Employment Type
Contract Length
3-6 Months
Non Profit
Communications Education International Business International Relations

Job Qualifications

  • English and French Minimum B2
  • Knowledge of office software (Word, Excel...);
  • Ms in European projects, International Relations, Law; or similar

Job Description

- Contribute to the actions developed by the University of Paris-Saclay in EUGLOH to strengthen the participation of staff and students in the European University;
- Contribute to the internal (UPSaclay, EUGLOH partners) and external communication of EUGLOH;
- Contribute to the animation of the EUGLOH website and social networks (writing and posting of articles, monitoring, translation, etc.) together with the communication officer;
- Participate in the elaboration of a catalogue of courses in English for UPSaclay;
- Support students involved in EUGLOH
- Participate in the animation of the EUGLOH campus life;
- Participate in the organisation of events at UPSaclay in the framework of EUGLOH (meetings, training, short programmes, ...);
- Ensure the preparation of minutes for EUGLOH meetings

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