  • Scotland
    • Edinburgh
Academic Year, Fall, Spring
Subject Areas
Anthropology Astronomy Biology Classical Studies Creative Writing Geology Music Physics Psychology

Program Details

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See website for details. Scholarships available!
Jun 03, 2021
Jun 12, 2018

About Program

A favorite destination for study abroad students, year after year!

Edinburgh is one of Arcadia’s top study abroad destinations - with good reason.

The city itself is absolutely beautiful, and this world-class research university is nestled into the city itself, creating a student-centric environment that is both scholarly and fun. Edinburgh is centrally located in Scotland and well-connected to everywhere else you could possibly want to go in the UK.

Subject areas range through dozens of disciplines, and include arts, humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, languages, divinity studies, education, law, medicine and veterinary medicine, and music. Credit structures mesh well with home-school requirements. Activities and support are provided by the friendly and welcoming staff of the Arcadia Edinburgh Center, which is located directly on campus.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Arcadia excursions enhance cultural immersion and provide meaningful context
  • You may take an Arcadia Cornerstone Course, Cross Cultural Travel Writing, through Arcadia's Edinburgh Center
  • Arcadia's Edinburgh Center is right on campus
  • A world-class research university in a student-centric city
  • Centrally located in Scotland in a beautiful and welcoming city

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Program Reviews

8.86 Rating
based on 7 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 57.14%
  • 7-8 rating 42.86%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 5.4
  • Support 8.4
  • Fun 7.4
  • Housing 7.9
  • Safety 9.1
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

University of Edinburgh Spring 2018 Study Abroad

Overall, my time in Edinburgh was a dream, filled with magical moments and friendships that I will treasure for the rest of my life. It wasn't always perfect, however. During the dark, winter months, I found myself isolated, depressed, and unsure what to do with my days. Because of professor strikes, I did not have many classes or homework. This meant that many days, I did not have any real reason to get out of bed in the morning. This, coupled with the bad weather trapping everyone inside, made for some tough days. The mental health resources were there, but not super accessible or helpful. Luckily I made two great friends with whom I explored the city and traveled with. Once the weather got better, and classes resumed, I felt more like myself again. For the last month and a half, I fell completely in love with the city and had more adventures than I thought possible. I met someone in the meadows, who that same day lent me her camping gear, I hiked Arthur's seat to watch the sunrise (highly recommend!!), I explored Crammond Island, I backpacked/camped in the Pentlands, found secret gardens throughout the city, barbecued on Portabello Beach, walked through Deans Village and the Botanical gardens, volunteered in people's gardens, discovered countless cafes and hole in the wall restauraunts/bars, traveled to Glasgow and the Highlands, and so much more. I learned how to confidently connect with strangers and put myself out there. I learned how to make things happen, execute ambitious plans, and work through crises. Although I wasn't pushed academically as much as I would have liked, I developed many valuable life skills. I wouldn't change anything about my semester abroad; I had the time of my life.

What would you improve about this program?
The program itself is pretty well organized/designed. The only thing left is for YOU to make use of your time there.
10 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

University of Edinburgh

This was a wonderful experience. I met so many people from all over the world, travelled to cool places, and learned a lot about myself. The most enriching thing from this experience was meeting people from different countries. Since Edinburgh is such an international city, it was easy to meet people not only from Europe but from Asia as well. I'm glad I didn't hang out with Americans as much. Meeting all these people helped me realize it's impossible to really understand other people and yourself without meeting people who have been brought up in completely different cultures and environments. The Arcadia Global Studies program facilitated a few trips that I took advantage of. I really appreciated that the trips were well though out, subsidized, and informative. I was also really pleased with how kind the program staff was. Although I never really sought out help, I wouldn't have hesitated if I needed it.

