  • Jordan
    • Amman
Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Anthropology Business Communications Cultural Studies Global Studies History Humanities International Business Liberal Arts Literature Middle Eastern Studies Political Science Religious Studies Sociology Theater +5

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level


Starting Price
$5,000 USD
Price Details
CET makes it a point to include as much as possible. The CET program fee covers tuition, housing with a Jordanian roommate, activities and excursions (including an overnight excursion), an official Oral Proficiency Interview, medical insurance, visa processing & fees and course materials/textbooks.

The program fee does not include transportation to/from Amman and meals.

Still wondering how to budget for your time abroad? CET offers scholarships, and CET staff is happy to provide advice on keeping discretionary purchases to a minimum (i.e., they can tell you where to get cheap eats).
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Classes Visa Wifi
Apr 08, 2021
Sep 07, 2020

About Program

Want to improve your Arabic fluency by leaps and bounds? CET Jordan provides just the context. The program features rigorous courses in both formal and informal Arabic, language partners, local roommates, and a full-time or limited language pledge. You can also choose to complete an internship. You'll take an official Oral Proficiency Interview at the end of the term, perfect for adding to a résumé or grad school application. Arabic-based content courses and excursions—around Amman and throughout Jordan—will challenge your preconceptions and teach you to speak diplomatically about issues ranging from corruption to women in the military. From filming a tourism video to learning a folk dance, CET Jordan will give you chance after chance to experience the diversity and vibrancy of Arab culture

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Local roommates & language partners
  • Intensive Modern Standard Arabic & Jordanian Dialect
  • Internship Option
  • Full-time language pledge
  • Official Oral Proficiency Interview score

Program Reviews

9.14 Rating
based on 37 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 83.78%
  • 7-8 rating 16.22%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 8.8
  • Support 9
  • Fun 8.3
  • Housing 8.1
  • Safety 9.1
Showing 1 - 8 of 37 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Phenomonal Program to Learn Arabic

If you want to learn Arabic, this is the place to be! Despite having studied four years of university-level Arabic prior to the program, the biggest improvement in my language skills was definitely during my two months in Jordan. Not only are the teachers and staff are absolutely phenomenal (incredibly sweet, supportive, and understanding) but the curriculum is incredibly challenging and engaging.

The setting is also perfect. Not only are you set in Amman, but the program is also held within the Univerist of Jordan campus, meaning you have a wonderful opportunity to get to know other Jordanian students your age. One of the students even offered to arrange for me to become a regular at a lecture/class while I was there! Being at the University of Jordan also means that you have the wonderful opportunity of participating in campus extracurriculars and events, an opportunity that you should definitely not pass up! Being assigned a language partner from the university (still a close friend of mine!) means that your skills just keep improving.

The program also actively tries to include you into Amman's social scene. Your language partner will take you out to different locations (often to visit their families as well) and your Jordanian roommate will work hard to introduce you to his/her friends. As long as you stay open to new experiences and actively try to explore, you will make lifelong memories and friends.

The housing situation is also incredibly safe and comfortable. That being said, it is definitely different from the type of comfort you might find at a European or American study abroad program but despite some minor hiccups, we were very happy with the situation. Being assigned a local roommate only makes it that much friendlier.

That being said, there are some tips to share:
- Do your own studying and research about Jordan and the Middle East before arriving. You will learn a LOT about Jordan and Arab culture while in Amman but, as most of the teachers have grown up in Jordan and never lived in the West, they will be teaching you curriculum based on their perceptions of how the West looks at the Middle East. Sometimes these (though completely well-meaning) intentions end up re-inforcing stereotypes that are untrue.
- Although the housing situation is wonderful, make sure to BRING WARM CLOTHES! Water shortages in Amman means that central heating is not a common amenity and it gets incredibly cold in the winter!
- Evaluate what you want to get out of your study abroad experience. If you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and excited at the idea of adventure, this is the program for you! This will not be like a program in Europe - to meet people and have exciting experience, you have to be actively trying to take risks and meet new people! Once you do that though, you're gold.

All in all, this was an absolutely heartwarming experience and, hands down, I would definitely do it again. I met some incredibly wonderful people and people who I will be friends with for a long time (both American and Jordanian). If you have the opportunity to go to this program, don't pass it up.

