  • Costa Rica
    • Samara Beach

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement


Price Details
We offer lifelong job placement assistance for teaching English abroad. The majority of our graduates secure great English teaching jobs within 3 weeks of completing the course.
Post TEFL graduation the average teacher salary in Costa Rica ranges between $600 and $1000+ per month.
Our program is Internationally Acrredited, and we provide worldwide job placement.
Mar 22, 2018
Aug 11, 2021

About Program

Do you want to see the world, experience new cultures and languages, and live abroad? What better way then by teaching English? Gone are the days of just any Native English speaker being hired to teach English; most quality schools require teaching experience and either TEFL, TESOL or CELTA certification. Costa Rica TEFL teacher trainers combine years of experience in teaching foreign languages to offer you a unique opportunity to earn an Internationally Accredited TEFL / TESOL certificate that will qualify you to teach EFL/ESL in Costa Rica or anywhere in the world. We offer a balanced program which focuses on key areas for being a successful EFL/ESL teacher such as: teaching methodologies, teaching techniques, learning styles, classroom management, classroom adaptation, culture in the classroom, effective lesson planning, creativity in the classroom and more. In addition, we will assist you in finding a job teaching English abroad throughout your TEFL / TESOL career.

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Program Highlights

  • Internationally Accredited intensive TEFL course
  • Free Spanish Lessons
  • Free Yoga classes on the beach
  • Guaranteed job placement assistance

Program Reviews

9.88 Rating
based on 26 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 96.15%
  • 7-8 rating 3.85%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Benefits 10
  • Support 9.9
  • Fun 9.5
  • Facilities 9.6
  • Safety 9.7
  • Instruction 9.8
  • Support 10
  • Value 9.8
  • Academic Rigor 8.6
  • Job Assistance 9.8
Showing 1 - 8 of 26 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program


I thoroughly enjoyed this program, the course content, and the useful knowledge I received from getting TEFL certified. All of the teacher trainers and staff were incredibly helpful and positive all of the time, and I always knew who I could ask for help when I needed it. Whenever I made classroom errors, my feedback was always positive and genuine, and I felt like my observers really wanted me to do well. I would recommend CRTEFL to anyone who is looking to travel and work and live abroad. The location is terrific, the beach is around the corner and everyone in Playa Samara is so kind. The restaurants around the school are 100% worth it and reasonably priced, and there are stores, clothing shops, fruit and organic stores nearby. I truly enjoyed my time in and outside of the TEFL course.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
My most nerve-racking moment was teaching a class my very first time. I was so nervous because I had little experience with public speaking, but throughout the course I was really able to come out of my shell and get comfortable with sharing knowledge and confident that I was doing it the right way.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Experience!

Costa Rica TEFL was everything and more that I wanted from a TEFL certification program. I am so grateful to this course and my teacher trainers for making me feel comfortable and confident as an EFL teacher. The course information was super comprehensive, I had tons of practice teaching, and I got valuable feedback from teachers. After taking this course, I know that I am prepared for any teaching situation that I am placed in whether it is online, teaching kids, business English, or something else. More than just the course information, I also got to live in Sámara, a beach paradise, and meet new and wonderful people. My mornings and weekends were spent on the beach or visiting new parts of Costa Rica with my fellow TEFL students. I made friends and learned skills that will last me a lifetime. Thank you, Costa Rica TEFL.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment was teaching for the first time. However, having the support of the teachers as well as my fellow students, helped tremendously. Everyone lent a hand with lesson planning by sharing ideas and helping with activity prep. It's a great community.
14 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Can’t think of a better place to get a TEFL

Costa Rica TEFL is located in one of the nicest beach towns in Costa Rica with friendly people and fun nightlife. The staff is amazing. They will help you succeed while you are in the course, and help you to find a great job after. Even if you never teach a single day after this, you will benefit from the experience. You are likely to learn about language education and develop a greater awareness of the importance of language in your own life. You are likely to swim, surf, hike, and or kayak in a place that couldn’t be more beautiful. You are likely to pick up a phrase or two in Spanish, or if you are already studying Spanish, you are likely to make serious gains in your conversational ability. I would recommend this course to anybody looking to travel, learn, teach, and experience.

What was your funniest moment?
The funniest moments came in class. Although you are in class many hours a day, it is constantly fun and engaging. This is precisely the method of instruction that you learn to develop as a teacher at Costa Rica TEFL.
11 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Passport to Freedom

I completed the course in February 2018 and honestly, it was the best thing I've done! After succumbing to the office 9-5 life post-uni, my third redundancy was the kick up the bum I needed to pursue a less ordinary life. Samara is a heavenly place. The course is brilliant - after considering doing a course online I'm so glad I didn't because I needed the hands on experience I got at CR TEFL. Unlike many alumni I'm actually back in the UK completing my Masters course in Creative Writing. I teach online which gives me the flexibility to work my job around my course. I'm working towards a dream of being a digital nomad writer/teacher, sharing what I'm learning on YouTube too. Teaching has given me the chance to be creative and feel job satisfaction I've never had before. What's more is Barbara and her team are still in touch a whole year later - they're always happy to help and make every student feel special!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Absorb yourself in it! Make the most of all the free perks, like weekly yoga classes and Spanish lessons. Embrace Pura Vida!
10 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

If not now...when?

