This experience ended up being the hardest yet the most impactful volunteering trip I've ever been on. Like I said previously, this was my 4th volunteer trip. I've volunteered in third world countries a few times before this yet this trip I have never felt so connected and helpful as I did on this trip.
I got to literally see the positive impact happen in front of my eyes, I was apart of a strong bond with such a great group of 12 girls. My last day volunteering the girls brought out a huge thank you card and started to read me what they wrote. I instantly broke out into tears, as each girl started too as well.
It ended up being a big hug, farewell and sobbing party but I have never once cried upon leaving a group of kids until this trip. It was a great way to show the relationship we created amongst ourselves.
I was volunteering in New Delhi, India. The population of that state is around 22 million people! One weekend some of the volunteers and I decided to travel to Varanasi, which is around 12-15 hours away. The best way of traveling to different cities is by train. On the way back we literally had to just hop on the train back to New Delhi.
We were on the waiting list but never got a confirmation of our seats, yet had to be back by Monday to volunteer. So Six of us volunteers, literally crammed in a TINY hallway between the bathrooms and the carts.
There was dirt covering the walls, people walking over us, wind blowing in our faces, and I think my whole left side fell asleep since this was a 14 hour ride.. but it was so funny to look back at this experience!
One piece of advice id give someone going on this program is to try everything once. The food, the culture, the work, the whole environment is SO different from back home yet so worth while to become involved and educated on the country and work your doing here.
I have never once said, "I wish I didn't do this, or I wish I never tried that." Everything you experience here teaches you something, no time or decision is ever wasted. Go by the motto - Try everything once, say yes more then saying no. :)