Volunteer abroad with IVHQ

International Volunteer HQ - IVHQ


International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) brings people together from all walks of life to make a difference on the adventure of a lifetime. We offer the world’s largest range of volunteer programs with 300+ projects across 50+ destinations - from teaching and working with children to medical missions, conservation and wildlife volunteering.

With over 13 years of experience, IVHQ provides safe, impactful and affordable fully-hosted volunteer experiences. Our multi-layered support network and flexible booking policy means you can volunteer abroad with confidence.

Our programs range from 1 to 24 weeks across premier destinations in Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, North America, Europe, the Caribbean, the Middle East and the Pacific.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in a new culture while making a difference? Join our 113,000+ community of IVHQ travellers who have spent over 7 million hours supporting local communities.


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Yes, I recommend this program

My Experience with IVHQ 5 Weeks Tanzania

Jambo, I'm Eden! In July 2021, I volunteered through IVHQ for 5 weeks in Arusha, Tanzania and it was the experience of a lifetime! From the moment I landed in Tanzania, I had amazing support from the local staff and the flexibility to make my experience the best that it could possibly be. Hope, the in-country volunteer coordinator was very attentive to my and all the other volunteers' needs, and offered all the support that we could ever need. IVHQ has so much to offer in Tanzania. I was housed with incredible people from all over the world, each who were put at a volunteer placement that was just right for them. On the weekends, there were numerous activities and excursions that I could sign up for, which allowed me to be even more immersed in the culture of Tanzania. From going on safari, to playing with the kids at my school, to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, everything about this program and this country is amazing! If you are considering volunteering in Tanzania, I would 100% recommended IVHQ!!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be open to brand new situations and dealing with the craziness that is Tanzania. The country isn't perfect, and you will find yourself in situations that may test your patience and comfort zone, but it is so worth the lessons that you learn along the way.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Medical Program in Cusco - IVHQ

I just returned from a 2 week medical volunteering program in Cusco, Peru through IVHQ. As someone who is extremely interested in international public health, I had high expectations for this experience. As dangerous as high expectations can be, all of mine (and many more) were exceeded in these 2 weeks. Not only was I able to learn from the incredibly knowledgeable healthcare professionals in Cusco, but my understanding of the culture was expanded more than I could have hoped for. I was worried that 2 weeks would be a lot, but I know that next time I go, it will have to be for more! I didn’t want to leave. The support from IVHQ was unparalleled, and I consider myself very fortunate for having this experience and learning so much!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you are from a flat area like myself, give yourself a few days to rest once you are in Cusco, the altitude is no joke. Also, although it sounds cliche, really soak in every moment that you are there. It goes by too fast, and you will soon miss those uphill walks and gorgeous Mountain View’s.
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Food rescue in Lisbon

Hii! I’m Eva and I’m from Spain. This summer I’ve just volunteered with IVHQ in Lisbon, Portugal, and I loved it, so I just wanted to help you in this journey! I did the food rescue program in the Refood Santa Maria Maior and I liked it so much, you can actually see your impact when you get to give the food to the people who needs it. I stayed at the Impact House, where everyone is so so nice and they will help you in everything. The food was good and healthy, and I loved the pool (and the Fini ice cream!). I was a bit worried at first because of the language and also because I’m 17 and i didn’t know how everything was going to be, but everyone (volunteers, internships, workers...) was very nice. I recommend you to stay more than a week, so that you can really adapt to everything, enjoy and make an impact. Lisbon is so beautiful, I really liked Lxfactory, Cascais, the pasteis de bacalau... It’s so hot in summer, and you also have always to take the green bus card (valid also for the train, subway, trams...). You are going to make a lot of friends here, and go out everyday. I hope this helped you ☺️

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I recommend you to stay more than a week! So that you can adapt and then enjoy and have an impact
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience in Croatia, on the Marine Conservation program

