  • Guatemala
    • Antigua
1 to 52 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Apartment Guesthouse Host Family Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)
Travel Type
Budget Family Senior Travelers Solo Women


Starting Price
$695 USD
Price Details
Maximo Nivel offers top-rated volunteer abroad programs. We strive to offer all-inclusive program fees that are affordable, transparent, and accessible to everyone. Along with Maximo’s professional program management, multi-lingual team, and 24/7 in-country support, your volunteer program includes:
Airport pick-up
Host family accommodations (shared room)
Breakfast and dinner, 7 days/week
3-4 hours/day practical work, Monday-Friday
Program and safety orientation
Walking tour
Official certificate of volunteer service
Letter of recommendation
Spanish language tutoring table
Tandem Conversation Program
Office-wide WiFi and computer lab
Salsa dance classes
Cooking classes
Institute is open 7 days/week
Emergency contact number 24/7
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Some Meals
Dec 16, 2019
Jul 14, 2019

About Program

Maximo Nivel offers volunteer abroad programs in and around the quaint, colonial city of Antigua, Guatemala, as well as on the Pacific coast. Maximo Nivel is a locally-based organization that partners with local projects to ensure maximum impact for residents of the community. You can choose to volunteer for as little as one week and as long as one year, with a new start every Monday. Commit to just one passionate project or try several during your time in Antigua. All program fees include airport pick-up, a welcome orientation at the institute, 24/7 in-country support, and much more. Be confident in knowing you’re supported from the minute you email or call in for information until you complete your program. We’re happy to answer any of your questions or concerns and can even connect you with past volunteers to get an insider’s perspective.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • New volunteer programs start every Monday year-round
  • All-inclusive—shared accommodations, meals, and many extras
  • Academic credit available
  • No Registration or processing fees
  • 24/7 in-country support

Popular Programs

Working with Kids  in Guatemala

Homelessness and poverty have left many children in Latin America without access to proper education and a loving environment. Maximo Nivel’s childcare projects aspire to change children’s lives by providing caring and nurturing volunteers to work, study, and play with them.

Teach English in Guatemala

Maximo Nivel’s teaching English projects serve underprivileged schools and communities—people who want to learn English, but who do not have the financial means to do so.

Sea Turtle Conservation in Guatemala

Sea turtle conservation programs begin with 2 days in San Jose, Costa Rica or Antigua, Guatemala. This is an important step to be sure you go through orientation and prepare for your project.

Construction projects in Guatemala

Maximo Nivel’s construction programs focus on community development. Construction projects may include building or repairing homes, adding classrooms to schools, or making structural improvements to clinics.

Program Reviews

9.59 Rating
based on 153 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 92.81%
  • 7-8 rating 5.88%
  • 5-6 rating 1.31%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Impact 9.2
  • Support 9.8
  • Fun 9.4
  • Value 9.3
  • Safety 9.4
Showing 1 - 8 of 153 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great and memorable time at a dog shelter in Antigua, Guatemala!

The month I spent in dog shelter Abaj Tacalik in Antigua, Guatemala was amazing! In May/June I have stayed in Antigua, Guatemala for a month to do volunteer work and take Spanish classes. My volunteer placement was at dog shelter Abaj Tacalik in San Lucas, 25 min by chickenbus from Antigua. I have had such a good experience and loved every part of it. The people at my placement were so kind and welcoming and the dogs all lovely. Patty takes care of 70 dogs in and around her house and does an amazing job in vaccinate/castrate them, take care of the wounded and feeding all of them. I am grateful for being able to help her out and fundraising money to rebuild part of the shelter and providing food and vaccines.

The staff at Maximo, especially Katia, have given me good support. Katia is super kind and stayed in touch and provided the resources needed at the placement. Whenever I needed something, the staff at Maximo were always willing to help. Also, when I needed to see a doctor in the evening they immediately let him come and gave support.

Furthermore, Antigua is such a cute little city where you easily feel at home. My host family was super kind and the food and accommodation was nice. In the mornings I had private Spanish class which I really enjoyed and which really helped me in learning the language even faster and being able to talk to my host family and the people at my placement.
My teacher Alma was great and made the classes fun and interactive.

Overall, I had an amazing experience and I would highly recommend anyone to sign up for a volunteer placement like this.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I would advise all future volunteers to be open-minded and believe in your own abilities to make a (small) change! Look at the resources you have available and try to make the most out of it!
16 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Medical Project, Great adventures, Spanish Lessons (5 out of 5 review!)

I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer with Maximo Nivel with a medical project for 4 weeks. As an RN, I was excited to use my skills abroad, immerse myself in a new culture, learn basic Spanish, and explore my surroundings. I would say with Maximo Nivel it is quite easy to check off all of these ambitions. Maximo did a great job communicating with me about my arrival in Antigua. I felt supported as soon I got into the country. They have a great facility in the middle of Antigua where you can rest in the outdoor garden, chat with other volunteers and students, and even schedule expeditions.

