  • Costa Rica
3 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Hostel Hotel Lodge
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30)


Starting Price
$5,875 USD
Price Details
Financial assistance is available.
Fee includes all in-country costs like food, private transportation, lodging, COVID-19 tests, PPE, park entrance fees, etc.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Sep 02, 2021
Aug 16, 2021

About Program

Since 1965, AMIGOS provided has provided volunteers age 15 to 19 the safest, most authentic service and immersion experiences in Latin America. Living and working in a new community gives you the chance to improve your Spanish, make an impact, gain confidence, and build leadership skills. You'll get to see the world in a truly unique way!

AMIGOS has worked in Costa Rica for more than three decades. All programs will operate in a pod model of 15–20 students. You'll live, volunteer, and travel together.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Explore a critical issue and meet local activists, business owners, and community members
  • Service - Earn service hours while you complete hands-on projects with local organizations
  • Health and Safety - Enhanced COVID-19 protocols including testing and a Health and Wellness Coordinator onsite
  • Excursions - Explore Costa Rica's natural beauty!
  • Improve your Spanish by using it in everyday conversation

Program Impact

Focus on the AMIGOS pillars of ethical service, leadership, and cultural humility in Costa Rica! Explore an issue you're passionate about and learn how local communities are responding to the impacts of that issue.

Popular Programs

Coffee production in Costa Rica

Explore different farming practices in Costa Rica from the mountains to the valleys! What impact does international demand for Costa Rican coffee have on local communities? What does local food production have to do with agroforestry practices? From cultivation to consumption, dive deep into food systems by learning from communities in Costa Rica. This experience will be led in Spanish and English and two spots on this project are reserved for students from Costa Rica.

Costa Rican coast

Explore community efforts to adapt to climate change in Costa Rica! From the mangroves of the Caribbean coast to the cloud forests of Monteverde, we will examine local conservation initiatives that have persisted despite challenges due to a changing climate. We will also dig into the root causes of climate change and how international actions can have a profound effect on local communities.

Costa Rica: Montañas & Mar

Are you ready to jump into adventure in Costa Rica? Travel to a volcanic valley to explore how climate change is agriculture. Spend time on the Caribbean coast volunteering with a wildlife and ecological conservation initiative. Immerse yourself in the lush wilderness of Costa Rica's forests, rolling hills, and tranquil Caribbean while you unplug with us this summer.

Program Reviews

9.46 Rating
based on 24 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 91.67%
  • 7-8 rating 4.17%
  • 5-6 rating 4.17%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Impact 9.1
  • Support 9.5
  • Fun 9
  • Value 9
  • Safety 9.5
Showing 1 - 8 of 24 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

AMIGOS in Costa Rica - Los Santos

I signed up to go to Costa Rica with AMIGOS after my brother had gone on an AMIGOS trip himself in 2019 to the Dominican Republic. I went alone, and while I didn't know anyone who was going on the trip with me, I was excited even though I knew that my experience would be different from my brother's due to COVID restrictions. Despite missing out on the host family part of AMIGOS that is normally a staple, I still had an amazing time on the trip. Everyone I came across, such as staff and fellow volunteers, were very friendly and approachable. I learned a lot about agriculture and how farmers adapt and work with their surroundings to make the best product possible. All in all, I felt like I grew significantly as a person thanks to my time in Costa Rica while making connections with great people and a great place.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Stay in the moment and don't worry about things from back home. Distracting yourself from where you are will take away from the experience, and you'll have more fun if you don't worry about things like your phone.
1 person found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Discover AMIGOS - Costa Rica

I was in the Discover AMIGOS Costa Rica project for two weeks in 2019 when I was 14. It was really fun and Costa Rica has so much wildlife and bio diversity. We spent one week at the beach at a sea turtle sanctuary working at the nesting sites and another week in a host family and volunteering at a local school. The thing that was the most special for me was all the animals that I saw and how the people in Costa Rica really cared about the environment and protecting it. It also made me confident and curious about traveling to other countries. I recommend this program - it is a great way to meet new people and go to a different country without being a tourist. You feel like you really get to know a place even if it is just two weeks.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I was really surprised by how wildlife was so comfortable being around people and how people lived alongside animals so cooperatively, It was like the animals knew they were safe so there was no fear or worry.
1 person found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Cultural Experience