My volunteer trip to Croatia went perfectly well; the organizers were incredibly kind and through this experience, I was able to meet some amazing people, with whom I made some very strong friendships.
However, I was only in Croatia for one week and I think it should be stated on the website that one week is not enough for the marine conservation program. Indeed, since I was not at all qualified in diving, teaching me all the basics took the whole week and I had very little opportunity to pick up trash on the ocean floor.
Nevertheless, I still insist that it was an extraordinary experience and one that I will remember for the rest of my life!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Our volunteer schedule ran from Monday to Friday, so we had the entire weekend to enjoy our free time and visit the area. With my friends that I met on this program, we decided to do a 5 Islands tour. The first islands were certainly very beautiful, but nothing impressive. Then, the organizers of the tour announced to us that we would have to wait a little while on an island to reach our next destination: the blue cave. In the beginning, we just thought that we would have to wait for 30min, 1h at the most! But as time went by, it took more than 2h30 before we could leave. During this time, we really hoped that this visit would be worth it, especially since the island where we were waiting was almost uninhabited and we were very hungry...! So, once the waiting was over, we got back onboard a small boat and headed to the blue cave... The guide showed us the tiny entrance we had to pass through: it was so small that we wondered if we would even be able to get in! But once the passage was behind us, many admiration shouts rose among us: the beauty of the cave, of a brilliant blue, reflecting on the walls had amazed us all!
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My days at Tanzania where probably the best days of my life, I didn’t know I could learn that much in so little time. I was in childcare and teaching program and I learned more about the kids than they did from me, I realize how simple is to be happy and how important is to spread love, and just be happy. I was completely present in my 5 weeks in Tanzania, and I enjoyed everything. I will never forget the kids at my placement they are very special to me, the friendships I made the memories, and everything was incredible, I am looking forward to do another volunteer program with IVQH!!.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I climed de Kilimanjaro, it was the best experience ever.


Displaying 1 - 9 of 73

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I travel as much as my pay and vacation time will allow me, but I am single and usually travel alone. One day a coworker was asking advice on travel and asked if I ever joined groups (I did) and he asked if I'd ever volunteered while traveling (I hadn't). The question stuck in my mind as did the sudden realization that not only did I sincerely need a break from the drama of work and family, but I needed something in my life to feel I was connecting to something bigger, something important, something I could feel passionate and proud about.

Environmental protection had always inspired me. Was there a program that combined my two interests and the sudden need to express the part of me that longed to save the world? Yes! Of course; I knew I wouldn't save the planet, but everything about this program and company proved I could do something unique, something helpful, and that I could do so without paying a million dollars, having a special skill or going to extremes.

International Volunteer Headquarters (IVHQ) also had so many options that I really just had to toss a coin to figure out where to go. Africa/Nakavango seemed like such a rare opportunity that I couldn't pass up the chance.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

IVHQ provided a list of things to complete before I left & checked them off as I went. They also connected me to travel insurance providers, a community of people who could answer those little questions we have when going somewhere unfamiliar, indicated which vaccinations I might need, and directed me to the host country's visa website.

Most importantly, IVHQ hooked me up with their flight center.

Their very helpful staff ensured booking flights from Vancouver to Zimbabwe went smoothly and was cheaper than I expected. One other volunteer claimed to have found her own flights cheaper, but I was more than happy to leave the stress of finding the cheapest & most convenient flights up to someone else. They also gave a very general packing list, which I followed as best I could.

Doing the actual legwork for most other things was my responsibility. I had to ensure I got vaccinated and obtained malaria pills, got a criminal record check (good indicator this is a reputable program), and obtained travel documents & items for visas for volunteering in Zimbabwe.

The program manager in Zimbabwe helped with almost everything while there, including booking a taxi back to the airport and booking weekend activities. She even gave me cream for fire ant bites. I loved that woman.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I have two pieces of advice, one for travel in general (which I've known for a long time) and one specific to this program.

1: Travel is like many aspects of life: it goes better if you use common sense to stay safe and keep an open mind and easygoing nature to stay happy. Sometimes unexpected things happen. That's life. Use common sense to survive it and be ready to shrug delays or mishaps right off your shoulders. I was bitten by fire ants. It wasn't an experience I'd like to repeat, but I treated the bites with creams, learned to wear long pants, and in no way did I allow it to dampen my spirits or my desire to experience what I could.

2: Don't be afraid. There are people to take care of you, systems to support you, and there's always a solution to a problem. What I learned in this program was that sometimes people surprise you with their kindness. Don't be afraid to believe in people (but always remember common sense!). The volunteers I was with and the program operators astonished me with their good hearts. It made me regret not holding a fundraiser at work for this program, a choice I made because I forgot that sometimes people are good.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

I was only in Nakavango, Victoria Falls for two weeks and things will be different depending on how long you're there, time of year, and what is required (e.g. during the rainy season you might have to fix roads or clear debris from bridges).

Shifts for when I was there were about 1.5 hours each. Weekdays start at 6 AM. That means you have had your breakfast and are ready to go at 6 AM.

Monday we did game drives, getting oriented in the park or else doing an animal count. Tuesday we pulled datura in the morning. Datura was ridiculously satisfying to pull out and I could have done that nearly all day. In the afternoon, you might go to Victoria Falls or else do some chore around the compound.

