
In an increasingly globalized world, achieving health for all has become incredibly complex. Health outcomes are no longer determined only by a country’s policies -- but also by global health institutions and changing environmental factors. As such, volunteers play an important and necessary role in shaping global health.

Whatever your motivations, you should remember that health and medical volunteering is not as simple as “lending a hand” in a community. It is very likely that -- due to staffing and resource shortages in low-resource countries -- medical and health volunteers will step into vital roles that have a real-world impact for community members.

Having said that, volunteers can choose a program that ensures an enriching learning experience as well as a meaningful impact in their chosen community. Such programs might include direct medical care, community empowerment through health education, or illness prevention through public health initiatives.

Where to Go

Medical and health volunteering is a diverse field that can take volunteers around the globe. No two countries are the same. Even populations within a single country might present very different health outcomes for volunteers to tackle.


Uganda is a beautiful East African nation that faces many of the common health challenges of the region, like HIV/AIDS and malaria. Volunteers in health will work with organizations that focus not only on the treatment and prevention of tropical diseases but community health education and the achievement of better health outcomes for rural Ugandans.

Dominican Republic

Sharing a border with Haiti, the population of this small Caribbean island nation has unique care needs that have been shaped through centuries of colonialism and poverty. Health and medical volunteers might find themselves working with community organizations that focus on health challenges around water and sanitation systems development as well as environmental sustainability initiatives.


Located, unsurprisingly, on the equator in South America, Ecuador is a culturally rich nation undergoing an ambitious overhauling of their healthcare system to achieve “Health for All”. Health and medical volunteers in Ecuador have the unique opportunity to work in family medicine and community-level health initiatives to understand, treat, and prevent negative health outcomes. Volunteers can also work to understand traditional routes to healing through the care of indigenous groups.


Given the sheer volume of inhabitants, India is a country that presents different challenges for health care delivery across its diverse regions. Medical and health volunteers can work with organizations that focus on the health outcomes of women and girls in India. This can be achieved through education on topics such as maternal and reproductive health and gender empowerment in the community.

Program Types

Medical Care Volunteering

Volunteers with a medicine-based skill set can align themselves with organizations working in communities in a number of capacities. From general medical care to specialized areas like dentistry, trained medical personnel are always needed. Depending on the country and region chosen, volunteers might work in a local hospital or accompany healthcare practitioners with their daily door-to-door assessments in the community.

Health Education Volunteering

When organizations need assistance spreading health information, they often turn to volunteers to develop a health curriculum and deliver tailored sessions based on the identified needs of the community members. Since every community setting is different, topics or themes can include maternal health, gender empowerment, nutrition, and even fundamental knowledge around hygiene practices.

Public Health Volunteering

Volunteers interested in preventing illnesses or understanding complex health outcomes can choose to work with public health practitioners. Tasks such as large-scale data collection through surveys and interviews and the distribution of tools like mosquito nets are powerful strategies used in effective preventative health measures.

Mental Health Volunteering

The mental health and well-being of communities around the globe are being eroded by contemporary global issues like prolonged displacement, armed conflict, and environmental disasters. Volunteers trained in counseling/psychosocial capacities can seek out organizations that look to alleviate the burden of mental illness.

Planning Your Trip

Planning a trip that focuses on volunteering in a health or medical capacity should not be taken lightly. It is important that potential volunteers look for a country, program, and organization that fits their skill set and learning outcomes while ensuring that their presence will also be useful and well-received.

How to Choose a Medical and Health Volunteer Program

An important aspect to consider as a potential medical or health volunteer is finding a program that fits your intended interests and skills. Different organizations will have vastly different mandates based on the health of the population they work with.

As for organizations and programs, look for ones that have a proven track record in their community and a structured program for volunteers to seamlessly integrate into. Ask questions about how they operate, who you will work with, and what your role will be as a medical or health volunteer. Before signing up for any program, do not be afraid to inquire further about the details important to your experience.

Health & Safety

Above all else, as a potential volunteer you should ensure that you are physically and mentally ready to travel overseas and conduct volunteer work. For those planning on traveling to a tropical climate, having your vaccinations up-to-date, carrying proof of your immunizations, and taking the right precautions/medications (if any) for your chosen region is important.

Before heading overseas, you should know all of the logistical details about your experience such as accommodations, meals, and transportation. Once you are on the ground in your host country, you should confirm all details for a safe and easy transition into everyday life. Following the guidelines set out by your host organization is a good way to ensure your health and safety while overseas.

Other Need to Knows

As a medical or health volunteer in a community, it is absolutely important to remember your status as an outsider and as a visitor. As such, you should conduct yourself in a respectful, polite, and professional manner while working with your host organization in the community.

It might be a good idea to do research about the culture, language, and traditions of the country and community you are visiting. Once in your community, when acceptable, do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions about local customs to ensure that you adhere to standards and have a positive impact on your community.

Medical Volunteering Programs Abroad

Displaying 13 - 24 of 518 programs

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