
TEFL Heaven


Since 2007, our passionate team of travel experts have assisted university graduates and non-graduates to secure quality teaching placements abroad. We actively engage with all who are seeking the opportunity to teach English as a foreign language by offering them the knowledge and support they need to embark on this amazing life changing experience!

TEFL Heaven offers fully immersive programs which include TEFL/ TESOL training completed over a 3-4 week period in one of 12 destinations in Asia, Europe or Latin America. All programs come with a guaranteed paid teaching job, or job seeking assistance, and a lifetime worldwide job assistance guarantee.


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Yes, I recommend this program


TEFL Heaven have been nothing short of amazing each step of the way. From the initial interview right until you were placed with your agency (and even still now). Mike and his team have created an incredible opportunity and his passion truly reflects in the TEFL Heaven program he created. I honestly couldn't have imagined doing my TEFL certification with anyone else. I decided to take the leap of faith and started my journey towards becoming a TEFL teaching in September 2020. I did my TEFL training on the beautiful island of Koh Chang where I met some lifelong friends. There were so many amazing moments it's hard to write about all of them in this review but it felt like we were a family on the island. The nerves, the fears, the anxiety were still there, which is of course natural but the people and TEFL Heaven staff were so supportive with everything. What makes this company stand out from the rest is their sincere genuinity for everyone. I love what TEFL heaven stands for and what their vision is for TEFL teachers all over the world.

The TEFL training course was set up incredibly well. There is only so much you can cover in three short weeks but I think they prepared us as best as they could. I had absolutely zero teaching experience prior to this and I didn't believe I could do half of the things I can now. You gain so much experience and they give you so many kills and tools to use, I truly feel without this training I wouldn't have been prepared enough going into my first teaching position. After the TEFL training was over we returned back to Bangkok, where we met with our placement agencies who took us to our teaching location. I, along with nine other TEFL Heaven trainees were placed at a public school in Chachoengsao, Thailand. I'm just finishing my first term teaching Primary 1 and it is the BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE. I have grown in ways I never dreamed were possible and have stepped out of my comfort zone a countless amount of times that my confidence is much higher than it has ever been.

My favourite thing about the program was meeting so many likeminded individuals but also the support TEFL Heaven provided every step of the way. There are a lot of anxieties and worries at the beginning with visas, documents, financial, personal...etc. but TEFL Heaven are a very experienced company and truly make you feel at ease. I also loved how we got to meet Mike himself at the orientation and he actually came to our island for a couple of days, which added a great personal touch and you can tell he cares for everyone. Listening to his own story and sharing his vision was truly inspiring. I loved this program, I loved the staff and I loved all the wonderful people I met along the way. Thank you TEFL Heaven for making my dream as a TEFL Teacher become reality and pushing me out of my comfort zones each day. SO TAKE THE LEAP OF FAITH, TRUST IN THE PROCESS AND LIVE YOUR BEST MOST FULFILLING LIFE DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.

I wish you all the best and who knows, maybe at some point down the line I will meet some of you.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment was definitely presenting in front of your peers during the TEFL training course. I never thought of myself as much of a public speaker, in fact I hated talking to a big group of people. I remember the first task I had to do was present a 10 minute lesson on a subject (Directions). I was super nervous and anxious and all I wanted to do was run away but I got through it and after that everything seemed a lot easier. I overcame this by simply accepting that it is okay if you aren't good at something you have never done before (that is the whole point of training). I told myself that the only way to grow and improve is by making it through difficult and uncomfortable situations. At the end of the day we are all in the same boat and you can't let the fear of failure/ judgement overcome you. Take each challenge as it comes and watch yourself transform into the person you always hoped you could be. You may surprise yourself with what you are capable of.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great classroom experience.

No complaints with the classroom experience at Vallarta International Academy. Excellent instruction and support from Alan and Fabian. The teaching practices were very helpful. Rachel and Nick gave "firm but fair" scores along with good advise on how to improve. I feel much more confident and prepared to teach after my four weeks at VIA.

What would you improve about this program?
There is definitely mixed messages from TEFL Heaven and VIA regarding what happens job-wise after completing the course. This initially led to confusion and misunderstanding. We're back on track now, though. Looking forward to finally getting started in a teaching position.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Love It!

