  • France
Project Types
Education Teaching ESL

Program Details

Age Min.
Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Host Family


Price Details
Host family search, screening, and placement process
Single room accommodation with carefully screened host family
Three home-cooked meals a day for duration of program
Local office support
Comprehensive medical insurance
English as a Second Language Teaching Resources
Pre-departure orientation
Culture & Etiquette Guidebook
Resume-enhancing experience as a Private Language Tutor
Learn a new language through immersion in a different culture and country
What's Included
Accommodation Meals
Aug 26, 2021
May 13, 2021

About Program

Teaching English in a homestay is your opportunity to become an English language tutor for a local French family while sharing their everyday life.

English tutors spend approximately 15 hours per week conversing with members of the host family to improve their fluency in English. The rest of the time is yours to experience France like a local and immerse yourself in the French language, culture, and lifestyle.

Program Highlights:
--Volunteer tutoring position with a local host family
--15 hours per week teaching- rest of the time is yours to explore and travel
--Placements throughout France
--Accommodation with local host family
--1, 2 or 3 month placements
--Rolling start dates twice monthly

Start dates are monthly and teachers should plan on applying at least 8 weeks in advance of their desired start date.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Host family accommodation and meals included
  • Assistance from a personal program manager before, during and after your program
  • 15 hours of tutoring per week leaves time to learn French and explore the country
  • 24 Emergency contact service and medical insurance included
  • Pre-departure orientation & cultural training provided by your program manager

Program Reviews

8.83 Rating
based on 23 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 82.61%
  • 7-8 rating 4.35%
  • 5-6 rating 4.35%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 8.7%
  • Impact 8.5
  • Support 8.7
  • Fun 8.2
  • Value 8.4
  • Safety 9.2
Showing 1 - 8 of 23 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Cut short, but well worth it

I was accepted to teach in a French school rather than homestay, the program was canceled after I had been accepted. Rather than making me shift to a different program, Greenheart worked with me and allowed me to do what I had initially intended. I adored my host family and school, and had a great connection with my teachers and the students in my short time there. My host family really helped me to adjust to France, and taught me a lot of words and phrases that I could use. They encouraged me to explore the town and city, and taught me how to cook and bake French foods. It helped me grow my confidence as a French speaker, and someone who works with students. I was supposed to do the 3 mos. program, but left after 1.5 weeks due to Covid. Greenheart and its partners were helpful and understanding, and did the best they could to answer my questions in such an uncertain time for the world. They answered my questions as best they could, and I am looking to do another program with them in the future. I cannot say how the price of the program matches what was provided since I did not get to fully experience it, but I do not regret going. I spoke conversational french, but far behind the level that I thought I did. I suggest being truthful with your language level, and learning the basics.

What was your funniest moment?
My host family had a blackboard in their kitchen that they wrote french-English words on. There were many fun times teaching the kids and parents new words. A favorite was "Zucchini", which my host brother shouted a lot, and taught his friends. My host parents spoke good english because of work, so they asked very specific questions about English words and sayings. In my first few classes, students asked me questions the entire period, and I loved the random things they came up with.
9 people found this review helpful.
Response from Greenheart

We reached out individually to you but we wanted to thank you for writing this review. We really appreciate your kind words and for being such a wonderful person to work with during such a difficult and complicated time. We’re so grateful to hear that you loved your family and felt like it was a great learning experience for you. Hope that you can take another travel journey soon! Cheers, Greenheart Travel

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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences I've ever had!

