Harlaxton College

Harlaxton College


Harlaxton College (located in the village of Harlaxton just 70 minutes from London) is a Victorian manor house owned by the University of Evansville and operated as a unique study abroad program for students from around the world. Students can apply to study at Harlaxton in many different programs for both the fall and spring semesters, as well as a five-week summer program or short term experiences.

Harlaxton students come from all walks of life, different universities, and can study with us from gap year onward. We have multiple programs that allow you to have an immersive study abroad experience in an inspirational setting. Spending time with us abroad will be one of the best decisions you ever make!

We invite you to make Harlaxton your home and join our 50 year tradition of study abroad, intercultural learning, and the traditions of our amazing Manor House.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Couldn't recommend this program more!

I fell in love with Harlaxton not because of that beautiful old building, or because of all the wonderful travel stories. I fell in love with the Harlaxton community. The faculty are top notch, the staff had all sorts of crazy stories to share, and there were all kinds of fun activities to engage in. Everyone studying at Harlaxton was there for different reasons, but we were all able to come together through this incredible shared experience. This experience was beautiful in all of the best ways and I can't imagine not having gone!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Absolutely don't miss out on one of the weekly culture trips! I skipped a couple and still regret it to this day!
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Yes, I recommend this program


I have never felt more fortunate to engage in a study abroad program like Harlaxton. It allows you to meet people from all across the nation and even the world. It really is like going to regular school but in the English countryside. Travel on the weekends is highly encouraged and there are several resources available to help you with the planning process. Professors and staff understand the importance of cultural immersion and prioritize your travel experiences. There is no program like Harlaxton!!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Planning trips can be stressful, especially for the first couple of weekends. You have to make sure you perfectly align all cabs, trains, flights, and accommodations. You quickly start to learn how everything works and how you best travel. Just an awesome new skill to add to your resume!
Yes, I recommend this program

study at harlaxton!

A semester at Harlaxton is a semester well spent. Classes are of high importance and offer a standard of academics that are on-par with a typical university but are only M-Th (only M-W some special weeks!). This means you have almost every weekend to travel either around the British Isles or into mainland Europe! I went not knowing anyone and with no trips planned - I ended up making so many new lifelong friends and traveling to 7 different countries! You also have the opportunity to have a "meet-a-family" which is essentially a host family (except you don't live with them). This offers that host family feel and uniqueness that most programs offer, and your main residence is still in a gorgeous country house FULL of life and history. I highly recommend this program to any university student looking to study abroad during their college years - you won't regret it!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I took a solo trip to Norway during my semester at Harlaxton. All of my friends traveled to different places that weekend together, but I wanted this experience alone. It was terrifying but thrilling! I overcame a lot of the fear my planning my trip really well to avoid unnecessary bumps in the road when I got there, and it worked great! Being a solo female traveler, it also helped to book Airbnbs that were accommodating to that. I always knew that no matter what happened during the day that I would have a safe place to sleep that night.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Life-changing Experience

There was so much I loved about Harlaxton, it's hard to put it all down here. I suppose one thing I enjoyed and valued the most was the Meet-a-Family program. It helped me grow closer to the local community, as well as British culture as a whole. Plus, I made some amazing friendships and bonds with my fellow students and families who were a part of the program! The manor and surrounding grounds are gorgeous, and so much fun to explore and hang around in, no matter the season. The village of Harlaxton itself is also so cozy and quaint, and its people are so nice and friendly. Grantham was also a lovely town, small enough to not overwhelm but big enough to enjoy exploring all the shops and sights, though a word of wisdom to incoming visitors to the manor: don't attempt to walk to Grantham. It's a longer distance than you initially think!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Personal budgeting. You'd be surprised how quickly you can burn through money at the school's vending machines and in the Bistro!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Harlaxton Summer 2019

