
Schiller International University Madrid


Schiller International University's unique mission since its creation has been to promote, develop, and encourage international understanding. Schiller International University has educated more than 20,000 students from more than 100 countries across its campuses in the United States, Spain, Germany, and France.

Students who pick Schiller International University have a passion for international cooperation, global employment opportunities, they are adventurous and have a desire to see the world. They pick SIU because it gives them flexible programs, small class sizes, international campuses, and great opportunities to develop academically and professionally.

SIU offers students the opportunity to receive 2 degrees: A student from anywhere in the world will earn a US degree through SIU and a UK degree alongside their American degree from the University of Roehampton valid in 45 countries under the Bologna process in Europe



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Yes, I recommend this program

My Schiller Experience

Being an international university, Schiller gives you the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and learn about their cultures. The campus in Madrid is located in a very nice and safe area close to everything. The teaches in this campus are very helpful and always want you to succeed. They take time out of their day to provide you with any extra help you might need.

The student council is always organizing great activities for the students to go to and have fun together. They help the students to get to know each other, visit new cities while exposing them to Spanish culture.

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Yes, I recommend this program

An education like no other

SIU provides a great American education all the while surrounded by a significantly different culture which is a great experience. Not only that but the people around you are also international which makes for great memories when you fumble through the do's and don'ts of a different country and language.

The location is breathtaking. Madrid has various scenes to it, one more beautiful than the next. No matter how long you live here it will always find a way to surprise you. As for the university itself I was surprised of its size at first but soon came to the realization that this was a plus. Although it is not as big as a traditional American University usually is it provides a lot of benefits. The student body has the possibility to meet each and every single student, as does the teacher which is great as they can help you through any obstacles you come across in class.

What would you improve about this program?
This program is unlike any other I have seen. Although I was somewhat skeptical about how it would work at first, I would not want to have it any other way!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Living Abroad

SIU Madrid is truly a unique university. It's located in a vibrant & trendy city, center location. The uniqueness of this university is seen through its educational value. The classroom setting is very personalized, where students & faculty connect at a personal and professional level. I've always been keen to a small educational setting- Schiller is a great example of this personalized educational environment. Not only does SIU value education, but also experience. SIU organizes valuable trips, such as trips to the Zara headquarters, the European Parliament, and local trips around Madrid.

Overall, Madrid and SIU have greatly contributed to my life experience. Madrid is an ideal city for international students; it's vibrant & full of energy. Madrid is always alive, offering many entertainment options. My network of international friends has also expanded thanks to SIU. We have students from around the globe, which truly adds to one's life experience. I couldn't be happier with the friendships I've created, and how I've learned so much about cultures. SIU and Madrid have tremendously influenced my overall educational experience. Madrid is now my home, for I have fallen in love with everything it has to offer. If you are ready to become memorized by this unique university and city I strongly recommend you looking into SIU.

What would you improve about this program?
Overall this program is excellent. However, I believe students should have more internship options relating to their major. Another great idea would be creating an alumni network where students and alumni interact. This is crucial for our future since we get first hand advice from those who've paved the way for us.
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Life in Madrid

Living abroad gives you experiences that will last you a life time. To move to Madrid is a big step if you are just moving out from mom and dads house but it is worth it. Europe has so much to offer and everything is so close so when you study in one country you have the rest of Europe at your finger tips. Which makes your stay even more adventurous. Madrid is a very safe city with many nice people. The school community is very international and the professors are extremely helpful and supportive.

Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

American education in Madrid

Study at Schiller International University gave me the opportunity of meeting another kind of university. Really personalized, helpful staff, Madrid is an amazing city.

The university system has a different DNA. It´s unique to study under an american university, in Madrid. Really worth it.

What would you improve about this program?
Probably housing was my hardest time.


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Give us an intro!

Hello! My name is Michael but I like to be called Mike. I am from Buffalo, New York, USA. I am a first year college student who has moved to Madrid, Spain to study International Relations at Schiller International University.

What is the most important thing you learned abroad?

The most important thing that I had learned abroad is that things aren't always as they seem. We have stereotypes of all ethnicities from what we see on the news or from what we hear but to truly understand a culture you have to go. It will change your perspective of how you think of the world greatly.

What do you tell your friends who are thinking about going abroad?

I tell my friends to take any opportunity they have to go abroad. It will make you a truly international person. You will meet people not only from the country that you are in but also from all over the world.

The world is so globalized now with our technology that we can speak with people all over the world, via Twitter, Facebook, etc. but to truly understand why those people act a certain way you have to go. It's very self rewarding and mind opening.

What was hardest part about going abroad?

The hardest part of living abroad is the feeling of missing out on things back home. Since the world is becoming smaller and smaller through technology you can see everything your friends are doing from thousands of miles away. You will feel as though you're missing out and want to go home. Don't. Technology also helps you stay in contact with them, so you don't feel as alone.

What made this experience unique and special?

