  • Australia
    • Sydney
Academic Year, Fall, Spring

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Contact IES Abroad or see website for details: www.IESabroad.org/sydney
Aug 14, 2016
Jan 25, 2019

About Program

Our study abroad program in Sydney offers you the opportunity to directly enroll in the prestigious Macquarie University, University of New South Wales, or University of Sydney with access to a vast array of course offerings across hundreds of disciplines.

Sydney will also be your classroom. Enjoy the city’s robust music scene with a performance at the world-renowned Sydney Opera House. Visit one of the many museums, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art or the Art Gallery of New South Wales to see some of the country’s great works of art. Soak in the beauty of Sydney’s landscape by walking the path from Coogee to Bondi Beach—or better yet, climb to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Welcome to study abroad!

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IES Abroad Scholarships

IES Abroad Scholarships and Financial Aid

As far as we're concerned, financial limitations shouldn't prevent you from studying abroad with us. That's why we offer more than $5 million in scholarships and aid.

$500 - $5,000

Program Reviews

9.81 Rating
based on 37 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 94.59%
  • 7-8 rating 5.41%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 8.4
  • Support 9.6
  • Fun 8.9
  • Housing 9.5
  • Safety 9.7
Showing 1 - 8 of 37 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Time of my life down under

I cannot say enough good things about my experience studying abroad in Sydney, Australia last semester. From the amazing people I met to the incredible places I explored and unbelievable experiences I had, my time down under was everything I hoped it would be and so much more, and my decision to study abroad was one of the best I have ever made. Before embarking last July, I had never even stepped foot in the southern hemisphere, so Australia was a giant leap beyond any adventure I had ever lived before. I knew little about the culture, the geography, or really anything about the country for that matter beyond what I had heard about kangaroos, koalas, and surfing paradises. So when I hopped off the plane in Sydney, I was ready for anything. Meeting my program mates at the airport, driving through the center of Sydney on the way to University of Sydney's campus, and an amazing harbor cruise later, within just a few short hours I felt like I had already gotten to know Sydney, and it already felt like home. The first few weeks were spent exploring everything Sydney has to offer, and it didn't disappoint. From lazy beach days at Bondi and Manly to thrift shopping in Chinatown and experiencing Sydney's incredible nightlife, it didn't take long for me to fall in love with a city I had only dreamt of a month earlier. IES organized hikes for us in the Blue Mountains and Royal National Park, allowing us to get a glimpse of the stunning scenery and landscapes set just miles outside of the contrasting concrete jungle of Sydney's downtown. Once we had settled in to our new home and gotten in to a rhythm with our classes, it was time to venture beyond and explore what the rest of Australia had to offer! Our first big weekend trip of the semester was to Hamilton Island in the Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, a true tropical paradise that makes for a relaxing weekend of pristine beaches and unwinding. Not to mention we got to hold a Koala, something you can't do in most parts of Australia! This first trip started a run of weekends on the go, from the amazing landscapes and hiking in Tasmania to learning (somewhat) how to surf in Woolongong and ending up in Fiji for mid-semester break. Fiji was the kind of place I had always heard about and I thought it would be super cool to go there, but the thought never even crossed my mind that I would actually go there. So to be jumping off the rooftop of Cloud 9 into the crystal clear Pacific Ocean only 2 months after arriving down under was one of the most surreal experiences I have been lucky enough to ever have. After returning back from Fiji, it was really nice to be able to have a few weeks back in Sydney. I found that no matter where we traveled, I always looked forward to being back in Sydney and being able to make the most of my time there. Walking around Circular Quay, taking the ferry to Watson's Bay, stopping through the Botanical gardens: there really is anything available to you that you could want. Next up was a trip to Melbourne for the weekend, an equally unreal city, and a viewing of the Melbourne soccer derby between Melbourne City and Melbourne Victory. We unknowingly purchased tickets for the Melbourne City away section, but ended up making the right decision as City came out with a hard fought victory (no pun intended). With the weeks flying by, and our trip to Melbourne complete, before we knew it classes were over and Study Vacation rolled around, which we used, instead of gearing up with finals, to road trip around New Zealand's South Island for the week. And believe me when I tell you there is no more beautiful place in the world than New Zealand. We had planned out the destinations we wanted to hit, but just the driving there was in some ways more amazing. Rolling hills set against towering mountains in the distance turned into serene glacial lakes and dense forests. Hiking to the top of tall peaks in Wanaka and checking out the nightlife in Queenstown, we saw as much as we could in our short time there, and before long it was back to Sydney for exams. Studying hard for the next few days, I didn't really have time to reflect much on my semester, but once I walked out of my last exam, it hit me that my time abroad was coming to an end. I had seen so much, yet it felt like it had gone by in the blink of an eye. In my last few days, as I started saying goodbye to the people I had grown so close to over the past few months, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of sadness that I would have to leave my favorite place. But as I prepared to depart back to the US, I left a piece of myself on campus, in the sands of Bondi, and everywhere that I was lucky enough to call home for those few months. As sad as I was to leave, and as much as I miss Australia every single day, I know someday I'll be back, and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to Study Abroad. I would encourage absolutely anyone to make the same choice I did, as there really is no other experience like it. It was the adventure of my lifetime, and it could be for you, too.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing that I think could be improved about the experience was the class registration process, which was a little bit confusing for incoming study abroad students.
13 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Sydney Direct Enrollment Review 2018

