University College Dublin Crest

University College Dublin


Welcome to University College Dublin, Ireland’s global university, and most popular destination for international students. UCD is home to over 34,000 students, 29% of whom hail from outside of Ireland. Ranked in the top 1% of higher education institutes worldwide, and located in one of the safest and most welcoming cities in the world, UCD’s main campus offers state-of-the-art learning and living facilities, only 3 miles south of Dublin's bustling city centre and Ireland’s major business hubs. UCD is a beautiful self-contained campus with extensive on-campus housing options, academic and recreational facilities.

University College Dublin


Min. SAT Score:
Min. ACT Score:
Min GPA:
Min. Age:
Additional Items:
  • Transcript
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Language Requirement (English)

How to Apply

Application Steps
  • Go to the university course finder page
  • Click Special Groups > Study Abroad > Search. This will give you the list of available applications for study abroad courses
  • Click the blue 'Apply' button for the preferred course
  • Create an account on the application portal
  • Complete & submit the application for review


Min GPA:
Additional Items:
  • Transcript
  • Language Requirement (English)

How to Apply

Application Steps
  • Apply through the online application system
  • Submit a personal statement
  • Collate up-to-date offical transcripts and 2 reference letters

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is University College Dublin known for?

    UCD is known for many things, but has a special reputation for the quality of its degrees in teaching and learning. This makes UCD graduates among the most employable in Ireland.

  • Where does University College Dublin rank?

    University College Dublin ranked #177 in the QS Global World Rankings 2021.

  • Where in Dublin is University College Dublin?

    UCD is located in the southwest of Dublin, about a 20-25 minute car or bus ride. There are several public bus routes that run from the city center to campus, making it easy to access even if you live further from campus.

  • Is Dublin a good place to study abroad?

    Dublin is a great city for studying abroad! It's a major city that's more affordable than many other study abroad destinations, with easy flights to the U.K. and the rest of Europe. You can also explore the rest of Ireland easily by car or bus.


University College Dublin - Scholarship

Scholarships for International Students

UCD is pleased to offer a number of scholarships to international students. All UCD scholarships are advertised online. Please explore the link below to see what options are available to you.

$1,000 - $10,000


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Yes, I recommend this program

UCD Smurfit MSc in Finance

The MSc in Finance offered at UCD Smurfit School of Business was a life-changing experience for me. The Program allowed me to acquire a knowledge base in the area of finance and investments that I use every day in the investment industry. Complementing this enriching academic experience is a diverse student body, with students enrolling from all over the world. This diversity allowed me to learn about different perspectives than my own and build a global network. Additionally, the Professors at Smurfit are leaders in their respective field, and were consistently approachable and supportive of my studies. The UCD Smurfit Campus offers an oasis from the busy city-scape that allowed me to focus on my studies while building a strong community with my classmates. That being said, the Campus is a quick metro ride into the notorious city center of Dublin, where I escaped the workload from time to time to enjoy the best of Irish culture.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take this opportunity to learn about yourself, absorb the skills offered by the course work, and build life-long connections with a global network.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Great Semester at UCD!

Major: Electrical Engineering, Home Institution: Yale University

I am so happy I decided to study abroad at UCD because I absolutely loved my experience and feel I grew tremendously while being there! Academically, I felt very challenged because I was able enroll in courses otherwise not offered by my university. I explored entirely new topics in power engineering and renewable energy that ultimately helped me broaden my passion for sustainability. I was also able to conduct research in UCD’s Energy Institute which was a very exciting process of learning and discovery. Outside of the classroom, it was always incredibly fun to attend the various social and club events hosted by the student organizations. There were karaoke nights, student performances, rock climbing nights, pub crawls, and so much more. All these events made it easy to make friends from all over the world and to create amazing new memories!

