In the early days of Go Overseas, we committed to these eight values as a way to live and work on our mission in a focused, passionate way. Learn more about each of our values below.

Put community first

We put our communities’ goals first. We prioritize making travel accessible. We seek feedback from our community constantly. We engage in conversations, not monologues.

Learn constantly

We are inquisitive and curious about everything. Learning is the most important part of our process. We prioritize long term expertise over short term gains.

Act with intention

Small wins lead to big impact. We consider the consequences of our actions and advocate for positive change. Sustainability and equity are our priorities. We’re not perfect, but we’ll never stop trying to make the world around us a better place.

Care intensely

We work passionately (but not obsessively… usually). We constantly pursue projects that excite us and align with the Go Overseas mission.

Exploring new areas of the world
Going Overseas is so exciting!
Meeting the local wildlife

Be data driven

When it can be measured- we measure it. KPIs > vanity metrics. We are always thinking about what data we have and how to use it.

Default to transparency

We value honest and open communication. We communicate relationships, processes, and what is going on "behind the scenes." We believe sharing information is the best way to foster transparency in our field.

Innovate courageously

We are not afraid of failure. We embrace challenges. We support and empower each other to go against the status quo.

Give warm fuzzies

We support the team. We give both positive and constructive feedback regularly. We share information proactively. We are collaborative and ego-less when searching for the best ideas.