
An internship in Europe offers the chance to build an international network as well as come into contact with clusters of connections that have a history that precedes mass globalization. The European Union is one of the world's largest economies (in 2019 had a 15.8% share of the global GDP).

Although Europe was hit by the global economic crisis, the economies in many European countries are still robust, and many countries have retained their leading positions in a variety of fields.

The great cities of Paris, Berlin, Madrid, London, and many others call people from around the world to explore their streets. Europe's mostly open borders between countries also make it easier to explore different countries once you're there; hopping on a train from France to the Netherlands is super simple from an immigration perspective (less simple from the “getting luggage through the metro to the train station” perspective).

Top Industries


With such fashion capitals as London, Milan, Paris, Barcelona, and Berlin, Europe is an excellent place for fashion interns to learn more about the industry. Whether you are drawn to haute couture or edgy street fashion, there is a city in Europe that suits your style perfectly.

A European fashion internship offers the chance to break into the international fashion scene, step outside your comfort zone, and learn about how a whole new environment incorporates fashion into its world. Interns should keep in mind the big European fashion shows, such as Fashion Week in each city when planning their internship, so as to make the most of what their city has to offer.

Europe is a world leader in the fashion industry and you can be in the center of the action with Fashion Week Internships. Three of four major Fashion Weeks take place in Europe (London, Paris, and Milan. The 4th is New York). Paris, often regarded as the fashion capital of the world and birthplace of haute couture, and Milan have reputations for elegance and classical beauty. London and Barcelona, though they are more newly established as fashion capitals, consistently outrank their more classical counterparts in industry rankings. Berlin is known for its edgy street styles and strides towards sustainable fashion. Each city's fashion scene has its own unique feel that is closely tied to the city's identity. Working as a fashion intern will give you the unique opportunity to put your finger on the pulse of how major world cities see themselves.


France, the UK, Germany, and Italy are world-leaders in engineering and innovation. The field has long had an international component, which is only becoming more important as the world gets increasingly interconnected. An engineering internship in Europe is a great way to expose yourself to different methodologies and working styles as well as get hands-on experience and connections. With some of the world's top research centers located in Europe, whatever branch of engineering draws you in, you're sure to find an opportunity to do cutting-edge work.

The best European city for you will depend on the type of engineering you want to do. If automotive engineering is your thing, Turin in Italy and Munich in Berlin are great locations. For civil engineers, London is one of the best places to intern in the world. France, particularly the cities of Paris and Lyon, is a world leader in aerospace engineering and robotics.


The world's largest multinational corporations have headquarters in Europe, as well as important local companies and banks. Business interns in Europe have the chance to gain experience working in an international and globalized environment. In addition, open borders and economies in Europe provide great networking opportunities for business professionals. Whether helping to get a startup off the ground or getting your foot in the door of a major corporation, business internships in Europe have the chance to fast-track their careers and gain valuable industry experience.

London, the world's 6th largest economy, is one of Europe's premier business destinations and is particularly good for finance and public relations internships. Germany is also a great location for finance internships, in addition to having great marketing opportunities in Berlin. If France is more your speed, check out a hospitality or marketing internship in Paris. As an economic hub, Europe is a great place to look for a business internship right now.


Europe's political scene is truly international. Whether working with the United Nations in Geneva, or a local firm in your country of choice, politics interns in Europe learn how to balance individual national interests with those of the continent as a whole. With a political internship in Europe you can be involved in a national or international organization. Learning in-depth knowledge of your country's political history as well as the daily mechanics of political life, interns will gain valuable insight into their field as well as practical experience.

Political centers in Europe are Brussels in Belgium, the de-facto capital of the European Union, Geneva, home to the United Nations, Paris in France, home to UNESCO and the International Chamber of Commerce, and Berlin in Germany, where much of the European Union's financial agenda has been set. Each country's political sphere has a unique dynamic and history. Interning in politics will give you a unique understanding of your host country and a more nuanced view of its diplomatic and national operations.

Popular Destinations

Northern Europe: This region contains the Nordic countries of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark, and Iceland as well as the United Kingdom and Ireland. Weather in the Nordic countries tends towards the cooler end of the thermometer, and winters can be extremely harsh (nonetheless, in the summer, people do still go to the beaches). In the UK and Ireland, though the weather is far from tropical, have much warmer winters than the Nordic countries.

Cost of living in this region, particularly the Scandinavian area, is extremely high – Norway, Denmark, and Sweden have the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most expensive cost of living in Europe (FYI: Switzerland has the highest). Cost of living in Ireland and the UK is lower than in Scandinavia, but still relatively high. In Ireland particularly, everyday expenses like food can run very high.

In the Scandinavian countries, it is easier for current students to find internships than people not affiliated with a university, however internships there can often lead to permanent jobs. Therefore those who are seriously considering expatriating may still want to pursue one – keep in mind though, that for some countries, especially Norway, it would probably require having a contact in the country to get a placement. Popular industries are technical fields, business, and agriculture.

