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Founded in 1998, GVI runs online courses, virtual programs and travel-based education and training programs in various countries around the world. Each program is manned by our own staff and aligned to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) – as well as the objectives of local partners. We welcome participants from all around the world and help facilitate their development into global citizens.

Our commitment to running high-quality sustainable development and experiential education programs has earned us recognition from numerous organizations such as Panthera, Save The Children, and the Seychelles National Parks Authority, as well as, Stanford, NYU, Duke, and Ohio State.

Being responsible in our contribution to sustainable development is at the core of everything we do and we are guided by our ethical commitments and human empowerment principles. We are truly a global family brought together by our dedication to long-term positive impact.


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Yes, I recommend this program

100% would recommend

I have just completed the Wildlife Conservation virtual Internship which included a course in careers in sustainable development and wildlife conservation. I was partnered with an organisation in Laos who are creating an education centre about the illegal wildlife trade. My group and I got to work with the organisation through zoom meetings and did research and created resources for them to use in the centre. I really learnt a lot on this course, not only about conservation but also about Laos and the culture there, careers advice and also about myself. It’s great because you know you are making a difference to the organisations you are helping.

I would really recommend this program especially to those starting out in conservation but also to those looking for a career change or even those who would just like to make a difference! I can’t wait to join another program in the future.

Response from GVI

Hi Ailee! Thanks for your review. I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed this program! It certainly sounds like you made the most of it. We'd love to see you registered for some of our other courses in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Marine Conservation in Mexico

I am a 26 year old female from the UK. The GVI Marine Conservation programme in Mexico was a lifechanging experience and I loved every second. It was a challenge and I was thrown completely out of my comfort zone, in the best possible way. I achieved my EFR certification and my PADI Advanced Open Water certification in the short time I was on the programme and made friends for life. The staff inspired me with their passion and enthusiasm for conserving the ocean and I cannot wait to get another opportunity to participate in another programme. The biodiveristy of the Mesoamerican reef and the diving opportunities were outstanding and I miss waking up to get on the boat more than anything. Thank you for an amazing two weeks!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be prepared for long and challenging days and make sure you have an adequate level of fitness prior to starting the programme. Also bring a lot of bug repellent - the mosquitos were relentless.
Response from GVI

Hey Coral, thanks for your review! I'm thrilled to hear you had such a positive experience with us and enjoyed your time on base as much as you did. We'd love to have you back on base sometime soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved it !

I am so glad I did the Wildlife Conservation Virtual Internship with GVI. I received constant support from my supervisor and had the opportunity to meet a lot of people and work with amazing partners from Seychelles and South Africa.
By working on 2 different projects, I truly felt that I was being useful to the partners and that my work would help make an impact on conservation.
I have definitely learnt a lot from this experience and I can not wait to join a volunteer programme with GVI soon !

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
When I first discovered the project that I was gonna be working on and all the data I had to analyse, which I had never done before, I felt overhelmed. But with the constant reassuring and help from my supervisor, I managed to overcome it
Response from GVI

Hi Maëlle! Thanks for your review. I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed this program! It certainly sounds like you made the most of it. We'd love to see you registered for some of our other courses in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Excellent and diverse program

I really enjoyed my 4 week virtual internship in Wildlife Conservation. I am currently off work and wanted to get involved with some hands on volunteering during my time off. Unfortunately due to Covid I could not travel, so I opted for the virtual internship instead.

The program really did exceed expectations! I got involved with two really interesting projects with two different charities. It was great to meet first hand (via zoom!) with the owners and staff working for these charities and my intern supervisor was always on hand to provide strong support throughout. The projects were really rewarding, knowing that the work that you were doing was helping to support the charities.

Aside from the projects I also completed two online courses that were provided with the internship, these were very interesting and had a good mix of reading, videos, quizzes and activities. Another highlight for me were the masterclasses provided every two weeks, where an industry expert would give a talk on their subject area. These were extremely interesting and it was great be able to ask them questions!