Harlaxton was the best experience a student traveling alone could ask for. I came from my university by myself and although I was nervous, once I arrived and met other people, I had easily acclimated into my new home. So, if you are feeling apprehensive about traveling alone, try not to worry too much about being isolated and struggling to meet people because you will be immersed. The living arrangements were better than my freshman dorms back in the states. The beds were comfortable and the wardrobes very spacious with desks for work needs. There is also a sink in the room which comes in handy for brushing your teeth and other morning rituals. The rooms do not have air conditioning though, and my room had one window, so it can get hot from time to time. The classes taught at Harlaxton are very good and easy going for the most part. You will have to put in some effort, but nothing too strenuous. MAKE SURE TO PARTICIPATE IN YOUR HOUSE COMPETITIONS. This was the best and most exciting times at the manor because you have to work with your teams to overcome challenges to win the house cup (which is the key to Harlaxton manor). This program, especially in the summer, is very fast paced. You arrive and have a full agenda from the early morning until the dead of night. This includes your meals, class, local cultural trips, exploring the manor, meeting up with friends, going to the bistro, packing for weekend trips, going into Grantham, participating in house competitions, etc. You will never find yourself with nothing to do. As for the school trips to Paris, London, etc. I recommend signing up for them if you don't know people ahead of time when traveling abroad. This way you have trips planned in advance and know all your travel arrangements. If you don't, then the friends you meet at Harlaxton might be going on the school trips and you will either have to stay behind those weekends or plan your trip entirely by yourself, which is stressful to say the least. Leaving one weekend open is also good so that when you do meet people you can plan a separate trip as a group if you want. All in all though the trips are fantastic and I highly recommend going on them, you will not be disappointed. Harlaxton and its staff are amazing, making you both at ease and nostalgic when you have to leave. If you like country scenery and taking pictures that make your friends home jealous, Harlaxton is for you.

What would you improve about this program?
I would suggest that instead of having one coach at the airport for when students arrive, there should be two. Many students flying over are all coming from different states, and flights are inevitably going to be delayed. Therefore, having two coaches at the airport at two different times (one in the morning and one later in the afternoon), allows all students arriving the chance to get to the manor safely. If you arrived late and missed the coach, like myself, you were stuck trying to find your own mode of transportation to the manor which is 2 hours from Heathrow airport.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Greta Becker

Job Title
Study Abroad Advisor

Greta currently works at the University of Evansville in the Study Abroad department. She started as the International Programs Office Coordinator in 2016 and transitioned to the role of Study Abroad Advisor in 2018. She studied abroad in Chester, England during her undergrad and started working in the field of international education as soon as she returned.

What is your favorite travel memory?

I traveled with a friend to the small town of Kinsale, Ireland over Christmas and had the most generous, thoughtful hosts at our B&B. On Christmas Eve, the family brought out a huge spread of food for us even though they had no obligation to. They sat and talked with us all night, telling us about their family and how they ended up in this town. They also went all out on Christmas morning and made us a full Irish breakfast even though we told them they didn't have to do anything for us. This unexpected kindness was overwhelming and meant so much to us.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have grown a lot since joining the Study Abroad office at UE. I started as the Office Coordinator, a position that was created to be a great introduction to the field and help me understand what goes in to making a successful Study Abroad program and office.

Over the next two years, and with the guidance and support of a fabulous group of colleagues, I was given more tasks and bigger responsibilities.

I was constantly presented with opportunities to learn, adapt, and improve. I saw changes not only in my work, but also in my personality.

I was fortunate enough to have had the ability to move up in our office to the Study Abroad Advisor position, and I’m still changing and growing to this day.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I love hearing the variety of stories that our returnees tell us, especially when it comes to the different ways that their Study Abroad experience changed them. One of my favorite things to hear is when students have a story about a time when things went wrong—their travel plans fell through, they had to change their classes last minute, they had to deal with something unexpected—and how they overcame those problems. These stories show how much students had to adapt and be flexible, and how much they have learned from dealing with these situations.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

With Harlaxton being our program, it’s hard not to want to be a participant. One of the great things about it is that while the core of the program stays the same, each term is different from the last. We offer different classes each term, have different faculty, and completely different groups of students (who really make each term what it is).

I think it would be great to go to Harlaxton for a semester and take plenty of English classes. As an English major, I think it would be fantastic to study some of my favorite English writers and then have the opportunity to visit the places that they wrote about and that inspired them.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I’m always proud of my team, so it’s difficult to pick one specific moment. One of the great things about our office is that we work so well together and are constantly collaborating. Even if one person is working on a project that another co-worker may have nothing to do with, we still keep each other informed, which helps the entire office run smoothly. We’re always there to help each other out, and we share in our successes and our set-backs.

This is especially the case with Harlaxton—we all work with the program in some way or another, and bringing everyone together to make sure it is a successful program for our students is something we take a lot of pride in.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think the biggest factor in being a successful company is to always collaborate and communicate. In our office, we get so much more accomplished by talking to each other and being able to ask others for advice. It is also very helpful when one person has to step in for another, for any reason. Because we work on so many things together and we keep everyone informed on what we’re doing, we can always lend a hand when it is needed. Beyond that, it creates such a positive and friendly work environment that is fun to step in to every day.

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