  • China
52+ weeks
Classroom Audience
Adults Early Childhood Middle School Pre-School University Students

Program Details

  • Bachelor's Degree in Any Field
  • Native English Speaker
  • Citizen of US, Canada, UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand
Classroom Audience
Adults Early Childhood Middle School Pre-School University Students
Weekly Classroom Hours
Age Max


Salary / Benefits
Participants in our teach in China program can earn a salary ranging from 7,000 CNY to 18,000 CNY per month depending on the age group and working hours. All placements with CIEE also include rent-free accommodation. Two semester contracts include airfare reimbursement upon completion of employment!
Starting Price
$1,300 USD
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Airfare Airport Transfers Some Meals Travel Insurance Visa
Feb 24, 2020
Aug 29, 2018

About Program

As a lead classroom teacher, your goal will be to improve the conversational English skills of students. You’ll earn a salary of 7,000-18,000 CNY (approx. $1000-2,650)/month and have the chance to be placed in major cities across China .

From start to finish, CIEE will be there to support you. You'll get: a premium 150 hour online TEFL course (if you don't already have credentials), a reputable job in China, and the highest level of pre-departure support to help you prepare for your adventure in China.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Premium 150 hour online TEFL course included
  • 24-hour in-country support by CIEE staff
  • Personalized visa guidance and processing fee for your Chinese visa (US only)
  • Pre-departure support, including an online pre-departure orientation course with lots of advice from alumni
  • Rent-Free Furnished Apartment

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Program Reviews

8.21 Rating
based on 24 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 79.17%
  • 7-8 rating 4.17%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 8.33%
  • 1-2 rating 8.33%
  • Benefits 8.4
  • Support 7.7
  • Fun 7.4
  • Facilities 8.3
  • Safety 8.6
Showing 1 - 8 of 24 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE highly recommended based on 2017-2018 Teach in China program

Going to China to teach English for the 2017-2018 school year was my first time leaving my home country of the United States, at the age of 27. I was uncertain and nervous about the process, and thus knew that I wanted to work with an American organization that could help me get set up with the necessary resources, contacts and support to be successful. CIEE proved to be just what I was looking for in my goal to teach overseas. I was very happy with the education company that I was hired to work with through CIEE. Over the 10 months I lived in Shanghai, I felt supported by competent and caring staff and co-teachers. People often say "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." While working for my education company in Shanghai, I felt that the program coordinators saying these words truly meant them. My program coordinators in China were extremely helpful, kind, and responsive. Based on my positive experiences over a 10-month contract for the 2017-2018 school year in Shanghai, I would highly recommend CIEE to anyone considering going abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
I was assigned to teach 450 students per week in the first semester of the 2017-2018 school year. I feel that CIEE and the education companies they partner with should make transparency of working arrangements a high priority for applicants.
11 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE Teach in China Review

I've had a wonderful experience teaching in China through CIEE. CIEE has been incredibly supportive and have helped me with anything that I need. Overall, I think this program has been one of the best ways to experience a foreign country while also getting to do something impactful and rewarding. If anyone is considering participating in CIEE teach abroad, I would highly recommend it. Through teaching abroad, I have been able to experience a new country, continue learning Chinese, and make many great friends!

What would you improve about this program?
The visa process is very difficult, so perhaps continuing to work on creating a streamlined system for participants to get there visas would be helpful.
13 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

To Teach in China is an Adventure!

CIEE's Teach Abroad in China made it so easy for me to find a great teaching position abroad! They helped me connect with a school in Shanghai, my dream city! Both the US and China CIEE staff were there for me whenever I had a question about anything, from pre-departure documents and preparation to living abroad and my school. The in-country orientation was such a fun and great way to get acquainted with the country and the culture. We explored the hot spots of Shanghai, including the famous Yuyuan Gardens and Shanghai Tower.
Meeting my Chinese colleagues at the school exceeded my expectations. They were so kind, helpful, and generous upon my arrival. They made sure I had everything I needed to get settled in, and I could ask them for help with absolutely anything. While I had never taught before this program, my colleagues helped me quickly learn the curriculum and had me shadow some classes to get started. In all my classes, I also had a Chinese teacher with me to assist, which really helped me to adjust to any language barrier issues. My coworkers helped me quickly gain confidence as a teacher.
My experience was unique in that I taught during a calendar year, rather than an academic year. So my spring to fall semesters were very different! In the spring, I taught several age groups, from kindergarten to middle school. In the summer and fall I switched to teaching only kindergarten. My teaching experiences both semesters were very different but both exciting.
I had amazing experiences both in and out of the classroom. There is no greater feeling as a teacher than watching a student make progress in their language learning. I enjoyed playing learning games with my kindergarteners and having discussions in my middle school classrooms. I worked with a wide variety of age groups, which only kept me on my feet as a teacher and gained more skills.
Outside the classroom, I had the opportunity to travel and immerse myself in Chinese culture. I hiked to the peaks of both Huangshan and Huashan, walked the busy alleyways of the Muslim Market in Xi'an, marveled at the glorious karst mountains in Guilin, and saw the unique landscape of the "Avatar Mountains" in Zhangjiajie. Shanghai was an amazing city to live in: it has a mix of traditional Chinese culture, food, and architecture right next to modern skyscrapers with Western shopping and cuisines. It was crazy, busy, loud, crowded, and I couldn't have enjoyed it more. The hustle and bustle of this city was the highlight of my time abroad.
If you are looking for adventure, to be outside of your comfort zone, to try new foods and a new language, and to work with lovable children on a daily basis, this program is for you. CIEE placed me with a school that was very accommodating and helped me through the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture.
Deciding to teach abroad was one of the best decisions I ever made. It made me more confident in all aspects of my life. Living in another country and experiencing another culture has increased my global perspective and made me even more open-minded. It's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything. What are you waiting for? Go abroad!