Internships for foreigners are much more plentiful in the UK and Ireland. Popular industries for internships in England are engineering, fashion, and business. In Ireland, marketing and environmental internships are popular.

Southern Europe: Comprised mostly of countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, this part of Europe is known for its climate, diet, and relaxed style of living. This is the area for people who want hot weather and days spent on the beach when outside their internship. The region also contains Italy and Greece, whose ancient populations inspired much of Europe's politics and culture.

The cost of living in this region ranges from low to moderately high. Italy is one of the most expensive places to live in the region; Albania is one of the cheapest. Many countries in this area, especially Greece, were hit hard by the financial crisis in 2009; however, that doesn't mean that there aren't still plenty of opportunities for interns as they continue to develop their economies.

Internships in this area exist across a broad range of fields, and there are many programs already around to match people with internships. Popular internships are automotive and fashion positions in Italy, communications and hospitality in Greece, and adventure tourism in Croatia.

Eastern Europe: Eastern Europe is home to beautiful mountain ranges, hot pirogues (dumplings), and gorgeous snowy days. This region contains countries such as Russia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Poland. Cities like Prague are known around the world for their architectural beauty. From the Lake District of Poland to Ukraine's hot springs and castles, Eastern Europe has a lot to offer in terms of scenic beauty. If you don't mind a cold winter (which is more than made up for by the hearty food and welcoming people), Eastern Europe could be the internship locale of your dreams. In general, this region tends to be the most affordable place to intern in Europe, so a great place to check out if the cost of living is a major concern. Popular internships in Eastern Europe are: teaching English throughout the region, hospitality and energy in Russia, journalism and media in the Czech Republic, and political science in the Ukraine.

Western Europe: This region contains some of the most popular European countries for internships: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Belgium. Cosmopolitan cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Geneva can provide the perfect backdrop for your internship. However, Western European countries also have beautiful pastoral landscapes, and interning in a smaller city or rural area could be just as rewarding. Not to mention, some of the world's gastronomic giants are located in this region – you could decide first-hand whether Swiss or Belgian chocolate is better, or taste all the cheese in France (fun fact: if you ate a different French cheese every day, it would take you more than a year to try them all!).

Cost of living in this area is moderate to high, dependent on country and location (cities are more expensive than more rural areas). Popular internships are: fashion and politics in France, IT and marketing in the Netherlands, and medicine and law in Germany.


Visa Info for Internships in Europe:

Visa regulations will vary by country. Typically, Americans do not need a visa for stays fewer than 90 days (this applies to countries that are part of the Schengen agreement), however, whether this applies to interns depends on the country. Therefore, it is good to check with the country embassy as to whether you need a visa, even if you will be interning for fewer than 90 days in a Schengen country. For stays longer than 90 days and for countries outside the Schengen area, a long- or short-stay visa, residence permit, and/or work permit may be required. The US State department has general entry and exit requirements listed for each country and is a good place to begin.

Work Culture:
  • Etiquette: Social rules regarding business etiquette vary widely by country as well as the type of internship. Just as a social media intern at a tech start-up presents herself very differently than someone interning with a law firm, so dress codes and hierarchical relationships within Europe have great variation. In general, it is better to lean towards being slightly more formal and then relaxing your style and demeanor as appropriate, as well as investigating the etiquette of your specific country. Furthermore, communicating with someone local who is in a similar position as you (another intern, or new entry-level hire) is the best way to get advice on the finer points of office etiquette.
  • Language: Over 200 languages are spoken in Europe. While English is a common second language in many countries, it's not a given that you will be able to get by in any internship with English alone. However, there are many providers that will set English-speaking interns up with internships in various European countries, and also provide language instruction as a part of the package. Nonetheless, speaking the local language(s) will definitely give you an edge. In addition, the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands are great countries for English-speakers to consider for internships.
  • Networking: Europe hosts many conferences, trade shows, symposia, and industry-related events. However, in some countries, people prefer to be introduced to someone before forming a business connection with them. In general, the best way to proceed is to build good relationships within your workplace and rely on people in your internship to connect you with others in your field.
Contributed by Robin Goralka | Header photo by Laura Brond

Internship Programs in Europe

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What European countries are best for internships?

    Some European countries and cities are more well-known for certain industries, so it depends on your preferred field. However, some popular countries include the UK, Germany, and Ireland for engineering and business, France and Italy for fashion, and Belgium and Switzerland for politics.

  • Where can I get an English-speaking internship in Europe?

    With over 200 languages in Europe, the UK might be the most obvious English-speaking country in Europe. While knowing a second language is helpful, you can find internships for English speakers in many European countries including Ireland, Netherlands, and Spain.

  • Do you need a visa to intern in Europe?

    Visa requirements vary by country depending on the duration of the internship and work hours per week. Most internships will require some type of short or long-stay visa with work rights, so it's a good idea to check with your employer or home country embassy.

  • Are internships in Europe paid?

    While you should be prepared that many internships provide non-monetary compensation like academic credit, it’s possible to find paid internships across various industries in Europe.

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