I stayed with a host family for the duration of my stay, and honestly that was a highlight. It seemed like most home stays had multiple volunteers/students, so this was a great way to meet new friends as well as great place to practice our toddler level Spanish at the dinner table.

I was placed in a health center in a town that is located about 20 minutes outside of Antigua. Not only did Maximo make sure I felt comfortable getting there, they also would check in at my placement a few times a week. It was great to assist the nurses with their written documentation system, help with consultations and vaccinations, as well as teach the kids good hand hygiene.

There is also so much to do in and around Antigua. I would recommend using your free weekends to visit Lake Atitlan, the beaches, or climb the nearby volcanoes.

All in all, a great experience!!!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
In the evening when the sky was clear you could watch the Fuego Volcano erupt about every 10 minutes. Nothing like enjoying dessert while being entertained by lava.
15 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Spanish Immersion in Antigua and Self-Confidence Boost

I loved to do this first nursing program with my students with Maximo Nivel. They took care of us for all we have need and take care of our question and try to help us as much as the can do it. The try to make change for us for our pleasure and for the learning of the students. Danielange Charles
Ce fut une experience exceptionnelle avec nos etudiantes en soins infirmiers du cegep de Limoilou dans la ville de Quebec au Canada. Non seulement ce fut grandement apprenant pour elles, mais nous avons vraiment eu le sentiment d aider des gens dans le besoin. Cette aventure nous a permis de mettre les valeurs a la bonne place et nous changera notre vie a tout jamais. En esperant pouvoir revivre cette experience une prochaine annee. Merci pour votre grande collaboration et votre gentillesse sans limites. Au plaisir!
Sonia Villeneuve

What would you improve about this program?
make sure to get the schedule of activities before we come . Tell us which activities need to pay or not cause it could be frustrate for some if we know it when we ready to make this activity
15 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Spanish Immersion in Antigua and Self-Confidence Boost

Studying with Maximo Nivel in Antigua, Guatemala has done more than allow me to work on my Spanish. Not only have I been able to improve my competency in the language, I have also been able to improve my confidence and self-esteem. As a person with a severe disability who has spent most of their life in treatment and being told that they could never do much with their life, it is one of the most amazing experiences ever being able to prove those doubts and limitations wrong. By being in Guatemala studying and exploring, I have been able to advance my own personal health recovery, while simultaneoulsy showing myself and many other people that disabilities dont define us, and that, as long as we want something bad enough, we can make it happen. I would never have imagined a year ago or beleived it would be possible to be horseback riding up a volcano. I also never would have thought it would be possible to sit on a terrace and study Spanish while looking at said volcanoes. Thank you Maximo Nivel for giving me the chance to use your program to better both my language skills and my life as it is in whole. I will never forget these past 2 weeks, and I just wish I could go back in time and tell my past self that this was eventually going to happen.

What would you improve about this program?
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Great Experience in Antigua

So far, I have been here for one day and everyone has been very helpful. I will be here for a month and cannot wait for all of the valuable things I will learn. I am very excited to help in the Special Needs and Elderly Care program. They will teach me more than I can teach them and I am excited to be a part of this program. Everyone has been helpful and my spanish has already improved. I hope that you can too, one day experience Antigua, Guatemala.

17 people found this review helpful.
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Beautiful place and people

Maximo Nivel and IVHQ have both been so helpful throughout my experience thus far In Guatemala -I am so glad I chose Guatemala and I have had tremendous support since I have arrived. I was given specific instructions on who I was meeting and the volunteer house is not too far from Maximo Nivel. I am excited to begin my project tomorrow (medical project) and I will keep you updated on how it goes. Antigua is breathtaking I am so glad I am here!

What would you improve about this program?
14 people found this review helpful.
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Amazing Time Working with Disadvantaged Elderly Care Facility

Maximo Nivel was incredibly flexible and kind during my volunteer service. They provided very safe homestay housing available for both myself and my travel partner. We had the opportunity to work with an elderly care facility that was understaffed. The nurses there did an incredible job with day to day feeding and activities of daily living, but they had no entertainment and seemed to be very sad and depressed. So, we had the opportunities to take them out on walks and have dance days and games to help them enjoy their days more. I don't know if it was a lasting change but our goal was to continue having the incoming volunteers help in the same way to keep them having a good time. It was a wonderful experience!

14 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Medical Volunteering, Maximo Nivel, Guatemala

I volunteered for 3 weeks in a public clinic alongside nurses, a doctor and other staff. They were all very welcoming and willing to teach! I will be starting medical school this coming fall, and this was a great opportunity to familiarize myself with healthcare in another country. I started with a fairly high level of Spanish, and was able to learn enough medical Spanish to be able to communicate with both the staff and patients. Overall, I very much enjoyed my experience and I feel my time here will make me a more culturally competent physician.

19 people found this review helpful.

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