Reach · Venture · Find

RVF International LLC


We are an international exchange and education company and we want to bridge the gap between travelers, teachers, adventurers, students, dreamers, explorers, and their destinations.

RVF stands for Reach, Venture, Find and is, we believe, the goal and the story of every adventurer, which is why those three words mean so much to us.

At RVF International, we strive to help connect people to places.

The RVF International Teach English in Spain program provides assistance and guidance in every step of the way to getting you teaching English in Spain. We will help you find a teaching job in Spain where you’ll only be working 4 days a week, giving you plenty of time to travel and enjoy all there is to see and experience in Spain.

RVF International is dedicated to Connecting People (like yourself) to Places (like Spain).



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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International

The staff at RVF are very kind and helpful. I always feel like I can ask them anything and they do their best to answer as quickly as possible. Having this program's guidance has made this entire process much easier!
Staff also do their best to make sure we're as prepared as possible to have a great time in Spain. They host Zoom calls and state the expectations of clients so we know what we need to do on our end. I couldn't imagine navigating the process of moving to a new country without RVF there to hold my hand!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Enjoying the Process

I am currently in the process of teaching abroad in Spain through the RVF International program. This entire experience has taught me to a lot of patience in terms of the steps it takes to get to Spain. I will say that as an American, we want things done instantly. Lourdes has talked me through this entire process, and every question that I have had has been answered. If you are on the fence about going on this adventure, I would suggest trying it! I cannot wait to get to Spain in September. "Take the risk or lose the chance!"

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I would highly suggest investing in a fanny pack-type bag. Also, get locks for suitcases and bags to ensure your items do not get stolen.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I am a Filipino-Canadian who signed up with RVF International to teach in Spain for the 2021-2022 school year. From day 1, RVF International has done nothing but exceed all expectations. Their customer service and drive to provide you the best experience possible is second to none. I am truly impressed with the way they have handled my application, it being a little more complex than most since I live in the Philippines, but applied as a Canadian.

They've taken care of me every step of the way, including responding to my emails within 24 hours as best as they can. Every promise that RVF International has given me has been kept. I understand that not everybody is able to choose their exact placement location, but RVF International always tries to take all requests and concerns into consideration to give you the best experience possible.

There are many other good things I could say about RVF International, but one thing that I do have to leave with any of you that are reading this, you will not regret choosing RVF International as your Teach Abroad Program. They are just simply excellent in every aspect and I wish more teach abroad programs can be more like them. Always reassuring, always there for you, and most importantly, always available for your every need.

Nothing but high praises for RVF International!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to anyone who would like to join this program is, don't hesitate to join! I have no regrets. My experience with RVF International is priceless.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The RVF staff make all the difference

The RVF staff are incredibly supportive and helpful. If I had a question, they would have an answer for me within 24hrs or if it was a weekend, first thing Monday morning - which given the time difference was something I really appreciated. It was also really great to be connected with other program participants. There's the RVF Facebook group - become part - because from there, we had our own WhatsApp chat group and sub-groups (i.e. regionally-based), etc. and we would have zoom calls too. So it's a great way to meet the others who are taking part...I mean who would know what you're going through better than those that have taken the leap to move to another country to become English language assistants too!

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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF international 2021-2022

I am currently enrolled as a teaching assistant on my way to Madrid with the help of RVF International and the company staff. I have mainly worked with Harrison and Lourdes who have very diligently answered and handled all of my questions and concerns throughout this process. Harrison and the team have worked incredibly hard to ensure that all of the participants have a positive experience teaching abroad. I couldn't recommend this program more for anyone who is searching for an opportunity to travel to Spain!



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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program because I felt that RVF International really had my best interests in mind.

They made everything seem so personal, and it really made this huge leap of faith a lot less stressful. They explained that they would assist with every step of the way to get to Spain, and they did exactly that. They not only provided me with so many resources and so much guidance, but they were also there at a drop of a hat to answer any and all of my questions.

I am very pleased with my decision.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Where do I begin? There was just so much assistance along this journey to living and working in Spain. I guess I could start from the beginning.

RVF International helped me complete the application and registration paperwork, which is mostly in Spanish so having them assist me with everything to fill out was such a HUGE help. They let me know where to go to get the background check, the fingerprints, where to send all of the paperwork. They provided a step-by-step guide on how to fill everything out, but it was up to me to actually fill it out.

After the application was submitted, we began the Visa process. Very similar to the application and registration process. RVF International provided a guide and step-by-step form to obtain and fill out all of the necessary paperwork needed for the Visa appointment. RVF took the responsibility of scheduling the appointment for me, which was awesome.

