
Since 1962, BUNAC have enabled over 500,000 young people to go out and explore the world through global Work Abroad, Intern and Volunteering experiences.

All BUNAC programs include step-by-step support. Spend six months interning in London on our popular Intern in Britain, or 2 years working and living it up in down under in New Zealand - whatever you choose to do, we're passionate about getting you there. With year-round departures there's no better time to become a BUNACer, get outside, gain invaluable experience for your resume and meet friends for life.

Visit our site to start your adventure!


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Yes, I recommend this program

Absolutely amazing

BUNAC was so helpful all the way through the whole process. They were more than happy to answer any questions that I had and made things very clear and easy. They were also very quick and everything in total took about 2 months overall to complete. I am extremely happy and impressed with how everything turned out and how comfortable and happy I was with this whole experience. I can't recommend them enough they took such a huge weight off my shoulders and were so kind through it all. It was by far the easiest and most painless experience I've had with any kind of immigration or traveling service out there and they gave you such easy access to everything so I didn't have to worry at all when I got to Canada. They even answered the questions that I had as quickly as they did before I arrived. I can't suggest them enough, they really are amazing and know what they're doing.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
By far going to the border to have my visa approved but it's kind of their job to be a little intimidating I think.
Read my full story
Response from BUNAC

Hi Patricia! Thank you so much for your kind review, we are happy to hear that everything went smoothly and you are enjoying your time in Canada. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist you in the future.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Traveled in Ontario, Quebec, BC, Alberta and lived & worked in Montreal

I was so lucky to be able to use this program to experience life in Canada for 18 months! I worked with Lubka Jacobs to coordinate my visa, who was incredibly responsive and helpful every time I reached out to her. After traveling for 3 months throughout 4 different provinces, I chose to work in Montreal for the unique & fascinating culture. I had originally planned to live in Vancouver because of the incredible scenery, but ended up choosing Montreal after falling in love with the romantic architecture, the young & urban vibe, and the fact that almost everyone in the city is bilingual!

Don't let people tell you you can't live in Montreal without speaking French! There is a thriving Anglophone community here and there are plenty of job opportunities for both English-only and bilingual speakers. I worked as an English/Spanish bilingual debt collector, an En/Sp bilingual travel agent for a start up app, and an engineering technical drawer for an architectural lighting company during my time in Montreal. The work I did here improved my Spanish immensely and also allowed me to gain experience towards my career.

I was able to live a very urban lifestyle right downtown and took the Metro to get around the city (I rarely even took Uber because the Metro system is so easy and efficient!). I took French classes for a couple months et maintenant je peux parler, lire, et écrire un peu français :) Montreal is one of the most multicultural cities in the world and I have had the pleasure of working with people from all over the world: Ghana, Iraq, Mexico, Iran, Argentina, Egypt, China, Venezuela, the UK, Cameroon, the Philippines, France, Nigeria, Russia, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Guinea, and the list goes on - as well as from all over the US and Canada! Due to the incredible diversity, Montreal is a Foodie's dream city; you will never run out of new restaurants and cafes to try and you will never tire of poutine avec viande fumée! Montreal is in a great location so during my time living here I've also been able to easily visit New York, Maine, & Vermont. A note on the weather: I am from Georgia, so I'd never experienced real winters prior to living in Canada, and I loved it! Winter was beautiful and so much fun; even when it's freezing there are always people out and about skiing, ice skating, etc. If you're looking for a North American experience with a European twist that you cannot find anywhere else, come check out la belle province.

What would you improve about this program?
The program itself was great - they provided a lot of support and were always sending out job boards, social events, etc. The only improvement would be to offer more support in Montreal & the province of Quebec - there is no SWAP/BUNAC presence here as far as I know and most of the jobs and events on offer were in Toronto or Vancouver.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Vancouver, Canada, Internship and Now a Job as a Clinical Counsellor!

My position was unique as I was seeking to finish my final internship in order to complete my Master's in Social Work at Florida State University in Vancouver, Canada. I worked with Lubka Jacobs at BUNAC, who provided me excellent advice and recommendations in getting my work visa for Canada. She and all the staff I dealt with are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. The help documentation that they provide is very user friendly and to the point.

BUNACs prices are better than the other similar service providers and having this opportunity led me to getting a job in clinical counselling after finishing my internship!

There are lots of opportunities for jobs in Vancouver. My one recommendation would be to start looking for jobs and making connections before you arrive so that you are able to maximize your time in Canada upon arrival.

What would you improve about this program?
I found it to be beyond expectations. No trouble what so ever. To keep it this way, keep Lubka on the BUNAC team! She was so responsive and really knows her stuff!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Dream Programme

This experience was a dream for me. Because it is nearly impossible to have an internship experience in UK and especially in London. The words are not enough to describe London. London is one of the most imporant centres in the World in terms of work environment and the city's atmosphere. It is a leading city in the world. Since the beginning of my internship, I met with many people from different countries. The atmosphere is fantastic and it is even more cosmopolitan than any city in the world. The work environment contributes me in terms of discipline, vision and work experience. It is a great programme for everyone, because it has professional experience, a wonderful London experience, strong network and future opportunities.

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Yes, I recommend this program

USA Sales and Marketing Intern

The BUNAC was extremely helpful in providing expert advice on my intern in Britain programmed! I cannot give them enough praise, the Arizona team made it very easy to help me out throughout the entire Visa process, I think I called them everyday with questions! The London team really helped me out once I arrived and provided the assistance I needed throughout the internship. I would highly recommend BUNAC as they allow recent graduates the opportunity to come to the UK to gain international work experience which has been invaluable to me and a fantastic experience.

