  • Thailand
    • Chiang Mai
2 to 5 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Summer Winter
Guesthouse Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)


Starting Price
$1,995 USD
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Aug 09, 2021
Feb 10, 2020

About Program

Our Thailand program is all about showing you the authentic side of this amazingly beautiful country and its people. Immerse yourself in Thai culture and remote hill-tribe communities working alongside locals on a variety of sustainable agriculture, reforestation and English education projects. Your Thailand volunteer trip culminates with bamboo rafting, elephant trekking (through the jungle!) and bungee jumping! There’s no better introduction to Southeast Asia than volunteering in Thailand.

Extend your trip with GIVE's Southeast Asia Package! Cross borders and save $500 by combining Thailand and Laos into a 4-week journey.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Volunteer on sustainable agriculture projects
  • Embark on a bamboo rafting journey
  • Thai cooking classes
  • Trek for elephants in the jungle
  • English education

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Program Reviews

10 Rating
based on 16 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 100%
  • 7-8 rating 0%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Impact 10
  • Support 10
  • Fun 9.9
  • Value 9.9
  • Safety 10
Showing 1 - 8 of 16 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Trip of a Lifetime

I think about this trip every single day. Perfect combination of cultural learning and immersion, volunteering, excursions, and vacation! I fell head over heels in love with Thailand and all of the people. I went completely alone not knowing anyone in my group and left with lifelong friends I still keep in touch with 4 years later. I couldn’t study abroad so looked into GIVE over winter break and recommend it to EVERYONE! Highlights included teaching in the school, 5am walks to look for elephants, ziplining through the trees, and celebrating New Years with the community.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Say yes to absolutely everything. I usually proceed with caution anywhere and everywhere but raised my hand to volunteer for every opportunity and had no regrets.
1 person found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Say YES to new adventures!!!

There is not a day that goes by where I don't think about my GIVE trip! This was my first time traveling on my own, and my first time out of the country, so my parents and family were skeptical about letting me go. However, from day one GIVE was clear and informative of everything from expenses, to safety, and their mission. The guides provide materials to prepare volunteers for their trip well in advance and are supportive throughout the entire process. My favorite part of the entire experience was getting to meet the locals and other volunteers. I am so thankful to have been able to work, learn, laugh, and dance with some of the most incredible humans. Never did I imagine that a group of strangers would feel like a second family in such a short time!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers is to take to heart the knowledge that is taught to you during the group chats, and use that information to your advantage whether it be changes in your own life or just spreading awareness to others.
16 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a lifetime

This trip was one of the best two weeks that I have experienced. It completely blew away my expectations, between the people, the food, and the culture. Everything we did on this trip and were apart of in some way helped the local community. Our group helped in spreading our wealth & resources by visiting many different villages and getting the opportunity to learn about the different cultures and the things that they spend their time on (basket weaving, weaving clothes, etc.), while feeling totally apart of their community. As individuals, we learned the importance of voting with your dollar and supported many local villages around Chiang Mai. In our volunteer work, we were able to work in the schools in Muang Khong and teach the kids English, which was just as impactful on me as it was on them. Working on the permaculture sites also opened my eyes to how hard working and driven everyone is to be as self- sustainable as possible, and being so passionate about everything that they do, no matter how difficult it may be. We were also able to trek for elephants and hang out with them, while learning about responsible elephant tourism and the importance of it. This trip was a very positive experience and changed my outlook of what it means to me to be a global citizen.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I think to me what was most surprising was going into the schools. Between learning that the kids don't get much attention from their teachers, and even just seeing the conditions of the school and classrooms, I was shocked at how eager they were to learn. Their excitement and determination was truly inspiring. It really showed me how much we made an impact on their lives in such a short period of time.
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thailand will forever have my heart!

