
From an Amsterdam coffee shop on a rainy day to Queen’s Day celebrations with friends, the country’s identity is woven around this one, untranslatable, Dutch word: “gezelligheid.” (The best definition we could come up with is a mix between “cozy” and “fun.”)

Known for their social tolerance, bicycle-culture, and obsession with the color orange, the Dutch are also renowned for their excellence at speaking English. The Netherlands ranked first in the world’s English Proficiency Index, a study done each year by a UK organization, Education First. So now the obvious question: Does the country even need foreign English teachers?

While there isn’t an urgent demand for English teachers in this little country, if you have the right qualifications, there are ways of finding teaching jobs in the Netherlands.

To teach English in the Netherlands, most teachers will require a bachelor’s degree and TEFL certification. The average salary for teaching in the Netherlands is $1,750 - $3,200 per month.

Types of Teaching Jobs in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has one of the highest quality education systems in the world. Here are the most popular places to find a job as a foreign teacher.

Private Language Academies/Schools:

International chain schools are found all around the world, and the Netherlands is no exception. These schools have English language centers in the country’s major cities, such as Den Hague and Amsterdam. If you’re new to teaching abroad, these kinds of schools might be a good choice because the minimum requirements are usually less demanding than job requirements at international schools. If you have a college degree and some teaching background (such as a TEFL or a CELTA certificate), you should be able to find a job at one of these schools.

International Schools:

These private schools provide Dutch students with the International Baccalaureate program, which focuses on either a British or American curriculum. From elementary to high school level, these schools teach a wide range of subjects and are the most competitive when hiring teachers. Teachers are expected to have years of teaching experience, as well as a B.A. or M.A. degree. To apply for a teaching job, you can contact the schools directly or attend one of their recruitment fairs. Take a look at their website to find out when and where they’re having recruitment events.


The heavy emphasis on globalized education means there are many English-speaking teaching positions within the higher education world. According to Eurogates, an online portal for Dutch education programs, the Netherlands had over 2,500 international university programs in English during the 2019 school year. If you want to teach at a Dutch university, you will need an advanced degree and recognized teaching experience and credentials before getting hired.

Finding a Job Teaching English Abroad in the Netherlands

When and Where to Look for Jobs:

The soul of the Netherlands isn’t found in just one city. Amsterdam is the heart of creativity and culture, Rotterdam is for business, and Den Hague hosts the politics. Maastricht, Leiden, and Arnhem are also popular towns where you can find teaching opportunities with international or private language schools. If you end up living in a different city from your job, it could still be an easy commute. The Netherlands has an excellent train system. If you’re teaching in Amsterdam but want to live in Utrecht, you’re only looking at a 30-minute train ride.

The best times to get hired are in August and December, several weeks before the school year starts each September and January. No matter where you choose to live, the weather is standard throughout the country, with damp rain and snow in the winter and mild summers. Bring clothes that can brave the rain and very warm gloves. The icy air seems even more intense while commuting across town on your bicycle after the sun goes down.


The bottom line for landing a teaching job in the Netherlands is to have some teaching experience, along with a B.A. degree. If you don’t have teaching experience, you should at least have a TEFL/CELTA certificate. A master’s degree and specific teaching credentials will give you a more edge if you want to teach at higher levels or in international schools. However, sometimes it just all comes down to nationality. Employers look for E.U. citizens because they don’t need a work visa. This brings us to the next topic.

Working Visas in the Netherlands

It’s very challenging for someone without E.U. citizenship to find a legal job in the Netherlands, as most schools want to hire British or Irish citizens. This is because they can work throughout the European Union’s 28 countries without a work permit. If you’re not an E.U. citizen, you will need a work visa as well as a residency permit. Since work visas are arranged through your employer, it’s usually advised to have a job set up before you arrive. E.U. citizens only need a residence permit, which can be obtained after arrival in the Netherlands.

Culture Tips:
  • When greeting close friends, the Dutch exchange three kisses on the cheek, starting with the left. However, in business settings, and when meeting people for the first time, people shake hands.
  • Punctuality. The Dutch place great emphasis on sticking with schedules and meeting times, and being late or canceling with short notice is not common and is considered very rude.
  • Cycling will most likely be your daily commute, as the Netherlands is one of the most bicycle-friendly countries in the world. It’s fairly easy to find a good, used bicycle for 50 – 100 euros from a local bicycle shop.

The Costs and Salary for Teaching English in the Netherlands

Entry-level teachers in Dutch primary schools had a monthly gross salary of a little over €3,000 a month, according to a 2017-2018 European Commission. No matter your salary, get ready to pay some high taxes (they hover at around 30% to 40%). The country spends a lot on social services, and the standard of living is very high, with a low poverty level. Like most of Western Europe, the Netherlands can be expensive, and the 2011 Euro Crisis only created a more tumultuous situation with exchange rates.

Since the Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, competition for housing can be fierce. To rent a room in the city, expect to pay around €550-€600 a month, according to Eurogates. A single studio apartment in Amsterdam can range from around €1,500-€2,000 euros a month. You can usually find less expensive housing in more rural areas outside of city centers. Don’t worry about being placed too far away from your school. Trains run fast, and you can get anywhere within a couple of hours.

Teaching Programs in the Netherlands

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 programs

Online TEFL Programs

A TEFL Certification will help you acquire the skills and qualifications to teach abroad in the Netherlands

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I teach English in Netherlands?

    In order to become a teacher in the Netherlands, you will have to have at least a bachelor's degree and previous teaching experience. While teaching experience is highly regarded, it's also possible to get a job in education with a TEFL or CELTA certificate. A master's degree or teaching credential is also helpful.

  • How much do teachers earn in Netherlands?

    A teacher's salary in the Netherlands varies depending on qualifications and experience, however, most English teachers can expect to be paid between $1,750 - $3,200 per month.

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