Weds is the primary school where you'll garden or clear the field of rocks and the afternoon is enjoying the sunset with a beer after a drive around the park. Thurs we worked in the garden, digging garden beds and in the afternoon we packed camping gear and went camping. Friday morning half went pack to the compound and unpacked while the other half went tracking on foot. Friday afternoon we dug up lantana, which was the hardest work I had to do since the bush has to be taken out at the roots. All days we had about 5hrs between getting back to the compound for lunch and the 2nd shift of work or whatever afternoon activity was planned.

Weekends were usually spent in town doing tourist things.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear of going to Zimbabwe was simply getting a visa. I was terrified I would forget some little piece of paperwork and would be denied a visa. I got triplicates of every document and passport photos. Didn't get asked for any of it! This, however, doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared. It just means you shouldn't stress about things so long as you are organized.

The second biggest fear I had was that I wouldn't be able to contribute anything useful. I honestly had no idea what I'd be doing on a regular day. Thankfully, this program didn't require particular skills and we had people from 18-65 yrs participating. If you can prune a bush, you can do something in Nakavango. That IVHQ asked questions such as what skills I had encouraged me that I wouldn't be sent off to do something I wasn't qualified for.

What kind of travel style is this?

I compare the accommodations and services to a mix of camping and hotel or camping with a trailer/cabin with surprisingly comfortable beds. We had laundry services every Weds and, even though the washing machine was broken, the laundry was back by Thurs. Just note that apparently the guy who washes things likes to iron EVERYTHING.

While I was prepared for pretty much what we got, one girl was expecting to be out in the bushes without toilet paper. Seriously. She packed 9 packages of baby wipes, which she ended up donating (so, not a bad ending). We did have running water, electricity (carry a flashlight EVERYWHERE as power failures happen randomly), private rooms with a fan, wifi (not always working), a pool, absolutely excellent chefs (lots of pasta, rice, chicken, fresh veggies thanks to the garden, and fresh breads), cleaners, and the ability to choose our level of participation. If you really didn't want to do something, you might get teased or razed, but you weren't punching in a time card for work. One girl chose to do almost no work. As much as we disliked her for this lack of team spirit, it was her choice.

A little bit of advice is to bring more USA cash than you expect to use. There is an art market in town with plenty to offer (be prepared to be attacked on all sides by salesmen) and you will want to leave a bigger tip than you think for the staff at Nakavango. The cleaner not only had a nice little corner set up with trinkets that I wish I'd bought more from but he fixed my hiking boots. What did he do? He sewed through rubber so I could have my boots for another week. Apparently they will last another 20 years. I hate those stupid boots, but I wish I'd brought more cash to tip him, buy more of his artwork, and tip the chefs who were so committed to their job that I couldn't break it to them that I'd eaten in town and didn't need the dinner they'd set aside for me.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Why did you choose this program?

The IVHQ program seemed to offer all that I was looking for: destination, available projects, affordability, plus the fact that it not simply an adventure travel company. Their programs were dedicated to helping communities in need. The schools where we worked had all been built by volunteers, and we provided materials and labor to renovate and build toilet facilities for the children. A few weeks of work by a few people eventually build a school.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

IVHQ assists with everything: flight information, visa and health requirements, airport pick up, travel to placement, orientation, daily visits to the worksites, and regular meetings at our residence to discuss any issue.

The website provides most of this information in advance, but it's reassuring to meet "face to face" with the organizers. On our own, we have to arrange emergency travel health insurance, criminal background report, vaccinations, and visa requirements if required.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

In Africa, bring as few clothes as possible, and nothing with long sleeves and long pants. Clothes can be washed daily if necessary. Insect repellents are only required at night, as they simply wash away in the daytime by the heat. Bring anti-malaria medication and personal toiletries, and a small first aid kit.

My advice: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING! You will be with an outstanding group of people and you will have a fantastic adventure.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

Because of the heat in Ghana, all 10 of us only worked in the mornings.

In construction, we left for our 30-minute walk to the site around 6:30 am and it was an enjoyable walk, as everybody waved and greeted us. We returned to our compound around noon on motorbikes.

The childcare group prepared breakfast and lunch for the school children and were finished by 1 pm. Their school was only a 5-minute walk. Afternoons and evenings were spent reading, playing games, interacting with the children.

Weekends were for sightseeing, usually gone for 2 days (at our expense).

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I had no fears, no concerns. The website provides all the information that you need about your program. The country website (tourism) provides the rest.

As for safety, always remember that you are in a group. There are no safety concerns at the placement site, and we traveled on weekends in groups for 8 or more. Local people are very hospitable and helpful. You will soon discover that you have no worries.

Enjoy your stay.

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