Beyond UCD’s campus I enjoyed going out to observe the natural and stunning beauty of Ireland! This was probably my favorite aspect of being abroad! I would often take small bus or train rides outside of the city to see some of the surrounding nature. I loved spending time on the coast and walking on the cliffs of Howth, the beaches of Balbriggan, and seeing the gardens of Wicklow. Although my experience was cut short as a result of COVID-19, I am still very grateful for the time I had in Ireland and for the people I met there.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
At first, move in was nerve-racking with trying to figure out where everything was, where to buy groceries/soap/etc., and how to navigate public transportation. However, the UCD Global Lounge coordinated a lot of helpful tours around campus and in town that made it much less stressful to figure it all out!
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Yes, I recommend this program

My time at UCD

I made the decision to spend a year abroad pretty spontaneously and I really did not have a place in specific that I wanted to travel to. After looking at my option Ireland seemed to match my desired climate and happened to have a school that specialized in engineering. Said school was University College Dublin. My decision to spend about two semesters at UCD was probably one of the best decisions that I have made.
Academically while studying at UCD was introduced to several different teaching styles and I was able to meet a wide range of professors. I was also given the opportunity to conduct research under one of the professors for a semester, which was a great opportunity to see the different approaches to research at UCD compared to back at my home university. I found that studying at UCD my overall perspective of the world change and it became a lot broader. This is mainly due to all of the different cultures that I was able to experience since UCD has a large population of international students and Dublin in general is one the largest cities in Ireland. Learning about Irish history, government, and common trends was interesting because I was able to compare it all to my experiences in the U.S. and it is fascinating to see how each country has different customs and beliefs.
UCD has numerous clubs that range from the study of certain cultures to sports. While at UCD I was able to join the Taekwondo club, where I was able to meet a bunch of awesome people while also getting into better shape. Some of the clubs at UCD take trips to different locations across the island for instance, in the Taekwondo club we went to a competition in Galway. Overall the clubs are a great way to relax and explore the things that are going on across campus and throughout the island.
Overall I highly recommend studying abroad if you get the chance and I cannot wait to come back to Ireland to see all of the things that I missed.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I did this all over again I would have explored more of Ireland and traveled more in general.
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of My Favorite Semesters So Far!

First of all, classes were well-taught and professors were accommodating and accessible. My favorite class was the independent research module. With the mentorship of Professor Michael Gilchrist, I analyzed rugby head impacts using finite element analysis. The project was a perfect combination of my interests in engineering, medicine, and sports, and I will be continuing this research for my senior thesis with Professor Gilchrist as my advisor.

Though I was worried about going to a school where I didn’t know anyone, everybody was super welcoming and friendly. I mainly met people through the wide array of societies UCD has to offer. I ended up joining the Newman society, mountaineering society, food society, lacrosse team, and volleyball team (all of which, I highly recommend!). Through society events, I made friends for a lifetime, learned about Irish culture, explored Dublin and Ireland, and had tons of fun!

At UCD, I experienced a new culture, new people, and new academic interests. These experiences ‘broadened my horizons’, cliché as it may be. The friends and memories I made and the knowledge I gained are irreplaceable. My time at UCD has exceeded my expectations, and though it’s only been a couple months since I left, I already look forward to going back.

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Yes, I recommend this program

UCD Engineering Abroad!

The semester at UCD was a wonderful experience, and a great way to study abroad as an engineering student. The modules offered to engineering students are unique, and allowed me to go on site visits with my class to different places in Ireland. One of my favorites was a visit to Killiney Beach, which was an enjoyable way to learn about the geology in Ireland. As part of the engineering school, four of six modules I enrolled in were engineering modules. I took classes from different disciplines of engineering, which made for a well-rounded academic semester. This is a fantastic program for anyone looking to make new friends, as there are many societies open for international students to join. Located in close proximity to the city center, as well as other popular sites in Ireland, I had a great time exploring both Dublin and the nature of Ireland.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I went on a full day hike in Wicklow with the Mountaineering Club - the views were incredible, and we stopped by the heart shaped lake.


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I had studied abroad for a mini-term in London last year and loved every second of it. However, it was simply not enough time. When I heard that the Honors Program at my school was partnering with UCD to send over a cohort of students each semester, I thought it would be a good fit. I really wanted to go back to Europe and I had never been to Ireland, so I thought why not? My scholarships from my home University still applied, so it was about the same cost-wise. Also, the staff at UCD were so friendly and accommodating- they made the whole process so easy! Thanks to their help, all my classes will transfer, and I will still be on-track for graduation. I couldn’t have planned it to work out any better than it has!