This trip was truly an adventure of a lifetime! The guides were fun, informative, caring, and did their absolute best at making sure everyone was having a fun and fulfilling experience. The views and adventures were amazing! Caving and rafting down the river were a couple of my favorite experiences. Getting to interact with the locals, learn skills from them, and experience their culture first-hand is a very special aspect of this trip. Hearing a school teacher talk about his appreciation for GIVE's work in his community is something that really impacted me and I will remember forever. Being able to support such amazing communities in Northern Thailand was such a fulfilling and humbling experience that I would recommend to anyone!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Bungee jumping was the most nerve-racking moment on the trip, but the guides and the group as a whole were all very supportive. From the beginning of the trip, the group deciding on the motto- "send it." We encouraged each other to "just go for it" and face as many fears as possible on this trip.
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Wow! Coolest and most different experience of my life. Very adventurous, culturally immersive, and on the move. Reach villages you would never get to traveling on your own. So many incredible aspects of the trip including teaching English to elementary school kids, assisting with permaculture on an organic farm, hiking, caving, interacting with elephants, completing crafts with women in the villages, etc. GIVE is an incredible organization that travels responsibility and does a great job explaining their intentions and the behind-the-scene details of everything on the itinerary. Everyone who goes on these trips has an adventurous and giving heart, which leaves everyone bound to bond. I learned so much about Thailand, myself, and the world on this trip and would go back in a heart beat. Would recommend to anyone and everyone!

17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best decision you'll ever make

I first heard about this program sitting in class by a random loud kid running in and talking about elephants. As someone who adores elephants I was immediately intrigued by the idea and make it my goal to go on this trip to pursue my dream of seeing elephants. I had heard good things from other students in my school who also attended this trip but at the time i didn't know that after two weeks my life would do a 180. With this trip I was able to fully emerge myself in Thai culture with the locals. Each local I met and talked now holds a special place in my heart. Apart from learning a new culture first hand, I've made friends that will last a lifetime as well as unforgettable memories. I honestly recommend to just jump right into this trip and don't look back. you wont regret it.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
For future travelers, keep an open mind throughout this whole trip. You will be present with situations you would never imagine yourself being in but at the end of the day you'll be glad you said yes to them.
15 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Changed my view on the world

I went into this experience with little expectations and was surprised with the time of my life. I craved the adventure but what I didn't know was that this trip was gonna change my life. The relationships I created with my fellow volunteers, my guides, and many native Thai people filled my heart and I'll cherish these relationships for the rest of my life. I still got the adventure I craved but served in a totally different package. Helping elephants, bamboo rafting, bungee jumping, and staying up late with these newfound friends of mine made me never want to leave. This trip made me want to adventure not just for myself but to got out there and devote my time to the betterment of lives that need it most. I didn't wanna help people before I went on this trip but now I want to do it for the rest of my life.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't go in with expectations and you'll be awe struck at the things you'll learn. Unplug from your world back home and immerse yourself in this experience. Become a GIVE volunteer and it'll change your life.
17 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Way to See and Impact the World

This trip was honestly one giant, amazing 2 week blur. It's amazing how much can be packed in only 2 weeks! GIVE and all of the people who run it are really amazing people who love what they do and dedicate their time to make sure every volunteer is having an amazing time! Not to mention the amazing volunteers I met and became friends with. Everyone is nervous when it comes to traveling to a different country, especially if it's your first time but I never once felt unsafe. We got to bungy jump, trek elephants, visit temples, bamboo rafting down the Mae Tang River, and make crafts with locals while also making an actual impact in the community. Getting to teach Thai kids English and see them grow academically was really the centerpiece of this trip. You learn so much about the culture and the amazing people in Thailand, and you also get to appreciate the fact that you have the power and resources to help another human being(s). You will definitely gain more from this experience than by visiting the country as a tourist! Impacting a community, marking off things in your bucket list, and growing as a person; reserve your spot and get ready to talk about it for years to come!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would definitely have taken a decent camera to take video and photos. With so many amazing things happening it can be great to have something to remind you of all of the crazy things you did and all of the amazing people you met. Journaling is also a decent alternative that many of the other volunteers did! Definitely do Laos while you're there!!!
18 people found this review helpful.

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