My experience with Greenheart was absolutely amazing! I was placed in the South of France with a small and sweet family. We all got along really well and the girls always made effort to learn and speak English! My experience was very unique because of my family's schedule. I would spend weekdays with them, but on weekends they would leave so I got to explore and do my own thing! Greenheart made my experience such a breeze! With such a reliable and responsive team, I never really felt like I was alone being abroad (especially as it's my first solo trip!). I loved my experience so much I decided to stay for the rest of the year here in France. It's an excellent program that I would recommend to anyone wanting an immersive, cultural adventure whether it be for professional or personal reasons!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I did this program over, I would speak to my girls in even more English than I did. As their English level was quite low, I tried to meet them in the middle to get to know them better and communicate with them, or explain complex ideas. So there were times when I did speak French to them. I feel like I was afraid of making them hate English even more than they did, however I should have just spoken more English to get them to try even more. My advice: try to speak as much English as possible. Your family will love you and because of that they will try as much as they can to communicate with you! Be fearless!
13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a Lifetime

Greenheart Travel allowed me to make my dream of living in France a reality by living with a family and teaching them English for a month. From the moment I committed to the program, the Greenheart staff were so supportive, organized, and welcoming. Over a month, I tried new foods, went to local festivals, improved my French, and even tagged along in a helicopter over the Pyrenees mountains. I learned so much about myself and my place in the world. I was able to do some traveling on my own of the region, but my favorite parts were everyday goings-on. My host family has become like a second family to me, and we are making plans to meet in a few months. I highly recommend GT to anyone who wants to travel and experience a country's culture firsthand!

What was your funniest moment?
I meant to say "I'm full" at the dinner table one night, but it really meant "I'm pregnant"
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


This entire experience is hands down, the best experience of my life so far! I got to see France from a local’s view and completely immersed myself into the daily lifestyle and culture. My host family and I hit it off right from the beginning and that’s a huge part as to why this program went so well. I got to explore so much of southern France and a few other places. I figured out how to navigate myself in a foreign country which was a huge challenge at the beginning, but I became confident by the end! My host family hardly spoke any English when I first got there, mostly due to lack of confidence and vocabulary, but once we bonded, they were speaking English all the time! It was great to see them build their confidence by having to practice their English all day long!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Have an open mind and don’t be afraid to try new things and travel solo! Have fun with your host family and be yourself. If you’re shy and timid, there might be an awkwardness there and they may not be as comfortable talking to you. And spend time with them! If they’re home, don’t go to your room, sit with them and talk! Any time my family was home, I would sit on the couch with them and watch tv, talk, cook, play games, anything!
12 people found this review helpful.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Not trustworthy and a rip off!

Not a good program at all! Overpriced! Basic needs were not even covered. Greenheart does not follow through with what they tell you they will give you. Felt more like a workaway experience. Was not given 3 meals a day and hot water did not work properly in homestay. None of the money goes to the host families so the organization overcharges volunteers and pockets the money. Organization does not reply to emails in a timely manner and when complaints are brought up, nothing is done about it. Local support is very poor. Very bad experience overall. Felt ripped off.
I did not receive "Three home-cooked meals a day for duration of program" that I was supposed to receive for the whole duration of my stay.
I definitely did not get the support I needed from the local staff for the $500 they received from me. The least they could have done for me was tell me to book my train ticket earlier before I arrived because I had to pay 100 euro for a train ticket that would normally cost 15-30 euro if I had booked it at least a week in advance.
The hot water did not work in the washroom they had given me to use. It would only work for about 10 minutes and then would completely stop. Therefore, I was only able to shower once a week! This should have been checked for the $500 I paid for the "Host family search, screening, and placement process" and the "background check".
I also do not understand why I had to pay $100 for the "Comprehensive medical/accident insurance" when all that was done was the registration for this. Moreover, I had my own medical insurance so this should have been optional.
I also did not even receive the package that I was supposed to receive via mail form Greenheart.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
When I brought up the issue to Greenheart of not being fed 3 meals a day and nothing was done about it!
13 people found this review helpful.
Response from Greenheart