My TEFL Heaven experience was nothing short of fantastic. From the second I began looking on TEFL Heaven's website, assistance was given to me by their dedicated staff members. Every step of the way during the signup process, the staff members were there to answer any questions I had about teaching/living in Thailand, training on an island, and moving across the world.

After signing up, the team members continued assisting me with tips on what to pack, where and how to arrange my paperwork and passport documents, and with the logistics of arriving in Thailand and transportation to the training destination on Koh Chang. I felt a sense of comfort during preparation as no question I had went unanswered. Additionally, we were added to a Facebook group where the trainees and staff could interact - a chance to get to know one another and bounce questions/ideas around.

After landing in Bangkok, we had two action-packed days of team-building and orientation. During this, we met our fellow trainees and got so see some awesome cultural sites in Bangkok, such as Wat Arun. Additionally, we were educated on some Thai cultural practices and words which came in handy as we set off for the island of Koh Chang. The transportation to Koh Chang was arranged by TEFL Heaven - one less thing to stress about.

The training experience on Koh Chang was absolutely wonderful. First off, the island was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been - and we got to spend 3 weeks there! On the weekdays, our training group received comprehensive, in-depth training by our Trainers. Having never taught a single thing in my life, this education was extremely valuable. I was able to learn from the ground up, with no prior knowledge.

We learned how to teach English as a foreign language, how to manage a classroom, and how to effectively communicate with the students. Additionally, we were educated on the ins-and-outs of the Thai school system. Lastly, we got 1 hour of Thai language class every day. The trainers were so qualified and enthusiastic! Our classroom was on-site at the resort on Koh Chang - I could see the ocean and palm trees while learning! The things I learned during training have helped me immensely inside and outside of the classroom.

On the weekends and afternoons, our TEFL training group was allowed to explore the island, seeing some amazing spots such as waterfalls and hiking trails, and trying the ever so delicious Thai food that Koh Chang has to offer. Any time I had a question or an issue came up, the TEFL staff was able to provide prompt and thorough assistance. Even during a relatively serious personal matter on the island, the staff was able to help me through it as friends, and provide guidance for which I am very thankful.

As for the guaranteed job - I was placed in the awesome city of Chachoengsao. This placement was done after the folks at TEFL Heaven and my agency were able to discuss where they thought I would thrive. The job placement is guaranteed, and intentional, in order to set the teachers up for success. Not surprisingly, the agency and TEFL Heaven has operated extremely professionally and assisted every step of the way.

I can say with confidence that TEFL Heaven has changed my life in the most positive way. I gained knowledge, training, cultural orientation, some great friends, and an awesome job here in Thailand. I had my reservations, as anyone would, about moving across the world to start a new life teaching English. However, the folks at TEFL Heaven made the experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Looking back, now that I have been here for 3 months, I would not change a thing. I recommend TEFL Heaven wholeheartedly to anyone considering making the leap.



What was your funniest moment?
When Byron tried to order Khao Soi at the restaurant on Koh Chang but the waitress didn't understand him and brought him white rice. Oh well, Mai Bpen Rai!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Koh Chang and Khorat

My experience has been really amazing. I had never left the western United States until I decided to embark on this adventure and it has been extremely eye opening. Koh Chang was like something out of a movie so beautiful and everyone that I trained with was very friendly and fun. My city I teach in is called Khorat and is a pretty big city with lots to do! I got lucky enough to teach sport and health and that has been a lot of fun. I would definitely recommend not inky TEFL Heaven but also teaching abroad

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Definitely getting to my city the day before school started and being handed 9 textbooks finding out that I would be teaching 9 different grades
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great TEFL Programme Costa Rica

I decided to apply for a TEFl course half way through my final year of university and knew I wanted to come to Latin American so I could learn Spanish along the way and experience a completely difficult culture than Scotland. I decided to go with Maximo Nivel through TEFL Heaven because of the on site 4 week course they were offering that would allow me to meet people and settle into Costa Rican a little more. In hindsight this worked well for me because I met some great people who I have become really close with and even moved in with. I was also able to find a job before even finishing the course and received lots of support in this process. The course also offers 10 hours of practical teaching experience which is accessed in order to track your progress therefore you leave the course feeling ready to go in the profession.

What would you improve about this program?
The only downside to this course is the price. I personally feel that it was worth it for the added experiences that come with doing the course in the country that you want to work, however, I feel for some people it would be unaffordable.