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The staff at UCD were extremely organized and were available to assist with everything from the application process to picking classes to finding housing. They also made themselves very accessible in answering any and all questions, even ones that arose throughout the semester. I can't think of anything that needed to be organized on my own besides arranging my travel to and from Ireland, and even then they would still be able to advise you.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Enjoy every moment! Ireland has so many amazing places to see, make sure you take advantage of every second there. Also, don't be afraid to put yourself out there and do things out of your comfort zone.

If you can, take moments every so often to reflect on the experience, because you will get so much more out of it that way.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

An average day consists of class for a few hours, maybe grabbing a chicken fillet roll from the Centra on campus, then a lot of free time to explore the city, hang out with friends, and travel! There isn't much schoolwork until the end of the semester, so weekends can be spent exploring Dublin or traveling to other cities and countries in Europe.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I think my biggest fear was actually making friends, just because you were in a completely new place in which you don't know anyone. It can be scary, especially since you leave all of your friends and family behind, but what I realized- just like the first week of college freshman year- everyone is in the same boat and looking to make friends. It was so easy, I even met a few friends on my flight over. I became really close with all my friends and I'm so grateful that Ireland brought us together.

How are the classes in terms of difficulty and structure?

The classes were a little different than what I was used to in the states. For instance, we had very few assignments and one final exam that counted for a large majority of our grade, as opposed to multiple tests, homework, and assignments throughout the semester. Moreover, the exams were also majority essay-based responses as opposed to multiple choice.

Finally, the grading scale is a bit different- more subjective. To achieve an A on an assignment requires effort above and beyond, and most professors are selective in awarding A's. Thus, the classes are a bit on the challenging end, but not in terms of workload, in terms of quality on assignments. However, it is nothing to be worried about, everyone I know ended up doing well enough. I'm just mentioning this as something to keep in mind, so you are a bit more prepared for what is to come.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Aoife Redmond

Job Title
International Programme Manager - School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems

Aoife has been an International Education professional for over 10 years and has worked extensively worldwide and in Ireland leading groups of international students through academic, volunteer, and leadership programs. She joined UCD International in 2016 as the Arts and Humanities Study Abroad Manager and is now the International Programme Manager for the UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Systems.

What is your favorite travel memory?

I had the opportunity to live with a hill tribe family in Chang Rai, Thailand for a short time, and it was incredible! We taught English in their school, helped on their farm, and visited groups within their village such as their Mayoral team, medics, and women's groups. It was truly an eye-opening experience!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I find it very heartening that the Nursing Study Abroad students we receive are just as dedicated to their future healthcare careers as our Irish students are. It makes me proud to know that the young people we work with will really make a difference in the world after their studies, and we get to be a small part of that. It motivates me to make the Study Abroad experience as smooth as possible for our incoming students and showcase our school as much as a positive and supportive learning hub.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

My favorite stories are those where past students come back to visit the friends they have made at UCD and in Dublin for vacation.

I love that even a single semester can forge friendships that last beyond the academic experience.

I also love to hear about students who perhaps weren't accustomed to traveling before their Study Abroad semester and who are now travelling and experiencing new places whenever they can. I am extremely happy that these students get to do that because their semester showed them how small the world is and how important it is to see as much of it as possible!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

If I could go back in time and study abroad during my own college experience, I would do that in a heartbeat! I traveled as an international student after my MA, and it was life changing. However, I also think that taking the leap during my undergrad would have been really impactful as a slightly younger person. Travel is ALWAYS the right choice and should be undertaken at every opportunity!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

The UCD staff are completely dedicated to supporting our Study Abroad students and their experience in Dublin, Ireland and Europe. No matter what subject area a student may choose, there is a staff member they can touch base with before they arrive and meet with when they are here to help them navigate their time here. From choosing the right academic modules to helping them figure out how to get to the airport for their next adventure, the UCD staff are there help out in any way we can. Our priority is to deliver a great student experience all round, and that makes me proud.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Teamwork, understanding, and fun! International Education is a great industry to work in. It is ever changing, and we get to meet wonderful faculty and students semester after semester. Working together towards successful programming, understanding, and learning from our students’ experiences and having great fun along the way can only lead to great things!

Articles About Studying Abroad in Ireland