Dear fellow seekers,

I want to share a story that will hopefully resinate with you and help answer and guide you through any apprehensions you may have about studying and teaching abroad, in particular becoming apart of the Costa Rica TEFL community!
In September 2018, I decided to press pause on my life in Toronto, Canada and begin a new journey in Costa Rica. Like you, there were many personal events that attributed to my final decision of making that leap into the unknown, but I knew if I stayed still and followed the herd, I would become blissfully ignorant and unaware of how truly beautiful life can be. With that being said, I began my process of figuring out exactly how I was going to get myself back into a classroom. That's when I stumbled upon Costa Rica TEFL in the beautiful town of Samara.
As a life-long learner I knew, even though I was a certified teacher, there was so much more to learn in terms of teaching with different cultures, in which English was a second language. From the first day at Costa Rica TEFL, I was immediately immersed into a world of thought that I had no idea I was missing out on! I was able to dive in to the benefits of Communicative Approach, explore what it means to teach multiple intelligences, discuss how to create meaningful relationships, unleash my creativity and curiosity to create fun and engaging games, apply relevant and efficient planning processes and so much more!
Before even arriving to Samara I know I was making the right choice for my career, happiness and well-being because of the on-going support I received from the Admin staff. The effort, hours and collaboration they put in to allow us to have the best experience possible does not go unnoticed by there past TEFL students.
Since completing the amazing program, I have secured a full-time teaching position at an international, bilingual, IB accredited school! My confidence as a teacher has grown more than I could ever imagine and I am so grateful I made the choice to transform my life, starting with Costa Rica TEFL.
Remember, often times the hardest and scariest decisions will be the best you ever make.
Join Costa Rica TEFL!!

What would you improve about this program?
As technology is integrating itself in a huge way into the classrooms, hiring processes and day-today efficiency, I think the program would benefit from teaching students more about online teaching, Google Drive, Google Classroom, Vlogging/Blogging and other apps that schools and companies are using. Although the Portfolio portion of the course was a great way to showcase our four weeks of in-class teaching, I believe, in order to follow trend in where the world is heading, we need to be better versed in showing our skills through a technology platform.
13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing course, students, and staff

Costa Rica TEFL is a program designed to help you discover your own potential as an individual and as an English teacher. The staff were extremely professional and personable while instructing throughout the day and night. They were available and ready to provide beneficial feedback that allowed for me to carry out more concise lessons and to create a better classroom environment. The director of the program, Barbara, met one on one with each student for job placement assistance. She listened carefully to where each student would like to be placed and what kind of teaching experience we were looking for. She helped me land my dream job, teaching EFL in a coastal town in Costa Rica! Thank you as well to my teacher trainer's, Vanessa and Margaret. Both teacher trainers were so respectful in a process that can sometimes seem quite intimidating. The group of students in our session came from all different ages and countries. It was very interesting to hear and to view their diverse teaching methods and experiences. Thank you to Costa Rica TEFL for an incredible learning experience!

What would you improve about this program?
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL Costa Rica

I graduated from the TEFL school in Costa Rica in September. I had so many great experiences in Samara. One of the best moments of my life. The classes are fun and well organized. Barbara who is the director helped me find a job and connected me with people after I completed the program.
I bungee jumped off the highest Cliff in Central America during a thunder storm! This was a defining moment for me because I knew that I shouldnt be afraid of anything!
After the program was over, I applied to a English position and now I am teaching in Jeju Island, which is located in South Korea. The island is beautiful and the TOEFL classes gave me the proper skills to teach English.

What would you improve about this program?
TOEFL Costa Rica did the best they could to supply us with the materials we needed. The school is located in an area where supplies are limited and hopefully I will be able to donate to them soon. I think that Barbara the director is doing a phenomenal job and I can see that she truly cares about the community.
10 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica TEFL has it all!

If you want to learn to teach English as a Second Language, there is no better place. Intimate class size, individual attention, tough but exciting all describe Costa Rica TEFL.
Now place all this in the beautiful little beach town of Samara where you will make life long friends and you have a superior program. It changed my life. It could change yours.
With the teaching experience you get by giving classes to local children and adults you are ready for the classroom.
They were able to place several of us in an Institute in a town 2 hours away. We were there for a year and then scattered to the 4 corners all still keeping in touch.
One of us in China, one still in Costa Rica, one in Philadelphia and me in Oakland, California teaching young adults from all over the world the essential language of English.

What would you improve about this program?
Even more teaching time would be good. Though, it’s great as it is.
12 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Not sure specifically about this program, but if you're not TEFL certified already, doing a certification course in the country you want to move to is a great way to move abroad. You'll arrive with contacts and a support network, and you'll buy yourself time to get settled and look for jobs :)