After the visa was said and done, we began to prepare for my departure. RVF sent me numerous notes and ideas for things to pack, what to expect, and how to handle my first couple weeks in this foreign land. When it came to housing, RVF sent me a list of websites that Spain uses for renting apartments. It was really helpful, and the first place I went to go see, I ended up renting! (By the way, Google Translator became my best friend when I was house hunting).

The long term residency was up next and just like the visa, RVF scheduled this appointment for me gave me a list of everything I would need for this appointment, and let me know where to get all this new paperwork and how to fill everything out.

They really helped me with every step of the way during this journey, and I couldn't be more grateful.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Utilize Facebook groups to find other English teachers around you. I am in a small town and the only English teacher in my town. Thankfully I was able to find another English teacher in the town right next to mine via a Facebook group and we now hang out every weekend!

Don't be shy to reach out to people. Be prepared for the culture shock. If the going gets tough, just keep reminding yourself why you wanted to come to Spain in the first place and stay focused on that. Take advantage of all of the 3-day weekends!

Also, be prepared for the cold winters. Many rooms/apartments don't have central heating and it does get really cold at night!

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

For each participant, it will vary. For me though, I work 16 hours Monday-Thursday. Monday I go from 9-2. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go from 9-12:30. And Wednesdays I go from 9-1.

Each day after work, I either take a walk along the beach or lie down for a little siesta (I don't know when I'll ever have this much free time again, so fully taking advantage of it). During the evenings, I keep busy with my side online job. I then prepare dinner and watch Netflix to end the night. (I'm trying to incorporate practicing Spanish more!) Then I have my 3 day weekends to relax some more and take either some fun day trips or quick weekend get-a-ways!

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was the language barrier. And to be honest, it still scares me a little.

I came to Spain not knowing any Spanish, and it has been hard at times, but I have been able to work my way through every struggle and obstacle. Like I said earlier, Google Translator has become my best friend while I've been out here.

I now know that I shouldn't be afraid of trying to speak Spanish. It won't be the prettiest, I can guarantee that, but there is no better way to learn and overcome these fears than by practicing and gaining confidence that I can do it.

What was one of your favorite things to do while abroad?

One of my favorite things to do in my town is to explore the castle. It has so much history, and Game of Thrones filmed some of their episodes there!

There are so many castles throughout Spain, it's amazing. So much history and so much beauty.

I also love how there are palm trees everywhere. It makes life so much more beautiful!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Lourdes de la Torre Ramírez

Job Title
Teach Abroad Program Specialist
Lourdes de la Torre is Spanish born in Cordova, Andalusia. Prior to working in this company she graduated in a Master Degree in Audiovisual Translation in Madrid and worked in different translation companies. She then joined RVF international since she shares her passion helping people to travel to other countries. She loves traveling and meeting new people from different countries and cultures and that why she loves being part of this Team.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory was when I did my Erasmus in France in 2018. It was the best experience in my life. I went to Rennes, a beautiful city located in the north of France. There, I met many people from different countries and I travelled around Europe. Since that moment, I felt I grew as a person, feeling more confident and independent. It was an experience I recommend it to everyone!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I am more motivated and excited since I joining RVF International. Doing this job, I help other people to live in my country and experience the best adventure of their lifetimes.
As a Spaniard, I know my country well and I can help people to know more about its culture and to make people feel safe and confident when they leave their countries and come to a new country for them.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I think the best story I've heard from a returning student is one that thanked me for being there in every step of the process and anytime he needed anything we supported him and helped him with everything.
I think the most exciting of this job getting the excitement and happiness from people who joined our program.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would choose our Teach English in Spain Program because it's exactly what you need when you travel abroad.
The support you receive in every step before, during and after you arrive to Spain makes you not feel alone at no point and you can feel more relaxed in a country so far away from yours.
I would also choose this program for the confidence they give to their customers.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I think our company is unique because of the support and help we offer to our clients and the transparency of our service.
We focus on each person and we help them in every step of the abroad process. We try to understand each problem and try to give them the best possible experience for each of our customers.
I feel very proud of my team and the service we provide. Everything we do is done in the best way, thinking of the best possible experience that our clients can take with them.
The environment in the team is amazing! I couldn't be happier to work with people like this.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think the biggest factor that help our program to be successful is the confidence and the support we give our customers in every step of the process.
Our clients feel very comfortable in reaching out to our company because they know we are going to help them with anything they need in anytime. This incredible experience marks them forever and that is why they will remember Spain as an amazing place where they were able to live this amazing experience.