What was your funniest moment?
There was a stray cat that somehow made it into our apartment building while my roommates and I were hanging out at another classmate's apartment! For some reason, the cat wouldn't leave the hall and was right outside the door of the appartment - when it came time to leave, we couldn't get out. It was especially hilarious because 3/4 of the girls with me were terrified of cats and the cat kept trying to get into the appartment (it almost did once!). Making it back home was definitely a (hilarious) struggle. For the next four nights, we'd hear the cat meowing at our door until we finally fed it some chicken.
13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CET Jordan: Virtual Summer Intensive Language

After completing all levels of Arabic at my university, I participated in the CET Virtual Summer program for the intensive study of Arabic to sharpen my skills in hopes of developing a more advanced understanding of the language. This program was much more challenging than any Arabic class I took prior. One of the key assignments that we worked on throughout the entire program was a research paper on a topic of our choice. Although it seemed a difficult task in the beginning, with the very fast-paced nature of the classes and the big focus on learning new and more advanced vocabulary, writing the research paper became quite simple and even enjoyable.

Apart from that, the entire staff was very eager to help, whether it was to answer questions or do some oral language practice. Although the program was virtual, the staff and teachers succeeded in creating a very welcoming, authentically Jordanian environment (in terms of culture).

Although the academic aspect was very fast-paced, it was also very well-designed and I felt as if I really understood everything we were taught and that I was learning at a comfortable pace. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to advance their Arabic language skills, whether it's modern standard Arabic or colloquial.

What would you improve about this program?
I would advise them not to rush through the curriculum so fast, maybe by covering fewer topics.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Review Title

Cannot recommend highly enough.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Complete Experience

CET provides a really complete experience. The academics are really challenging, of course, but we were able to explore a wide variety of topics in class that were really relevant to the culture, both in Jordan and in the wider Middle East. Combining that with the conversations I had with my Jordanian language partner meant that I could learn about almost any aspect of the environment and the people. Plus, we were able to visit places like Wadi Rum, Petra, Jerash, or do cultural events like cooking Jordanian dishes and visiting a Turkish bath. Overall, a fantastic experience that really complemented our language education. Plus, the teachers really, really care about their students and how they are doing, both academically and mentally/emotionally.

What would you improve about this program?
I will say that overall, it was a really great program. It would have been nice to do more local activities, like the Turkish bath, but I also understand that our time is limited, especially as the academics are so challenging.
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Exceptional Experience Learning Arabic in Jordan

CET Jordan is hands down the best program for students who care about Arabic language acquisition. I felt challenged to step as far outside of my comfort zone as I could, but I was never overwhelmed because I had the support of the program staff at each step. The teachers were all extremely friendly and prioritized getting to know the students as people, rather than solely as language learners. That resulted in a positive learning environment, and class became a time to spend time with friends rather than a stressful or boring space. CET is also really concerned with connecting students to Jordanian youth culture, and its location at the University of Jordan, as well as the language partner/roommate programs, gave me a great in to make local friends. I loved my experience during this semester so much that I decided to stay and participate in CET Jordan's Internship Program. My review of that can be found here: https://www.gooverseas.com/study-abroad/jordan/program/38096

For students who are hoping to improve their Arabic, learn about life in Jordan, and have fun doing it, CET is the best study abroad option.

P.S. If any women are concerned about what is okay to wear in Jordan, I wore T-shirts, skinny jeans, and leggings all the time. Maxi skirts and dresses are fine, too, but no need to buy a pair of elephant pants if that's not your style!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
The CET Jordan team is so ready to help students have the best time that they can in Jordan. They want each student to achieve their personal goals, and literally stay up at night trying to find ways to do that. However, they are not mind readers. So, if I could offer one piece of advice, it would be to communicate with the CET Jordan team about what your goals are and what obstacles you are facing. If you are open and honest with them about your experiences, they will bend over backwards to help you make it as beneficial as it can be.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Interning in Amman, Jordan

