Multiple Locations +8
  • United States of America
    • Boston
    • Washington D.C.
    • San Francisco
    • San Diego
    • New York
    • Miami
    • Los Angeles
    • Chicago
  • Spain
    • Seville
    • Madrid
    • Barcelona
  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
  • Northern Ireland
    • Belfast
  • Mexico
    • Playa del Carmen
    • Mexico City
    • Guadalajara
  • Colombia
    • Medellin
    • Bogota
  • Canada
    • Vancouver
    • Toronto
  • Australia
    • Melbourne
120 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement
Apartment Host Family Hotel


Starting Price
$1,500 USD
Nov 07, 2019
Jul 26, 2019

About Program

Globally recognized and accredited by the University of Cambridge, the CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is a highly regarded TEFL program among employers across the globe. Offered at several Teaching House locations worldwide, the CELTA course offers an intense and detailed curriculum which is taught and overseen by experienced teacher trainers who will help you learn the most effective teaching methods. You will learn by teaching real non-native speakers and implementing the skills taught to you into your lesson plans. Considered a rigorous yet highly rewarding program, the CELTA course will prepare you for a successful English language teaching career.

Program Reviews

9.48 Rating
based on 44 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 86.36%
  • 7-8 rating 13.64%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Benefits 9.7
  • Support 9.8
  • Fun 9.2
  • Facilities 8.3
  • Safety 8.7
  • Instruction 9.7
  • Support 9.8
  • Value 8.8
  • Academic Rigor 8.6
  • Job Assistance 8.3
Showing 1 - 8 of 44 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Hard work that pays off

I haven't been in school for 10+ years so it was hard to get back into that school work mode but it was ever so worth it. Great instructors - learned so much from them. Daily schedule is structured great - plenty of balance between input sessions, breaks and being able to actually teach in the afternoon was immensely important. Classmates were very helpful and everyone works together to complete tasks - there is no "i want a better grade than you so I'm not going to help" everyone was in it together. Do not expect this course to be easy but as long as you put the effort into it you will be able to pass. Glad I took this course and have the CELTA certificate that will allow me to begin the next chapter of my life.

Highly recommend this course if you want to get into teaching english.

14 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Intensive Course that Teaches Many Things

At some point during the curriculum I realized, perhaps because hitherto I'd had no previous teaching experience, knowledge of grammar was far from being the main focus. That's not to say that I believe if one were deficient they wouldn't encounter a mighty struggle, no; only that there were many more details relating to other aspects of teaching. In fact, one thing that intrigued me most about this course was how it went about demonstrating the process of acquiring knowledge, and all that that might entail. It really is hard for me to go into detail, though I'd like to, because I wouldn't want to spoil anything! (and, in all honesty, because I am still looking through my notes and other literature in an attempt to apprehend more...). Paula Ellis and Lise Bell taught the curriculum and I believe were more than equal to the task of guiding us neophytes; especially when thinking, now, about what was being taught.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would change the choices I made concerning time-management (hint hint)
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Washington, D.C. CELTA

There was a lot of work involved in taking the CELTA! I loved the course, loved the people I studied with and particularly appreciated Paula Ellis and Adrienne Radcliffe, both absolutely fabulous trainers. The workload is challenging, and having the structure and clear guidance (at which both excel) to put order into the rather large amount of information we were absorbing in a limited amount of time, made my experience a really positive one.

16 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

"Intense" = Hard

I am a lawyer, so teaching English as a second language is a new career path for me. I've been out of school for a long time, too. I was probably the eldest in my class.

I took the CELTA course in 4 weeks, because my personal situation required me to take the condensed course. I wish I had taken it over a longer period to let the sheer volume of the material sink in more. It is VERY condensed, and quite demanding, and valuable.

There are two reasons I think CELTA is the premier ESL training program. First, you teach real students immediately, and second, you get thorough feedback after each & every teaching session. That's extremely important and I think it's unique to CELTA.

The trainers are grammar gurus, too. They KNOW their stuff and can articulate it well, and usually can help you figure things out for yourself (which is what we need to do for our own students, so they "walk the talk").

The only problem I faced (other than the sheer volume of information), is that there was a lot of education "jargon" which was totally new to me. Their methodology seems sound, so I trusted it even though the underlying theories were not always intuitively obvious. Also, there are a ton of different reference materials used in the course. But there's no central index, so you have to spend time looking for things that could be found more quickly with an index.

I graduated in late July, 2018. Within days of posting my ESL resume online, I had employers inquiring. I had to narrow my search down b/c I was actually getting too many inquiries. (This job search was more immediately productive than looking for a job as a lawyer, believe me). The CELTA course is more expensive than other ESL courses but I have a hard time believing the other courses are as thorough.

I signed a contract to work overseas within a month of graduation and am moving to Eastern Europe next week. I chose this particular job because they are modeled after CELTA's program so their content & approach were familiar. Also, the interview on Skype was with staff who were very warm, open and supportive. They were not recruiting so much as looking for a good fit. I didn't want to jump into a classroom without any support for my first teaching job. So that sealed the deal for me.

This career change is doing exactly what I hoped it would do. I have always wanted to live overseas, immerse myself in a new culture, and I've always wanted to teach. I leave for Poland next week, 6 weeks after graduating from CELTA.

What would you improve about this program?
For me, it would have been useful to get a course overview with terms explained, upfront.

Suggestions - If I had known then what I know now, I'd have prepared more by reading as much as possible ahead of time. Review grammar terminology you have likely forgotten, and read the CELTA pre-course materials. Once you are in class, ask questions of your trainers early on, don't wait until you are behind.