Hi Luxmy, thank you for your review. As discussed with you via email already, the Teach English in a Homestay program includes many services, including program support, insurance, and host family vetting. We list what is included in the program on our cost page on the website, and we are upfront and transparent with the cost of the program and where your program fee goes. Though you have a local coordinator to reach out to for cultural questions and guidance, the role of this person is not a travel agent, and pick up and transportation to your host city from the airport is explicitly not included in the program fee. Homestay teachers are told they need to book transportation to their host city ahead of arrival. Three meals a day are covered by the host family in exchange for your tutoring, and after you let Greenheart Travel know about your concerns over the host family’s expectations we spoke with them and they assured us they were providing you with three meals per day. Your host family’s house was screened and searched properly. You did not inform Greenheart of your host family’s hot water issue while you were on the program so we could not ask the host family about this while you were there. Your host family has been part of the program for several years and this is the first time we have received any negative feedback. Finally, medical and accident insurance is included in this program and most of our programs. We enroll our travelers and it covers them for the duration of their stay, it is not simply a registration, it’s important coverage in case of a medical emergency while you are on program.

We informed you during your online pre-departure that we were having issues sending packages with Canadian customs, so unfortunately your package was sent back. After this happened, we offered to send it again, but you said this was not necessary. We aimed to do our best to support you during your program and respond to your questions and feedback in a timely manner and we do stand by the support and service provided before and during your program.

Yes, I recommend this program

Dream Accomplished - Living and Teaching in Southwestern France

I will start off by giving a shout out to Allison Yates, my homestay coordinator. She made this all happen for me in a matter of weeks. I'm eternally grateful for her patience, hard work and expertise! Since I was a pre-teenager, I'd wanted to live and teach in France. I learned about the culture and learned French, never having the opportunity to stay more than 1 week in Paris. To say the least, Southwestern France is incredibly different from Paris. While I can appreciate Paris for it's amazing arts and culture, living in Tarbes was beyond worthwhile as my French skills were used every day to do just about everything! I loved the fact that not many people spoke fluent English like in Paris. I grew to love my host family, they truly became my family away from family. I spent my weekdays teaching English and my weekends traveling around Southwestern France. This trip was something that I'd wanted for a very long time! As a former classroom teacher, I solidified my teaching skills and expanded my cultural perspective. Depending on where you live in France, you should have a basic grasp of the language so that you can be somewhat independent when you're on your own. The French will appreciate any effort that you make, trust me. Greenheart found a family that would be able to accomodate my dairy allergy and this felt like a miracle in a country like France where so many staple foods are dairy products. I really can't speak highly enough of the program! It's a great deal for the experience that you get.

What would you improve about this program?
This is a fabulous program for go-getters. You need to push yourself to accomplish the goals/objectives that you set for yourself before the program begins (before leaving the country). You should not go into this program expecting hand holding. Thus, "know before you go" that you need to be flexible and be patient with yourself. The program staff are very upfront about the fact that you need to set your own goals. That being said, Greenheart did provide a webinar in preparation for the homestay along with a booklet to help me arrange my goals. Additionally, they provide many activities/resources for ESL lessons. I'd suggest that even more resources, tools and discussion forums be offered while in country. But, overall, I totally felt supported!
11 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

AMAZING company!

Greenheart Travel completely has my heart! My experience in Dunkerque, France with their Teach English in a Homestay program was absolutely 100% perfect. I now have lifelong friends in France-the family I stayed with really does feel like my own family now. I was able to travel to other countries with them-Great Britain-and by myself-Belgium. We had tons of fun exploring together and MOST IMPORTANTLY I feel like I really know the local lifestyle of how it really is to live in France. My favorite memory was hiking along the seaside cliffs at Cap Blanc Nez. My biggest tip would be to always say YES to doing activities with your family and if you leave in the fall to bring layers to wear!

What would you improve about this program?
I can't offer any improvements! It's perfect!
9 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

If you're thinking about it.... do it!

I loved my 3 months in France. My host family were great, so friendly and generous, and they fully included me in their lives for the time I was with them. I was surprised how well matched we were. My French improved a lot.
The support from Greenheart Travel was really good. Everything went smoothly during the application procedure, and the pre-departure info was thorough. All my emails were answered quickly and fully.

12 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Yes! I think it depends on what family you are placed with but mine was really good about conversing with me in both English and French. If I was having trouble expressing something in French we would switch to English or speak in French during dinner so I could learn how to jump into French conversations.