Other benefits of the program included networking events where you had an opportunity to meet with other volunteers and discuss current world topics. And last but not least, the careers workshops which provided useful information on how to find your ideal career and were also ran interactively.

As you can see the internship isn't simply just doing some work for a charity, it includes a lot of resources and the majority of it is ran interactively which is a huge benefit as it is more personalised to you! Not only is what your doing rewarding because you are contributing to the greater good, but you will also gain a lot of personal development from the program!

What would you improve about this program?
Meeting with the charity partners as soon as possible. The project brief is great to get you stared, but you really understand the needs and requirements in more depth once you have spoken directly with the charities.
Response from GVI

Hey Robyn, thanks for your great review! I am thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your time with us as much as you did. Your hard work and efforts have certainly impacted your project in a meaningful way. Please do keep on spreading your love for GVI. And obviously, we would love to see you registered for some of our other courses or on base soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Tropical wildlife

I've spent two month in Jalova scientific base in Costa Rica. It is located in Tortuguero National Park, in the middle of the rainforest just next to the Caribbean sea. It's been a wonderful experience, both social and scientifically enriching. I've loved my trip here and it taught me a lot about local species, biodiversity conservation and more specifically about jaguars, especially jaguar behavioring here in TNC, sea turtles and also birds. Everyday, we could learn something new or see species that we've never seen before as, around base, biodiversity is incredible and really unique.
Moreover, life on base was very basic. For example, we took water from a well and at night we were using torches; nevertheless it was such a good experience to live like this and we didn't feel like missing something, just adapting to live in the middle of the jungle without a lot of electricity and mosquitos instead.
People around here are really nice and friendly as well, and most of all very open minded which helps making your trip even better and enriching.
Finally, it was worth the trip to see all these different species of animals such as amphibians, reptiles, mammals, bugs and a lot of birds. I was impressed by the staff's knowledge about that and learned a lot in the field.
Finally, we could enjoy our free time by relaxing on the beach, reading a book, cooking for everybody, gardening, going birding in the coco plantation next to base or even building a new ping pong area at the time I was on base which was a really good experience too.
All volunteers feel involved in the conservation programs on base and all of our activities were important for the data, so I would say that volunteering in Jalova is really worth it.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't forget insect repellant and be aware of mosquitos, ants, spiders and others kind bugs bites ! They will bjte you anyway !
Response from GVI

Hey Emma, thanks for your review! I'm thrilled to hear you had such a positive experience with us and enjoyed your time on base as much as you did. We'd love to have you back on base sometime soon!


Displaying 1 - 9 of 33

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I’ve always been interested in conservation, but thought I’d never have the time to really explore what was available. Due to redundancy, I decided to act on this desire finally do something for me.

I am passionate about all wildlife and its conservation, but especially turtles due to their long life and the huge impact short sighted actions have on the population. I have been reading books on their history and work being carried out for them. The biggest impact for me is that the work you do now isn’t realised for up to 35 years, so what you do if for long term, not short term reward. Their beauty, grace and endurance being affected by their outright vulnerability in and out of the water gives me a heartfelt desire to do something to give them and their future a chance, even if that is only a few weeks to help a small amount on their, hopefully, long journey.

One of the first websites I looked at was GVI. They have many many hubs around the world with a diverse range of projects. After several informative and guidance emails and chats, it was clear that the time of year and my dates gave me 2x locations to look deeper into. I struggled to get the correct dates and thought another opportunity would pass me by. However looking at other sites convinced me further that GVI was the right one to go for. I changed my dates based on my research and the enthusiasm and support I was given from the GVI team, signing up for GVI Thailand - Ban Nam Khem.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

I contacted GVI direct from their website. Sending the first email was scary and exciting at the same time. I didn't really know what to expect and hoped that I'd made the right choice. The email response, information location guidance and their request to call me were very welcome. The call back I had really set the picture and even offered other programmes to consider to ensure I was getting what I wanted. Further research and GVI help reassured me that I was with the right people, going to the right place for me.

