinese - All international students have the opportunity to study Chinese language. Bilingual graduates in English and Chinese language are highly sought after in the global job market.

Great career prospects - Enhanced employment prospects as a result of: globally recognized degree, multilingualism & knowledge of China and cultural understanding.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Extraordinary Learning Opportunity

I had an amazing time in Suzhou at XJTLU! The campus is beautiful and the teachers are top-notch. I can't wait to go back and take some more Mandarin courses. We also had a nice time in Shanghai during the evening which is about 25 minutes away on the train. Since the campus is located near many other universities there are plenty to opportunities to practice your Chinese with other students eager to practice their English

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Yes, I recommend this program

Language Program in XJTLU

It was a really good experience for me to learn Chinese, and the program here was really helpful. The school also provide use with a trip to other cities in China, which can help us to know the culture of China

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Yes, I recommend this program

Fun and mind-opening experience

I am still taking place at the language course at XJTLU and could already proceed in the advanced level. My main studies are a Master in Management in the International Business School Suzhou at the Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University. The language course is an additional course I can take for free!
The language school department organizes trips for international students. Last year we went together to Xi’an to see the Terracotta Armey and visit this beautiful city. It was so much fun traveling on a night train with all the students and spending some exiting days together.

I found living in Suzhou much easier than I expected before. Even though English is not so commonly in Suzhou, everything regarding school and dorm can be done in English and your Chinese friend are normally more than willing to help you with settling down. Suzhou is much more relaxed than Shanghai and but has an vibrant night live in the same time. There are many places with international flair but also this very typical ‘China’ world.

Culturally I really could step into new cultures, open my mind to new concepts and regained flexibility in my thinking. I learned o lot from my fellow students from so many different nationalities and experienced many interesting and funny things. Studying abroad is not always easy but it definitely pays off!

What would you improve about this program?
If I could change something it would be the book we used. For my taste the focus was too much on school students.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Yunyi Zhou

Job Title
Chinese Language Tutor
Currently Yunyi is working in Language Center of XJTLU as a Chinese language tutor. This is her fourth year in XJTLU. Yunyi studied Chinese Language and Literature for her first degree, then she continued and completed her postgraduate program of MA TESOL. She has great passion to teach Chinese to foreigners and enjoys her current job.

What position do you hold at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University? What has been your career path so far?

A group of students gathered.

Currently I am a Chinese language tutor in XJTLU. I studied Chinese language and literature when I was doing my undergraduate degree, then I continued and completed an education related postgraduate degree.

I have great passion and interest of teaching Mandarin to foreigners so what I am doing now is basically what I have always been wanted to do.

At present, most of my job duty is teaching practice, though I do wish to engage more in involving academic research in the future, particularly in second language acquisition field.

What country have you always wanted to visit?

Absolutely Japan. I probably am not able to list all the reasons of visiting Japan----too many! I love Japanese food, sushi, sashimi and ramen! I love Japanese architecture.

The wooden structure, the awesome function of surviving from huge earthquakes, the simple but elegant appearance, they all are just simply amazing. I am also a huge fan of Japanese tea ceremony.

Japanese scholars have contributed tremendously to the research of classical Chinese literature and language. It would be a great pleasure to have a visit to Japan and probably visit some of the best leading universities in this field.

What language have you always wanted to learn and why​?

I would say Spanish. To me personally, Spanish is a very musical language. I reckon it is beautiful and romantic. Also, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world.

Apart from Spain, lots of south American countries also use Spanish as their first and official language. With regard to career, being able to speak Spanish might contribute to and widen your job opportunities.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company​?

Definitely. I first started in XJTLU with an internship, then I did part time teaching and now I am a full time academic staff here. In this four years journey (I started in 2011), I have definitely grown a lot professionally.

My time management skills have improved a lot and I have become more and more organized. I also developed interest of teaching Chinese during these years here, it confirms my career goal.