Displaying 1 - 9 of 13

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program as my friends brother completed his TEFL course though TEFL heaven and he could not praise TEFL heaven enough. Before sending in my application I did my research and the reviews online were fantastic and the email response to my questions were quick and the staff quickly made me feel at ease and answered all my questions. I also chose this program because visiting south east Asia was always something I wanted to do as my parents had their honeymoon in Thailand. Furthermore, I also got to do my training on a paradise island!

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The program provided assisted me with assistance in finding accommodation after training (as during training accommodation is included), visa support, advice on what documents to bring, airport transfers, a shuttle coach to travel from Bangkok down to the island I was training on and they supported me in finding a job straight after training. All the program advisors and staff were so lovely and clearly loved what they do which 100% reflected in their work. The only thing I had to do really was to organize my flights and make sure I packed the appropriate items!!

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

My advice is, do your research about the program and the country that you are interested in and do not be afraid to ask questions to the program advisors as they are so helpful and there is no such thing as a silly question.

Bring a months worth of savings with you just in case there’s an emergency, take out travel insurance, make sure your passport is valid and get your degree legalized before you fly.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

The average day is you would wake up every morning have breakfast with all of your course friends. Then get to the training room for around 10am, the trainer would go through what you would learn during the day I.e lesson plans, grammar lessons, fun tools, tips and games.

You would have a morning of theory on grammar or how to teach a class and then in the afternoon you would practice your teaching in front of your class friends. This isn’t scary everyone is so supportive and in the same boat as you!! By the end of the 3 weeks of training you will feel super confident to teach English to a class.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was missing home as I never travelled alone before. I overcame this quickly as I met so many friends on my program that became like a second family to me, I also was super busy to even realize I was missing home as I was either teaching or travelling. Also the wonders of technology and social media enabled me to speak to my family, boyfriend and friends all the time.

What were a few of your favorite moments?

My favorite few stories are when I was on the way back to my condo in Bangkok from the BTS (Bangkok Skytrain) and on the way back the monsoon rain started, there was no cover for me to go under so I had to walk back to my condo which soaked me. My flip flop broke and i remember looking in the mirror when I got home laughing as I looked so funny.

I also will never forget seeing the sunset over Angkor Wat in Cambodia and I will also never forget the tropical humid heat that hits you when you step off the plane!!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Emilie Léveillé

Job Title
Program Manager
Emilie is from Canada. She is currently living and working in Thailand for TEFL Heaven.
Emilie Léveillé

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is when my family and I rented a car in eastern Europe and visited seven countries in twenty days. On the way, we met lovely families that hosted us for the night and shared with us their stories. There is a lot of rich history in those parts of the world and it was fascinating to get a more in depth look into their past.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

The company has helped me become excited and passionate about work again. It is allowing me to face exciting challenges and develop my skills as a communications graduate. It is also allowing me to develop deeper connections with individuals all over the world, which is truly something special and unique. I am on a continuous learning experience, which is very rewarding.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The best story I've heard from a return student is how this experience has changed their lives for the better. Going to teach in a foreign country allows people to gain perspective and insights on other people's way of lives. It allows them to disconnect from their routines and get a deeper look into a culture that has been unfamiliar to them previously.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

The program I would choose to go on would be the Thailand program. It is truly a special program that has been carefully put together by people who have gone through the program themselves and lived the experience first hand. There is so much love and soul in this country and its beautiful culture that this is felt by every individual that comes along for the journey. The excitement and passion felt by the team's staff members is also something that is unique to this program.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our company is unique because we help people find answers to some of the questions they have been pondering. "What should I do with my life?", "How can I work and be passionate about my employment at the same time?". TEFL Heaven allows people to change their lives and dive into a surreal experience that completely puts everything into perspective. It is a magical experience and a gift that is given to everyone who decides to embark on this journey with TEFL Heaven. I am especially proud of my team when I see the excitement of the people who come abroad through our company and have nothing but fantastic things to say about our team.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

The biggest factor in being a successful company is passion and honestly. At TEFL Heaven, we truly believe in the story we are "selling". We believe that we are providing people with a story and an adventure that will change their lives and give them an insight into the world's multiple cultures. There is so much of the world's beauty to discover, and we facilitate this by supporting them throughout their experience abroad. We are passionate and excited about their new journey ahead, but we are also honest throughout the process and provide them the best and most helpful information possible.