  • Italy
    • Milan
12 weeks

Program Details

Fall Spring Summer
Apartment Host Family
Weekly Hours


Starting Price
$0 USD
Price Details
Contact IES Abroad or see website for details: www.IESabroad.org
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Some Meals Travel Insurance Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
May 20, 2021
Sep 27, 2019

About Program

Intern in the economic, fashion and financial hub of Italy. You can practically feel Italy's pulse in fast-paced Milan. Getting to work is affordable with the tram, subway and bus systems. For lunch, grab a quick bowl of minestrone with your coworkers, or fill up on risotto alla Milanese or the regions's famed ossobuco.

An IES internship develops your professional skills, your ability to communicate across cultures, and provides substantive work experience to jump-start your career in today’s competitive job market. The optional language class increases your Italian language proficiency and fluency.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Before you go, we work with you to fine-tune your resume, perfect your cover letter, and hone your communication and interview skills as we prepare you for working in a new cultural environment.
  • You'll be guaranteed a placement at a local business or organization where you will work up to 40 hours a week.
  • Develop your professional skills and gain substantive work experience to jump-start your career in today's competitive job market.
  • Share a furnished apartment with a fully-equipped kitchen with three to five IES Interns.
  • Get to know Milan through extracurricular activities and cultural events.


IES Abroad Scholarships

IES Abroad Scholarships and Financial Aid

As far as we're concerned, financial limitations shouldn't prevent you from studying abroad with us. That's why we offer more than $5 million in scholarships and aid.

$500 - $5,000

Popular Programs

student standing in front of the Duomo di Milano

You’ll be guaranteed an internship placement at a local business or organization, where you’ll work for at least 25 hours a week. We will work with you to help find the closest match between your expressed preferences and professional goals with what’s available via IES Internships in Milan. Build an international résumé, develop cross-cultural competence and vital professional skills, and prepare yourself for the global workplace with an internship in Milan this summer.

group of students on the Duomo di Milano rooftop

You’ll be guaranteed a semester-length internship placement at a local business or organization, where you’ll work at least 25 hours a week. Upon arrival, our Milan Center staff will welcome you for orientation and give you an introduction to the city, housing, commuting, and professional and cultural expectations. You'll also enroll in a 3-credit internship seminar with other IES interns, where you’ll learn about local business settings and opportunities, as well as an Italian Language course.

Program Reviews

9.33 Rating
based on 6 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 83.33%
  • 7-8 rating 16.67%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Growth 9
  • Support 9
  • Fun 9.7
  • Housing 9.2
  • Safety 9.7
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Greatest Experience of My Life

I have never traveled overseas alone before. As a graduate student, I had grown comfortable with the routine of things, from classes to rotations, and weekly exam reviews along with work obligations. But one day I woke up and realized that after I graduate, I wouldn’t have time to learn what life is like in another part of the world like I could as a student. As someone who has always been curious about other cultures and as a strong believer in bridging gaps in communication between different populations, I wanted to be able to really learn from life across the world and then use that knowledge to direct my own career in the future. While my university does offer a plethora of classes that can educate people about different cultures, I knew that there was a clear difference in learning about it and learning within it.

I spent weeks looking for internships that could apply to my interests while also providing the security that I wanted as someone studying abroad alone. When I discovered IES Abroad, my entire life changed. From the beginning of the application to when I arrived back in my home state after my 8 weeks living in Milan, Italy, the staff was there 100%. They helped me get my documents together for school and were very organized in helping all of the study abroad students get acquainted with the schedule and their expectations of us once we arrived. In addition to a class focused on cultural differences, society, and economics, they offered a free Italian language class, which was SO helpful when it came to my internship site and when I travelled to other places over the weekends (which they let us do!). I wanted to explore the Psychology field as it isn’t really discussed in my program, and they partnered me with a psychologist who had just created his own psychology company. It was so educational and enlightening, and my former boss and I still talk to this day! They have an incredibly vast array of programs and subjects that students can choose from, and they even give you the choice of interviewing with your potential boss while studying abroad before you even arrive in your study abroad country! I really liked that they were committed to helping me find a good fit from the very beginning.

In terms of location, I was in the HEART of Milan, in a gorgeous apartment, with three other American students and one community assistant (a native Italian college student). It was so safe and secure, which was something that made everyone so much more open to exploring their surroundings and really immersing themselves in the culture. They also provided everyone with a student health insurance plan that was included in our tuition fees. In terms of pricing, IES is one of the most affordable internships I have seen, and it definitely had the most coverage in terms of securing a placement geared to the student’s needs, safe and convenient housing, optional trips within the IES program (which were also SO much fun), health insurance, and weekend travel opportunities. I will forever be grateful for IES Abroad and the amazing staff that helped me learn so much about the world and so much about myself this past summer. A piece of my heart will always be in Italy.