My experience studying abroad with IES in Sydney, Australia was incredibly eye-opening. I studied at the University of New South Wales in Kensington, which is conveniently located about twenty minutes from world famous Coogee Beach. I loved studying at this university because my school back in the US is super rural, so it was a huge change of scene that helped me accustom to school in a whole new atmosphere. During my time in Sydney, I met students from all over the world and really gained some great relationships through IES's program. Some of my highlights at UNSW were studying politics and philosophy from an Australian perspective and traveling to nearby cultural heritage sites. This really supplemented my class on Indigenous People and Policy. Exploring my global citizenship inspired to discover my love for distance-running. IES sponsored us to run the Sydney Half-Marathon, so that was an incredible personal feat that I will always be thankful for. I also won a free skydiving trip! In addition, I loved studying in the law library, since I want to be a lawyer, and making friends with legal students from Australia. Overall, the program was run very efficiently, provided me with opportunity for both professional and personal growth, and has inspired me to make exploring my global citizenship a continuity.

What would you improve about this program?
I think this program could be improved by combining the students from all over Sydney more often. We only had a couple events planned with them and it would have been fun to get to know them better.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester in Sydney: An Amazing Adventure

Studying abroad in Sydney, Australia was the best experience of my life so far. I went to Sydney to experience and learn from the people around me and I came out with lifelong friendships and a deeper understanding of the world. I’d never traveled before and I never thought in a million years I would be able to study abroad. IES Abroad was a great bridge for me. Allowing for friendly faces from the first day you touch down, to an office staff who answered any and all questions during, prior, and even after my study abroad period. Once I arrived in Sydney, IES Abroad planned events throughout the semester; from break excursions to meals and surf camp. The staff there value you as people and take the time to get to know you and take care of any issues that may arise; whether it was issued with housing or navigating timetables (schedules) and finding tutors. I attended the University of Sydney and lived in an apartment complex located less than a fifteen-minute walk from campus and conveniently located in the heart of Newtown next to great restaurants, movie theater, and plenty of stores. The apartment complex also offers a host of events throughout the year, which is a great way to get to know and make friends with people who are either also exchange students or locals. For me, the best part of the University of Sydney was the ability to take classes at the Conservatorium of Music. It’s located about forty minutes away by public transportation, however, the professors are amazing and it’s a unique opportunity to learn with very talented and passionate musicians. I would highly recommend anyone who is even thinking about studying abroad to look into IES Abroad and its ability to create an amazing experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience!

I had an amazing experience abroad! I had the opportunity to travel, meet new people, and make new friends. The staff at IES Abroad Sydney helped me and was there for me whenever I needed them. They helped me learn how to navigate public transportation, gave advice on places to visit, and kept me updated on different events happening throughout Sydney. They planned fun trips and activities throughout the semester, such as hiking and surfing lessons. I would recommend studying abroad for anyone who is interested!

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Yes, I recommend this program


I could not have asked for a better four months of my entire life. I grew as a person through immersing myself in a new culture, living completely on my own, planning all my own trips, creating friendships of a lifetime, and so much more. You can not go wrong studying abroad in Sydney. What a friendly, diverse, and simply AMAZING city in every aspect. I would do anything to go back and have another four months in the best and most beautiful place on earth. IES supported everyone so much with academics, health related issues, apartments, etc. They were the backbone and helped in EVERY WAY.

What would you improve about this program?
It can't be improved. It's perfect.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 4 months of my life!

I wouldn't have wanted to study abroad with a different program! IES Abroad was there for me before, during, and after my abroad experience. The IES staff truly cares about their students and helping them to succeed during their abroad programs. Before leaving for Sydney, an IES staff member called me to make sure I had all aspects in order before leaving. For example, this staff member made sure I had the right amount of my medications to take with me, as well as offer health resources while I was in Sydney. While in Sydney the on site IES staff member always went above and beyond to help the students in my program. No matter what we needed, she was always there for us. IES also a few activities planned for us during the program so that we could meet all the other students. One of the events was a surfing lesson which was awesome, and something I definitely wouldn't of done otherwise! IES also made the transition to a different type of university seem very easy and seamless. Sydney itself was an amazing location to live. Even though it was a city, there was beach very close by, which I loved! Being in Australia gave me the opportunity to travel to places I never would have otherwise like Bali and New Zealand. I immediately felt at home in Sydney and always felt safe. Some useful tips I would tell future students would be to pack LIGHT and to seriously make a budget and stick to it!! You'll thank yourself later.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester Abroad 2017

Studying abroad is incredibly rewarding, specifically if done in Sydney, Australia. Deciding to study abroad was the best decision I have ever made. I truly believe it is the best thing you can do for yourself. I learned more about myself than I ever could have thought, and really grew as a person in general. I gained additional knowledge of the world and became more confident in myself. Being independent for so long and so far away from home enabled me to fully immerse myself in the Sydney culture. The experiences I had are unforgettable.

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Sydney Semester

Studying abroad in Sydney, Australia was undoubtedly the greatest 5 months of my life. I went to Sydney without knowing a single person in all of Australia and left with countless lifelong friends. The IES Abroad Program played a key role in my unreal experience in Australia. From the moment I arrived in Sydney, the IES staff were there for me for whatever I needed. Not only did they offer great advice on activities to do in and around the city and organize group trips to fun places, but they also went out of their way to make me feel happy and comfortable. It was obvious that they cared deeply about the students in the program and that was probably the reason that so many of us became very close to the staff. IES Abroad made the transition to school in a foreign country so easy that it immediately felt like home. I think about my experience in Sydney everyday and highly recommend it to anybody even slightly interested.

What would you improve about this program?
It was near perfect
12 people found this review helpful.

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