What would you improve about this program?
It would be nice to have more local events in Edinburgh. This doesn't mean to eliminate the foreign travel (please keep it!) but it would've been nice to learn more about local events as an incentive to engage more with Edinburgh.
9 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Arcadia Review

I thought Arcadia did a great job of getting us all to Scotland, hosting an orientation, and getting us to our individual accommodations. They were very organized, and were always there to help if you needed someone. Their excursions were very fun and well organized. Arcadia made the transition from America to Scotland much easier and fluid. I really appreciated having them as my program advisors.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I was dissappointed with was the homestay. I showed interest in doing a homestay and I was never contacted about it.
10 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

University of Edinburgh

One of the best experiences I had abroad was the 'reading' week we got off in the middle of February. While most people I knew went to Portugal or Greece, a friend and I decided to fly to the arctic. In the northernmost part of Norway, we went on a midnight dogsled through the wilderness. That alone would have been an incredible experience. But as we returned to camp, I noticed a faint silver thread floating through the sky. I stopped. I let go. I sat into the snow as the darkness opened to greens and pinks drifting through the sky. Before, when I pictured the Northern Lights I always pictured an overwhelming magnificence that was, for some reason, loud. But out there, I was struck by the most beautiful silence. Pure and soft. Everything else disappeared.

11 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I wasn't prepared, but I'm glad I went

Having never traveled overseas, I suffered some culture shock upon landing in Scotland. First, no one mentioned that Scotland is actually on the same latitude as Alaska, and so the sun makes a VERY short appearance during the winter days. This in combination with cloudy skies, rain, and a relentless wind, made my first few weeks in Scotland a tad miserable. In addition, coming from a small rural liberal arts school, I had to quickly adapt to big university life in a relatively small, but still urban environment. For me, studying abroad wasn't about falling in love with the place, but about pushing myself to try new things. Don't get me wrong--Scotland is absolutely one of the most beautiful countries in the world. In fact, I can't wait to go back to the Scottish highlands in the future. But, studying in Scotland taught me that I don't want to live in a city, that I don't want to live where the sun only shines for 5 hours during the winter, etc. Regardless, I'd still do it again.

I met some amazing people during my time abroad. And yes, the miserable weather and lack of sunlight was a huge talking point. But, what I liked most was that Edinburgh attracted people from all over the globe. I met so many people from Australia, I could travel around that continent just sleeping on friends' couches.

The academics are comparable with U.S. universities, but the workload is distributed differently. With three classes and only two assignments per class, I had to manage my time very efficiently to ensure that I got the work done and done well.

I encourage anyone interested to go to Edinburgh in the fall semester. You get better weather and plus you'll be there for the Christmas/New Years festival, which is world famous. While the program is longer in the spring, just be aware that spring break leads into the exam period, which together lasts 5 weeks. So, that's five weeks of just living in Scotland (after you've already been there for 4 months) which can get pretty boring if you have exhausted your financial resources.

11 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Program

I went to University of Edinburgh because it was one of 3 programs offered for my major so I did not know what to expect, but the University, city, and people more than exceeded my expectations. The Arcadia staff thinks of everything you could need like a historic Scotland and rail cards, which come in very handy. They are always available and provide awesome events to get to know students studying at other programs throughout Scotland. There is always so much to do and the city is so beautiful I never got tired of walking around exploring the sites.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing I wish that the program explained more about the grading system and what is expected of students. Much of the orientation was about adjusting to the culture and location and expectations with the schoolwork (especially the grading conversion) would have been useful before starting classes.
11 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Scotland the Brave

This program was exactly what I was looking for in a study abroad experience. I loved that I was immediately integrated into the University and had the chance to live with other Scottish students and feel like a real student, rather than a tourist during my time abroad. It was easy to get involved on campus and in Edinburgh there is always something to do whether it's going to a festival or a market, grabbing drinks at the pub, or taking a stroll by some of the gorgeous parks and landmarks that are sprinkled throughout the city. In general, Edinburgh is an incredibly walkable city, but if you need to go a further distance, the bus system is easy to navigate. I also appreciated Arcadia's role in my time abroad. They provided a great support system and plenty of excursions around the country so that we could get our touristy fill from time to time. Overall, I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants a more independent study abroad experience in the context of an incredibly friendly and liveable city.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish that the program had provided more excursions outside of Scotland and perhaps into England, Ireland, or Wales.
9 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Sama, our programs are available to students studying at accredited US and Canadian colleges and universities. We always recommend you speak with your study abroad office before applying for a program as some schools have pre-approved lists of study abroad programs available to you.