What would you improve about this program?
One thing I wish I had prior to starting the program was a better understanding of what my school and teaching position would be like. I didn't realize I would be teaching multiple age groups or at multiple different school locations either. I also would have liked more guidance dealing with technical things such as getting proper documentation including contract, pay stubs, tax documents, etc.
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences

I was outside of a major city which made it more difficult to get to know people, speak English, find western food. But that made for a life in China I'm not sure others get to experience. CIEE did a great job with the placement, preparation, and visa help. The classes were quite large which was a bit challenging, and sometimes the facilities didn't work. That was outside of CIEEs control and you were able to present a lesson anyway. Great opportunity.

12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teach in China

Overall my time in China has been Fantastic! A lot of it has been due to CIEE. I'm teaching in a great school and I've made a lot of great friends. The most important part of living in China is expectations management. CIEE does a great job of preparing you to adjust to Chinese culture in living on your own.

The CIEE process starts with the application. It is simple and straightforward. After your application is accepted, CIEE will place you with a school that has been vetted and ready to accommodate a foreign teacher.

The VISA process will be long and stressful for most, but do not worry, CIEE will make sure that you get to China safely as fast as they can. While you're waiting for your work VISA, it is important to follow their pre-departure instructions. Some of it may seem tedious but everything CIEE does has a purpose.

Their pre-departure seminars and classes are extremely helpful if taken seriously. They also provide an in-China orientation where you get to learn about the teaching in China and living in the city you're placed in.

They also provide in country support and will help you if they can!

When working in a new country, one of the biggest fears some people have is feeling alone. I've met other foreign teachers who did not got through CIEE that had a hard time adjusting to life in China because they tried to do it on their own. CIEE makes a conscious effort to be there when you need and properly prepares you to live in China.

I am thankful I went through CIEE and recommend this program to anyone out there

What would you improve about this program?
It would be great if CIEE could point people in the direction of beginner Chinese classes or incorporate a language course in the orientation.
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

So grateful for CIEE!

I decided to teach abroad with CIEE after studying abroad with them in Paris, France my junior year of college. I had a great experience with the staff both on site and in the US. CIEE Teach was an opportunity for me to gain international work experience while continuing my own education of the world — all with a great support system! I chose to come to China in hopes of learning more about the country and their educational system. CIEE helped me find a great position in Shanghai, that has allowed me to do just that! They were so supportive during every point of the pre and post departure process. I am so grateful for the Teach in China team! Since arriving in Shanghai, I have had an experience of a lifetime. From learning a new language, to trying new food, to making new friends, China has so much to offer. I was fortunate to have amazing coworkers and students; everyone was so supportive of me and the learning process. The CIEE staff was there throughout my entire contract and beyond. The team is full of people who genuinely care and want to help you make the best of your time in China. I am so thankful for all CIEE teach in China team has done. I whole heartedly recommend them!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Teach Abroad China