Also, there were so many different sources of information & reference material, that it could be time-consuming to know where to look. For instance, as a lawyer, I'd know which book to read for specific types of cases and exactly where to go, just by checking online or in a centralized index. But that wasn't the case for the course, although the main student coursebook is solid. So it would be very helpful to have a central index.

These suggestions should not be confused with criticisms. I loved this course. I found it demanding, challenging, and valuable.
14 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CELTA program San Francisco summer 2018

Excellent training for anyone that is looking to teach abroad or pursue teaching as a career. When I was looking for a certification course to teach abroad I found a lot of online programs, however, I wanted the most experience for what I was going to pay and finally came across the CELTA program. They give you actual experience teaching in front of a class, lesson planning, and observation feedback from a trainer that helps you every step of the way. If you're someone like me that has little to no experience teaching from your own lesson plans then I would highly recommend this course. Coming away from the course I feel so much more prepared to go out and teach, even beyond ESL. However, some words of warning when they say it is intensive it is definitely intensive. I recommend not working because it will take all of your time and concentration. This is one of the most stressful things I have done and feels similar to being in finals week of college, except for 4 weeks. Be prepared for being pushed and devoting 4 weeks of your life to this course, I really do promise it's worth it.

What would you improve about this program?
More PDF access to books that are kept in the class (i.e. grammar books, phonology books, workbooks, etc). Office hours for trainers. More in class time to work on written assignments, maybe condense some of the input sessions to make some time for in class work.
13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best CELTA course available

Having recently graduated from Teaching House's CELTA course in San Francisco, I can say with complete honesty that it was a very rewarding experience. I will always remember the friends I made on the course and the students I had the honor of teaching over the 4 weeks.

The schedule was packed on a day to day basis, filled with lesson planning, teaching, observing peers, receiving/giving feedback on teaching performance and sitting through valuable input sessions from the tutors in the evening on a variety of teaching strategies and topics (including how to find a job after the CELTA).

The course is very challenging. I had to say "no" to friends' requests to go hiking/have lunch on a weekly basis because of lesson planning and projects that we had due every week. Having a part-time job on the course is not feasible and is a recipe for burnout (although, a couple of trainees did work a job about 8-10 hrs a week - but it was much more stressful for them, and it showed.).

The tutors (instructors) gave consistent, constructive feedback on the content, framework and delivery of the classes taught by the trainees and made every effort to support the trainees by answering questions, offering advice and engaging the trainees in conversations about their own experiences teaching abroad.

The classes we taught were multi-cultural and the students were (for the most part) eager to learn and have their English critiqued.

I've come away feeling confident in my abilities to take on a classroom, either in the U.S. or abroad, and put the new skills I acquired on the CELTA course to work. I definitely recommend this course to anyone serious about becoming a teacher, whether as a career or just for a year!

12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Back to School, and Off in a New Direction

I signed up with Teaching House full of bravado and confidence rooted in a 32 year career in policy analysis that, among other things, demanded precise and fluent oral and written expression in English nearly every day. I was a master of my native language, I told myself, and the Teaching House CELTA course would be like plowing a field of sweet whipped cream. Well, the reality turned out to be quite different. Mastering the use of English, on one hand, and understanding its rules, and being able to convey content and theory in a manner helpful to an English learner are two very different things.

The Teaching House experience was constructively humbling. Weekdays were full of learning the new craft though guided "input" sessions, and afternoons were spent teaching or watching others teach, and then reflecting on strengths and weaknesses of the lessons. Then, planning the nine lessons and preparing the four written assignments pretty much took over my entire life outside of the full day at school. There were moments of defeat, despair, and near-exhaustion, but the competence and encouragement of the teachers and of my fellow student helped me endure and succeed.

I can see now why CELTA is considered the gold standard in ESL training. Teaching House Chicago is a great place to be certified. You will have extremely competent instruction, constructive and incisive feedback on all your efforts, and moral support to sustain you through low moments. You will also develop new friendships that you'' want to sustain. And you will emerge with well honed tools and an eagerness to use them on the road to mastery of a new craft. Take up the challenge!

12 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

CELTA Course @ Oxford House College (Teaching House - London)

Besides the cocktail of energy drinks I heavily binged during the last two weeks of this 4-week course, the culture of the class, the amazing students and tutors, and the beautiful classmate teachers I made made it extremely worth the work.

Teaching House, particularly, Oxford House College, is a great place to do your CELTA. I was pretty lucky having only a total of six students (including myself) in my CELTA wave. We got immense attention from the tutors due to the small class size.

If you're from the United States and are considering in doing the CELTA, I highly recommend doing it in the UK. The cost of the course, flight ticket, and housing will add up to the same cost it would take to do only the course in the U.S.

Lizzy and Makkie were my tutors. They are the epitome of Teaching House. The cream of the crop. Count yourself lucky if you get to be beside their wing. With all the expertise they have, they never make students feel like their less than them and fully believe in each student's ability to excel as an educator.

Check them out! You won't regret a single pence.

What would you improve about this program?
The tutors could be more in sync with their requests of the students. Sometimes we would get confused after hearing unparalleled request about assignments from one tutor to another.
15 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Teaching House is not a placement organization, so the organization does not find placements for their students/graduates, but they offer excellent job listings and have an extensive network of former CELTA students who are willing and able to offer advice or suggestions. During the course, the trainers help hone your resume and interview skills, and they are happy to answer job-related questions...

There are so many positions out there to teach English to businesses/ business professionals. I have taught several classes myself- in fact they were always the best classes to teach! One thing to keep in mind is that most companies will hire an ESL teacher for their employees through a language school. The reason for this is that companies want to make sure they are getting the best quality of...