Before I signed up, I checked the flight and accommodation availability. Once all looked good, I signed up and started booking! The guidance for applying for the visa was spot on, I had to travel to London to apply and collect my Visa, but Visa support companies will do this for you. I booked the flight direct with Qatar, I also booked the first night hotel via Booking.com which was quick and easy to do. That was it, I was set to go.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

The one piece of advice is to have confidence that you'll have a great time. Selecting the programme you like means you will meet like-minded people and you'll have a great time. Volunteer holidays are full of opportunity, most people travel without knowing anyone and you'll leave with many new friends. Other advice would be to follow the GVI advice on research topics and to download an app with the country's language, it really boosts your experience.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

I was lucky as the timing was right for a couple of unusual events.

Most days comprise a morning and afternoon activity. Due to the Sun setting early, there's a lot to pack in. The Marine Conservation programme focusses on 2x visits a week to the Royal Thai Navy base to work cleaning turtle tanks, cleaning baby turtles and measuring and treating larger turtles for any infections. The programme also completes a 3 day visit to a couple of off-shore islands, completing butterfly, bird survey and Coral reef surveys. My time included 3x intern leadership project completions. The interns had been working on their different conservation projects and we worked for each of them for a day. The projects were to man stands in the local town to provide advice and awareness of issues within the country, help create conservation information posts to bring awareness of waste in the sea and a local garden to provide food and a better environment for volunteers. We also completed a sponsorship event raising money for food for the turtles.

Finally, you have weekends off, which most people take the opportunity to travel around the country together to visit other tourist attractions and cities.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was my age. I imagined a lot of young adults not wanting an old person of their parents' age around!! I'd left volunteering late in life, but couldn't let my concerns hold me back! From the moment I arrived, everyone was friendly and inclusive. It was easy to see that age was not an issue. In addition, there are more people volunteering later in life that I realised.

What was your biggest curiosity before participating in the program?

For me the one question I wanted to know was "Will it be worth it" As with all things in this world, you really do get what you pay for. GVI are not the cheapest volunteer organisation. I did consider cheaper offers, but my research led to me question their direction and motivation was not the same as GVI. The onsite staff are dedicated, the food is fresh and cooked by locals, the activities are vast and all with local people providing the transport, guidance, food, accommodation etc. To see where my money went really proved to me that it was the right choice, fair and well spent.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Rachel West

Job Title
Sales Account Manager

Rachel is a fun loving people person who loves adventure and challenges. Starting in the hospitality industry she gained valuable experience, but yearned for something with more meaning bringing her to GVI where she aims to grow and contribute to the change.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Camping on the white sand beaches of Watamu in Kenya with good friends. We were care-free, adventurous - hiking and fishing for small fish with the local kids. Most of the friends we made we had met at the location and they also spent the rest of the time with us.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Only just starting with GVI I see myself over the next few months gaining valuable information. Since starting with the company, however, I can already feel the presence of teamwork and care for one's fellow employee.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

As what appears to be a popular program at GVI, I recall a story of a volunteer working on the Jaguar program in Costa Rica. They told how they knew it would be amazing, but came out of it feeling sad to leave and feeling like their perspective of the world had changed.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

There are two that I have specifically eyed, the first being in Costa Rica working closely with the Green Turtles and studying their natural habitat and nesting habits. The second program that caught my eye is working with monks in Laos. This experience could be an eye-opening experience exposing them to education and myself to a new culture and way of life.

What makes your company unique?

GVI is unique as they are clearly focused on the experience of each and every person who applies for a program. Each person gets the necessary amount of attention and more. The company shows that they are about making a change and providing an experience rather than making money or an image.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

TEAMWORK. The only way a company can grow and become stronger is by each individual working together towards the same goals. When one link is weak, it will show quite obviously.

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