Spending a month living in Costa Rica through Amigos was the greatest experience of my life thus far. In 2017, I volunteered through Amigos and spent a month living in rural Costa Rica with a host family. The memories I created, conversations I shared, and connections I formed will forever impact my global perspective. No other abroad program is as immersive or powerful as Amigos. At 15, I was able to live in a foreign country, and work with community members on a community based project. I recommend Amigos to anyone that is interested in gaining a broader global perspective and challenging their outlook on life. Although at times it was difficult to be away from home and live in a new place without hot water, wifi, and other luxuries, my experience with Amigos is something that I will forever cherish and be grateful for.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Meet as many locals as possible and immerse yourself into the community and the culture!
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing experience in a beautiful country

I went in the summer of 2019; I loved meeting new people from around the US and the world. It was hands down, one of the best experiences I've had in my life. Not only were we surrounded by amazing participants, but the staff was so supportive and encouraged us to get out of our comfort zones. My host family welcomed my Amigos partners and me with open arms and took us in as apart of their community. I loved learning more about Latinx culture, and I hope to participate in another Amigos program in the future.

19 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing life experience!!

I went on this trip summer 2019 and it was the best experience of my life. I meet so many cool people from a range of states and countries and I had the opportunity to live with a loving and welcoming host family. The amigos staff was very supportive in our growth and learning and anything else we needed. By living with a host family we were able to fully amerce ourselves in the culture which was one of my favorite parts. I couldn’t have had a better experience and I hope to do another Amigos program in the future.

18 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Parent review: Awesome Program! - Summer 2019

My daughter wanted a Spanish immersion program and the environmental sustainability focus of the Amigos PZ program caught her eye. As a parent, the 5 month training leading up to departure was key to her success in Costa Rica. The training helped her get comfortable with the idea of being disconnected from home and gave her the confidence that she would know what to do once there. It helped us to know that she would be prepared for anything. The training was culturally sensitive, met the teens where they were at and really focused on teamwork. She grew in so many ways and returned to us with newfound confidence and resilience that she continues to draw on when faced with challenges. Fundraising for "tuition" makes it a more affordable option for study abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
This program has been really well thought out. I cannot think of any way they could improve it. Was it perfect? No, but that's part of the beauty of it - it teaches the kids that they can handle the occasional hiccup and learn from it.
19 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amigos trip

My trip to Costa Rica for Amigos was a very interesting and unique experience. During he trip I met a lot of cool people and saw and experienced things that I wouldn't be able to experience in San Francisco. I think that people who are planning on going on doing Amigos should know that there are challenges but there are also lots of great moments that happen during the trips. I recommend it for a way to see something new and to push yourself. A big thumbs up and I wish I could go back and see my host family again.

What would you improve about this program?
If I were to improve the trip I'd have there be more instructions on how to put up your mosquito net.
17 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Palmares, Costa Rica

I had the privilege to serve as a Project Supervisor alongside the rest of the summer staff team and I would describe this opportunity as a once in a lifetime experience. I built the most amazing friendships with the members of my community, volunteers and of course my amazing staff team.

Not only are the members of the community very welcoming but the beauty of Costa Rica's nature is just fascinating. I was able to meet life long friends and build meaningful relationships. As for my incredible volunteers, I got to know them on personal level as I watched them blossom throughout this summer experience. I dedicated myself to providing them with all the support and resources that they needed to be successful leaders in their community, but ultimately they were all natural born leaders. Where they to built unbreakable bonds with their host families as well as learned a lot about themselves. Although I may be a bit challenging for some, I like to think of the quote "Nothing worth having comes easy".

As for the community members that I got to know, their humbleness and willingness to come together to provide an unforgettable experience for the volunteers is what I appreciated the most. They maintained the volunteers well being in mind and treated them just like family.

I had am amazing experience in Costa Rica as a Project Supervisor and I would recommend AMIGOS to anyone who is willing to adventure out of their comfort zone, build meaningful relationships, work on their leadership skills and explore Latin America.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would increase the amount of AMIGOS staff assigned to each project location because of the intense workload that needs to be fulfilled. Nonetheless, I would not trade my experience for anything in the world.
16 people found this review helpful.

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