This experience has truly changed my life. Not only did I just move to Madrid, Spain but I have also spend some time in Paris, France and Brussels, Belgium. Once you travel once, you have the urge to keep traveling and it will only open your eyes more.

I have also met people that will be my friends for life because they also know exactly what it feels to be in a foreign land and we rely on each other to help out when we aren't feeling up to par which makes a world of a difference.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

For people who want to attend Schiller in a different country other than America, be ready for a different lifestyle. There are different lifestyles all throughout Europe.

Even though the countries are so close to each other they are very different. Be ready for the unexpected and don't plan little things, make sure you have enough money for basic necessities but other than that go where the wind takes you, it will make your experience 100x better!

What made this trip meaningful to you, or how did this trip change your perceptions, future path?

This move didn't make my future path change but strengthened my love for my future career. It changed my life because I truly know how life is on the other side of the ocean. It is an amazing feeling to be international because not only do you have friends from everywhere and adapt to the lifestyle but you also have the opportunity to obtain a new language (depending on where you go).

As I said before this trip showed me to never assume and it also showed me to expect the unexpected. This made me grow as an individual.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Isabel Campbell

Job Title
Deputy Campus Director
Isabel Campbell is the Deputy Campus Director and Registrar/Head of Studies at the Madrid Campus of Schiller International University. She holds a Master of Education in Leadership and Management and Post-Graduate studies in Distance and Online Education. She experienced the challenges of international education in person and enjoys helping students to make the most of the international educational experience.

Did YOU study abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

I was born abroad in Turkey and have spent much of my life “studying abroad” in different shapes and forms.

My first study abroad experiences probably started when I was about 5 years old - I briefly went to a French girls school in Tabriz, Iran - I learned no French, but my Farsi improved and I learned all the playground games. I needed the Farsi to be able to play the games. I also spent a couple of weeks at a girls school in Gijon, Asturias and remember being made to rewrite the number 8 until I did it “de la forma correcta” (the right way).

I had never had to do this in the British system. It is those many little unexpected experiences that sum up the benefits of experiencing different cultures. You learn that what is important in one place may not be so important elsewhere and that you need a real reason to learn a language.

As an undergraduate, I did study abroad for a year at the University of Poitiers in France as part of my degree in French and History at Edinburgh University. This was actually an obligatory part of my degree program - I chose Poitiers because it was one of Europe’s medieval universities. I like history, ok?

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of the Schiller International University Madrid team.

Schiller International University Madrid is a great team and I often feel proud of the students and the staff and faculty. Graduation day is always a very special day - seeing student complete their studies and begin their professional lives is immensely satisfying for us all.

I love hearing from our alumni - they all have really interesting lives - Schiller alumni are often great entrepreneurs and have set up companies all over the world. I am proud that we have played a part in this.

The Staff and Faculty constantly amaze me - I have faculty who have found specialist internships for students and generously given their time to explain their professional experiences. The staff are used to resolving all kinds of student issues - from international bank transfers to local knowledge - students come up with the weirdest questions. but I have to say that we have always managed to answer them!

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Uniquely, Schiller International University has been offering Study Abroad programs since it was founded – in fact, they are the reason why we were founded!

In 1964, the University started taking US students to Germany - success here led to the opening of other campuses in other European countries. Generations of study abroad students have come to Schiller - and when many of them wanted to stay, we developed into a full university offering complete degree programs. We are the Study Abroad program that does not need to end.

Our origins are still part of our on-going mission to prepare our students for international careers.Today, Schiller offers the possibility of experiencing the advantages of study abroad throughout the whole of our degree programs - you can study in Spain, France, Germany, the USA and soon the UK.

You can design your international experience to visit all the campuses or just stay at one. You will get to know your host country - but you will also share your classroom with students from all over the world.

You will need to learn how to work with them. We can offer our students all the advantages of a study-abroad program within the framework of a full degree.

Talking of degrees, Schiller is also unique because we offer our students two degrees from the USA and the UK. Our degrees are recognized in the Americas, Europe, and the Commonwealth countries.

What about the future of the industry? How do you think study abroad and international education will change over the next 10 years?

I think that study abroad and international education are essential to creating flexible and knowledgeable citizens of the future. However, this is not necessarily new.

efore the printing press, this was the only way to gain access to specialist knowledge. Medieval scholars traveled spending time at the great university towns - Montpellier, Heidelberg, Salamanca, Poitiers, Padua, and many more.

Today, we can access unimaginable amounts of information on the internet, we do not have to travel. This raises the question, why study abroad? In answer, I think many more of us will be international citizens than in the past. We will live and work in many different countries during our professional lives. We must have the skills to function in this international environment and we need to have educational qualifications that allow us to work anywhere in the world.

The best way to learn how to deal with different cultures, values, and ways of doing things is to actually have to live with them! For example, when I was in Brazil the one thing that stood out was doing paperwork in Brazil. It was extremely irritating – until I learned that Brazilians are culturally conditioned to please - they hate saying no, and would rather ask you for unnecessary additional papers than to give you a straight refusal.