If you're thinking about studying abroad but feel like there are so many reasons not to-- trust me, DO IT! Take a chance on yourself. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I spoke with a lot of people who had studied abroad before, and they all told me to keep a journal. I thought that was kinda lame, so I didn't think to do it, but looking back, I definitely wish that I had. It goes by faster than you think, but it's the little things that you hold on to forever. Every once in a while I see or hear something that reminds me of something from Italy, and it makes me so happy. It would be nice to have a book full of those memories. Also, if I could do it again, I would travel alone an equal amount as when I traveled with other people within the program. It's super fun to travel with other people, but it's eye-opening to travel alone.
7 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Great Experience!

I didn't really know what to expect when going into this program because it was my first time ever going abroad. I was super nervous about safety concerns abroad and the community in general. IES Milan was super helpful and everyone was super welcoming. I was placed in an internship that aligned really well with what I wanted to do. The staff in Milan were also super accommodating to people who wanted to change internships. The accommodations that we received in Milan were also very nice, we were placed in safe neighborhoods that were close to the inner city. Everything in the city was extremely accessible and I had time to travel to other parts of the country which was really fun! I didn't know anyone going into the program but I got close to my roommates and traveled with them making lifelong friendships.

9 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer in Milan

Over Christmas break this past year I sat on my computer and looked at various different study abroad websites. I knew that I wanted to study abroad, but I also knew that I needed to build my resume during the. When I came across the IES Abroad Internship Program, I knew that it was a perfect fit. Not only could I spend an amazing summer in Milan, Italy, but also gain cultural and work experience while doing it! I worked for a tour guide business called Autostradale doing event planning and marketing. The workers were so helpful and welcoming and we still keep contact. I learned so much from them over the course of two months, and they continuously told me they learned from me as well. I also got to travel on the weekends with my new friends and visit beautiful countries such as Spain, Greece, Prague, and Monaco. Milan’s northern location in Italy made it very easy to travel by both train and plane. The friendships I built are still alive and well in the United States and we plan on visiting each other soon! I have had several job interviews in the past month and they have all asked me about my internship. It definitely built my resume and added global knowledge to my background. It was a wonderful experience that I will cherish forever!

6 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Business in Milano

Before my arrival to Milan, I was terrified. As I sat near Gate 10 waiting to board my eight-hour flight, I thought about all the things that could go wrong. What if I am not prepared at all for my internship? What if I get lost? It was hard to imagine myself working in an entirely different country for two months.
As I got closer to Milan, things began to get more real. I had to trust my instincts and trust that my previous travel experiences had taught me enough. I arrived safe and sound to Milan, was greeted warmly by IES staff and was put in a cab to my new home, Via Pontaccio 15. As I anxiously peered out of the window of my taxi and inhaled the Milanese air, I realized that while I thought about all the things that could go wrong in Milan, I did not consider everything that could go right. It was then that I started to imagine my new life in Milan (if only for two months). What if I found a permanent job here? What if I became completely fluent in Italian? What if I never leave?
These new exciting thoughts flooded my brain as I pulled up to my chic Milanese apartment in the Brera area of Milan. I was taken aback by how comfortable and right at home I felt right away.
The following week, I started my job as an intern with Promos, a business event planning company within the Milan Chamber of Commerce. All of the staff were so warm and understanding of my language barrier and worked with me every step of the way. I had the opportunity to have my own desk, equipped with my own computer and phone—I felt like a real employee.
On my second day with the company, I was already helping the company with necessary duties at a private event to have it run smoothly! I was surprised at how quickly I was helping the company in a very hands-on way. Throughout my work experience with Promos, I had the opportunity to visit the World Expo Fair, which was an incredible adventure.
With Promos, I was respected, and was able to become very close to my co-workers, while also learning so much about Italian business culture. I wouldn’t trade my unique experience for the world. I am thankful to have been placed with such an amazing company in an amazing city.

What would you improve about this program?
I would suggest the program look more into who they are admitting into the program.
7 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Everyone says the same thing because it's true, IT'S WORTH IT

There are so many stories I could tell but I'll share this one because it shows a good lesson.
My internship placement was in a startup building with other companies. One guy in the building had a videographer who needed an English speaker for another project he was working on. I had made friends with everyone in the office so he asked me if I'd be interested in being in the videos. I said yes, it sounded fun! To film the scenes I got to see more places around the city and I even got 200 euros out of it!
My point is take every opportunity that comes your way, that's how I made the most of my trip. And I left Italy with more connections, friendships, knowledge, and memories than I ever thought I would make.

5 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Milan Publishing Internship

I absolutely loved having the experience of doing an internship abroad; I was able to gain valuable work experience in my field while experiencing a different culture and taking advantage of the many opportunities to travel.

However, I would caution that my experience was based on my getting the internship that I needed for my professional goals. Some people ended up with internships in kind of random organizations, and to me that would not have been worth it - the cultural immersion was still there, but the classes offered through IES were not particularly valuable.

What would you improve about this program?
The internship seminar, which was required by my home school and IES, was not particularly useful. It could be changed to take up fewer hours and offer more concrete lessons.
5 people found this review helpful.

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