Without the support and guidance of CIEE, I can honestly say I would not have been willing to embark on this adventure. Prior to coming to China to teach abroad, I had never before been to Asia and the visa process was a complete mystery to me. I highly recommend that anyone considering teaching abroad - especially in China where the government requirements can be confusing and stressful - do it through CIEE. My program coordinator went above and beyond in her generosity with her time. She made herself available to me in phone calls and email and was so quick to answer any questions and concerns I had during the application process as well as in the months leading up to my departure. Whether it was working with me to ensure that my visa paperwork was completed accurately or taking my countless questions regarding life in China, what to pack, how to prepare, what to expect, etc, she was ready to help and made me feel as though she was personally invested in my journey which eased any anxieties I might have had about embracing this entirely new and unfamiliar experience. I have the highest regard for CIEE and their continued commitment to me even as I am now currently abroad. CIEE does so much more than just set you up for your time abroad; they have remained in touch during my time here and have proven that they are available to help with any concerns that might arise even after you are settled in China. I have taken advantage of the in-country CIEE staff on multiple occasions and it is incredibly reassuring to have them as an option to contact should I encounter an issue that I couldn't handle on my own. As someone who does not speak the native language, it is a comfort to know that CIEE staff in China are just an email or phone call away and willing to help with any questions.
When it comes to my decision to leave home for a year and commit to teaching overseas, my only regret is that I did not investigate the school I have been placed at very much at all. In the excitement of being offered a contract, I didn't look into the location or school as much as I probably should have. I would urge anyone who is about to accept a position abroad to take some time to really study their contract and the information provided about their school. Make sure you are fully aware of what you are committing to - the number of hours you will be expected to teach per week, any other responsibilities you will be given, and what your living accommodations will be. Don't be afraid to ask questions before signing the contract. Ask to be provided the email addresses of any previous CIEE participants who taught at the school and get their take on the job. Try to seek a firsthand account of what life at the school will be like as a foreign language teacher. What the school tells you about the living accommodations and work expectations will likely be vague and it would be extremely beneficial to hear what you are about to get into from someone who you can identify with. Do not hesitate to ask specific questions regarding living conditions. The CIEE participants currently employed by the school or who previously worked at the school will be able to give you a more accurate picture than the CIEE staff who are mediating the contract. Take the time to get in touch with these participants - CIEE will be more than happy to put you in touch with them.
Also, be sure to do research on the location of your school and make sure that the setting will be a good fit for you. My city turned out to be much smaller than I had anticipated and I do wish I had taken the time to read up on the city ahead of time. I know fellow foreign teachers who prefer the smaller population setting, but personally, I do feel isolated at times and would rather have accepted a teaching position in a city with more to offer in the way of an expat community, subway system, and perhaps access to some western or recognized stores or restaurants. These things might not be priorities for some, but personally I find myself traveling to larger cities on the weekends in order to escape the bubble of my smaller city.
So far my experience teaching abroad has been the most challenging, but also amazing time in my life. Every day brings new discoveries and cliche as it may be, I can already attest, three months into the adventure, that this experience has been life-changing. It's difficult to put into words the impact that teaching abroad has had on me - I am constantly learning new things about those around me and also things about myself that I never knew. Living and teaching in China is shaping my worldview and my self-esteem in ways I could not have predicted. To be living a world away from everything and everyone that is familiar to me and to be fully immersed in and engaging with a foreign culture day after day, has taught me invaluable lessons and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be here and to CIEE for making it a reality.

14 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Ready to take on anything.

When I decided I wanted to teach abroad, I had no idea how to go about it. I had just graduated from college and it was first time going into the work force so finding placement let alone obtaining a work visa had me feeling overwhelmed. The study abroad coordinator at my university recommended CIEE to me and I am all the grateful for it. CIEE gave me the support that I needed to be able to accomplish my teach abroad goals as well as secure me a teaching position in China. The main highlight of my experience with CIEE was the preparation they gave before my trip. This goes from offering two detailed orientations: An online as well as a live one. Best of all, CIEE also offers comprehensive TEFL training so lack of teaching experience should not be a cause of discouragement. A major plus for the CIEE tefl course is that for online course it is hands-on as well. Like your typical online Course, it is broken down into modules: each divided into sections in which require you to do quizzes, write essays as well as take tests. Each module separated over the course of a week. Students are each divided into groups that are each headed by a an experienced tefl teacher who serves as the groups mentor with whom the students meet with once a week so as to ask questions and discuss each weeks module. What sets apart CIEE’s tefl from other courses and what makes it truly hands-on is that each student is required to to complete a a twenty-hour internship period in which the student may choose to observe tefl classes, shadow an ESL teacher or conduct classes of there own. Most other tefl courses only offer online modules and since teaching is a hands-on job, no matter how well the material is explained all of it is useless unless you step into a classroom and put the theory to the test. CIEE gave me that push I needed to be able to take the first step to becoming a teacher which greatly reduced the stress of my first days of teaching in China. Even though living in a foreign country comes with many challenges and can feel overwhelming CIEE’s support system will help you pull through any tough situation. The coordinator for the teach in China program, Kelvin is extremely helpful and easy to talk to. He can help you resolve any issues that occur with your school, while helping you get accustomed to life and Chine while securing you a good placement. CIEE was the ship that helped me sail the world and I recommend you let them be the same for you because in the tough seas of the world no one else sails smoother.

13 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi! The minimum qualifications you'll need are a Bachelor's degree in any field, and citizenship of the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand. Eventually, you'll need a teaching credential like a TEFL certificate or Education degree, but if you don't already have one, our program can help you get it!