I chose to participate in this program after spending a semester with CET Jordan: Intensive Language. The language program is very academically oriented, which really helped my language skills to improve, but I wanted to see a different side of life in Jordan and felt that the internship program would give me that chance. I interned with the National Association for Family Empowerment, which was a Jordanian non-profit organization focused on economic and social empowerment for women and youth in Jordan. The internship ended up being somewhat frustrating because there was hardly any work for me to do. Despite talking with the organization's director about projects or tasks I could carry out, I never got assigned enough work. CET staff spoke with the organization multiple times, and when they realized that wasn't doing anything, they worked with me to create an alternative schedule and study plan to make sure I was still maximizing on my time in Jordan. I was very grateful to have their support when my internship placement did not live up to my expectations.

For students who are really dedicated to learning Arabic, I would suggest doing the language program. Students in the internship program have Arabic language classes, but half of the coursework is in English, and most internship placements hope to use the interns' English knowledge. However, this program still allowed me to grow a lot linguistically because I got the chance to interact with Jordanians who were not my age and pick up on more slang and idioms. I also loved seeing what a workplace was like in another country and learning about the obstacles that non-profit organizations face if they are not American, Canadian, or European and need to acquire funding. Finally, my internship enabled me to explore more of the city and the country as I had a reason to go to neighborhoods and other cities that I would not have seen otherwise.

What would you improve about this program?
The internship placement process felt a bit arbitrary and I know that some students did not understand how they were placed in their internships. Also, not everyone enjoyed their internships. However, I think it is important for students to go into this program keeping in mind that the concept of an internship for an undergraduate student is very American, and it does not have a big role in Jordanian education or career development.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The most influential Summer of my life!

It's difficult to express how amazing this summer is by writing it all out. I'm usually better talking in person but here we go!

Jordan - specifically Amman - is a beautiful place. Thousands of years of culture and history found in one city is something beautiful. I wouldn't have wanted to go anywhere else to spend two months learning Arabic. From the city of Petra to the Mars-like desert of Wadi Rum to the ruins of old castles from the Umayyad era...what's not to love (and I haven't even mentioned the food)?

The best complement to exploring Jordan, broadening my cultural experience, and also learning a language starkly different from my own was the CET program. Hours of classroom instruction paired with real-life, on-the-street homework assignments meant that I was learning relevant material that actually helped and prepared me to live in Amman for two months, not just learning a weird jumble of vocabulary from Al-Kitaab that you can't really use on the streets. By the end of my time here I could successfully negotiate prices with butchers and vegetable sellers, to navigating "almost" flawlessly in another country, like Palestine. This was only because of CET, and how much effort they actually put in to not only the program itself, but also to you. They honestly care so much about your education that they were willing to work with you in any way necessary. If I was with any other program in Jordan, I am certain I wouldn't have learned as much.

Additionally, I've made lifelong friends here. Truly. Jordanians and Americans.

Thank you to everyone at CET in Amman, and if you're trying to learn Arabic, this is the place/program to do it!

What was your funniest moment?
Oof. Not reading up enough on border crossings from Palestine into Jordan.
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Krista Schaefer Program Review

Great program- perhaps overpriced, but the support is nice to have and some aspects of the program (language partner, roommate in apartment) are ingenious and well executed. The internship class was hardly a class and had some major flaws- I don't think our teacher even read the class syllabus as we did almost nothing on there- but I understand the primary teacher was missing and our filling teacher did give us some intriguing insight on life and culture in Jordan as he was at the top of a powerful tribe. Still though, it did not qualify as a college level course by any means.
The class should be slightly more intensive- I really didn't understand the need for three cooking days (learned a lot the first day, not a lot the second two) and the short trip was hardly a class. I thought the orientation was a little excessive and we could have started class and roommate/language partner relations sooner as the program is already so short. My internship was absolutely incredible. I wasn't sure how the internship placement was determined as some of my friends were doing exactly what they had emphasized they didn't want to do, but it worked out great for me. My Jordanian roommate and language partner were also wonderful.

What would you improve about this program?
The internship course- have a teacher who follows at least most (or even half) of the syllabus
less cooking classes (one is fine. three is two too many)
slightly more homework- half hour a day maybe. maybe a larger assignment once a week.
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