Thank you BUNAC!

What would you improve about this program?
If a company has bad reviews, mention it to your applicants before hand to ensure they end up in the best possible internship and share any reviews about companies you are previously aware of.



Displaying 1 - 9 of 11

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Patricia Yerden

Patricia is a 26 year old living in Canada for the first time. She moved to Canada to live with her fiancé and is very excited to start working and expand her resumé.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program because last year I moved to Canada and was here on a visitor visa, but I wanted to do something else, as well as extend my time here before my fiancé and I could get married and apply for a spousal sponsorship. I also really wanted to do something with my spare time other than just waiting and I wanted to get a job to help with finances, so we were introduced to this program and applied right away.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The program provider was very helpful with answering any questions that I had about the visa and the process leading up to the activation. They were very clear about all of their instructions and were very quick to get back to us as soon as possible. I had to work on my resumé on my own, as well as submitting the documents that were required to submit to the government, as well as to make an account on their website on my own. The things that I had to do alone were very easy and straightforward, nothing that was confusing, and if I was lost on anything, I could simply just ask and they were happy to help.

We also had to go to a border crossing and activate my visa ourselves; since I was already in Canada, we had to drive 6 hours down to a land crossing to circle back around and activate it.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Be very, very organized. Triple check everything that you have; this will make your process as fast and painless as mine was.

Don't try to skimp out, and if you think even for a moment that you'll need a document but aren't 100% sure, bring it anyway. My fiancé and I had a binder for all of my paperwork that I need that we organized and made very neat and easy to find any paperwork that was asked for right away. You're never too organized or too careful when it comes to these things.

I didn't think I was going to need my divorce papers because I didn't think they would matter, but I brought them anyway when we went to activate my visa, and I ended up needing them, so bring whatever you think you might need.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

It doesn't look any different than a normal person's week/day. I'm sure others in this program would say differently, but their headquarters are based out of Vancouver and Toronto, which I'm sure, if you were there, you'd have more to do with their scheduled meet ups and what not, but I live in Edmonton, Alberta and am nowhere near there, so I don't participate in those. Other than that, life is pretty much the same for me since I already lived here before I'm just able to work now.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear has and always will be the border. The people who work there can be pretty intimidating at times, but that's because it's their job to be: they're trying to catch you off balance to make sure you're not lying about something. I overcame it because it had to be done and we were so organized and ready that I wasn't really that scared of them and they were pretty nice and quick this time, so we were in and out fairly quickly.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Gouri Joshi

Job Title
Intern in Britain Co-ordinator

Gouri! Introduce yourself to the world.

My name is Gouri Joshi. I’m BUNAC’s intern in Britain Co-ordinator, and I’ve been at this wonderful company for over a year now.

I’m an easy-going person, and my favorite thing to do is spend time with my family and friends, seeing attractions and new places, and eating great food!

Where have you traveled to?

Lots of places! My travel highlights so far include Paris, Switzerland, and Italy – they’re surrounded by such natural beauty it’s hard not to feel at peace.

Next on my to-do list is Greece, because I find the culture fascinating and I enjoy learning about Greek culture. My colleague Marisa, whose family is from Greece, always gives me new Greek recipes to try and tips on which Greek islands to visit.

Tell us about your background – where are you from and where are you now?

My hometown is Kolhapur, India, but I grew up in Pune which is a city full of multi cultural people. It’s known as the land of education, because a lot of good institutes and universities are based there.

I’ve lived in London for almost seven years – it has always attracted me because of the amazing job opportunities and of course the lifestyle – I love British culture.

What do you do in your day to day role at BUNAC?

As a BUNAC Coordinator, I deal with partners of the Intern in Britain team as well as talking with many employers who will be sponsoring internships for young students.

My job is great because I get to visit new people embarking on a new life experience, as well as gain an inside perspective of how a variety of different companies work. Each day is different.

Most of all, I enjoy talking to customers and helping them through their journey from the moment they start their Intern in Britain application to when they arrive in the UK to start their internship!

What BUNAC program would you go on?

The Work New Zealand IEP program; it’s a unique program only offered by BUNAC. In a nutshell, it allows people between the ages of 18-35 who may have already had a working holiday to work and travel there for up to 12 months. I’ve never been to New Zealand and I find Kiwi’s very interesting (the people, not the fruit).

Where are you desperate to travel to next?

Definitely America! It’s one of the world’s biggest and diverse countries. I just want to go all around the whole continent actually, North America and South America. I want to explore everywhere I can, especially Los Angeles!

What do you love most about Intern in Britain?

I like visiting new companies headquarters and meeting new people. It’s great to go into to a new office and learn how a company works, and it’s pretty rare as well to be able to do that in other job roles.

I enjoy understanding the role of the intern in their company and learning more about the different industries that they can intern in.

What makes BUNAC a successful travel company?

We are customer obsessed. My priority every day is to make sure the customer is happy. I’m very proud of BUNAC’s commitment to service; we complete the process of the customer’s journey in time and work our hardest to make sure they are happy and satisfied. That’s the most important thing.

Last but not least. Why is traveling abroad your bread and butter?

Visiting new places and becoming immersed in their culture improves your knowledge and it makes you feel happier as a person. Traveling is so therapeutic, and it gives you such positive energy which makes you stronger as a person.