  • Czech Republic
    • Prague
Academic Year, Fall, J-Term, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Anthropology Art History Business Communications Economics European Studies Film History Jewish Studies Journalism Law Music Performing Arts Political Science Religious Studies Russian and Eastern European Studies Sociology Theater +8

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level


Starting Price
$20,000 USD
Price Details
The cost provided is an estimate and expenses vary greatly by student. Airfare charges often depend on the departure city, and immigration costs depend on the citizenship of the student. The cost of living is affected by exchange rates and other factors which can fluctuate daily. In addition, these numbers do not include tuition. For more clarification on site costs, please visit our website.
Mar 14, 2020
Nov 18, 2019

About Program

Learn about the incredible cultural and political transformation of the Czech Republic since the Velvet Revolution in 1989, with courses that explore fundamental changes in history and social justice. Students can take courses like the Cultural History of the City in Central Europe or European-American Relations in the 21st Century, taught by politicians and public intellectuals, many of whom were key players in the country's transition to democracy.

NYU Prague organizes day trips and overnight excursions to historic sites like Kutná Hora, a medieval town and UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its cathedrals, or industrial Ostrava, where students talk with some of the town's Roma population about discrimination and culture. Learn more and access the online application on the NYU Global Programs website, and secure your spot for an amazing semester!

Program Reviews

8.55 Rating
based on 11 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 63.64%
  • 7-8 rating 18.18%
  • 5-6 rating 18.18%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 7.7
  • Support 7.9
  • Fun 9.1
  • Housing 9.6
  • Safety 9.1
Showing 1 - 8 of 11 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Why visit Prague

Prague is an exciting city filled with history, which made it fun to learn while studying abroad there! What first attracted me to study abroad in Prague was its historic baroque architecture and central location in Europe. It was so simple and cheap to travel around the Czech Republic and to the neighboring countries around. Once I got there, I got to adventure around many of Prague's diverse neighborhoods that were home to must-see sights like the Prague Castle, the Astronomical Clock in Old Town Square (where NYU Prague campus is located) and my personal favorite the Metronome that overlooked the whole city from Letenske Schody. Prague is home to many world-famous museums, poets, and artists. The Czech food was delicious, however they were not fans of eating vegetables or drinking water as much as I'm used to in the U.S. This is an experience I will never forget and will talk about for years to come.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
The most surprising thing I did was when NYU took us two hours out to Jachymov to meet with a former Political Prisoner. We visited the mines he worked in and his wife baked us three traditional desserts from how excited she was that we were sharing our time to listen to her husbands story. My class, Collective Identity in a Totalitarian Regime, spoke about the Czech history only two days prior and then we got to witness and speak to someone who actually went through what we learned about. Our tour guide even shared a special coffee that the political prisoners would drink during their imprisonment so that we could really imagine what they went through. This is something I would have never done if it weren't for the free events NYU provides.
6 people found this review helpful.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Just Okay

I enjoyed the friends I made, and I thought that it was very easy to travel from Prague, with transportation to the airport easy and cheap and flights from Prague relatively inexpensive, but overall, I don’t think I would study abroad here again. The faculty has great credentials, but are not very good at teaching, and I, as well as my peers, often felt frustrated. The social scene was so-so, and I found it to be better at other abroad locations, such as Madrid.

What would you improve about this program?
More helpful faculty
6 people found this review helpful.
Response from NYU Global Programs

Hi Ashley. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Your perspective as a student is a valuable resource for prospective students researching a semester abroad. To support our strong emphasis on academics NYU pursues lecturers who are accomplished professionals in their fields. The small classroom setting that most students experience when studying abroad with NYU presents unique opportunities for teaching, learning, and collaboration with peers. At the conclusion of every semester we conduct program evaluations that are driven by student feedback.

We take this process seriously and I can assure you that frustrations concerning our lecturers will be evaluated so that students can have as impactful an academic experience as possible.

Please don't hesitate to contact Global Programs if you have any questions or concerns.
You can contact us at global.admissions@nyu.edu to share your concerns or experiences.
Thank you.

Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience, everyone should do it at least once at NYU

Best study abroad experience you will ever have, NYU knows what they are doing! Everything is planned for and provided, and you will feel right at home after a couple weeks. Travel within Europe is super easy, and NYU even plans free trips for you! Housing is very community-oriented and you often feel as if you are sharing a mansion with your closest friends. All teachers and staff are very friendly and will help you out with anything you need. No need for parents to worry at NYU Prague!

6 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester in Prague

I was excited to go to Prague, and I’m glad to say it exceeded my expectations in many ways. The cost of living was very reasonable and low, a much enjoyed respite from the steep prices in NYC. Prague’s location also provided me with the travel opportunities I wanted while in Europe; I was able to visit Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Amsterdam, Belgium, and Croatia, among others. It was a great city to be in, however by the last month I had felt like I had seen everything I wanted to see and was wishing for more museums or scenic spots. NYU did provide free trips to go on which were also great. Some of my classes I enjoyed immensely, however some were lacking for me in content and topics. I wish there were more classes to choose from, as there were so many history classes that the other offerings felt slim. However, overall I believe I learned a lot from my time in Praha and am grateful for the experiences and friends I made while there. I would definitely recommend going.

What would you improve about this program?
Diversity of classes
Some of the trips were not well planned in terms of scheduling and timing so look into how to be more efficient when planning overnight/day trips.
7 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Abroad in Prague

I absolutely loved studying abroad in the Czech Republic. Not only were the classes genuinely interesting and very different from the ones offered at the NYC campus, but the prime location of Prague meant traveling was both cheap and easy. My favorite trip was by far Spain, which took place during fall break. The food was amazing, and I made so many unforgettable memories. We traveled to Barcelona, Seville, Cadiz, and Madrid.

What would you improve about this program?
Potentially having more school-sponsored activities/trips with more spots on each trip.
7 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Study Abroad Choice!

I was hesitant on going to Prague but it’s honestly one of the best decisions I’ve made! While most classes met only once a week, they were still challenging, relevant and interesting. Traveling is so easily done - buses, trains and flights were cheap and easy to access and the location of Prague made it so easy to travel to places I never expected to go. As for living in Prague, it was a strange adjustment but the NYU staff made it so easy and a few weeks in, you’ll begin to love the culture of Prague.

What would you improve about this program?
i think it would be great if we were provided a list of restaurants and shops close to campus and the dorms.
5 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Definitely Czech out Prague!

If you're on edge about going to Prague, let me tell you, DO IT! My semester at Prague was such a unique experience--quite different to what I expected honestly. Czech Republic is not only in Central Europe, meaning traveling to everywhere is much cheaper and convenient, but it also means that you're going to be exposed to a vastly different culture compared to that of the United States and a lot of the major European countries such as UK, France, and Spain. Prague and Cesky Krumlov, a nearby city in Czech Republic, are SO so beautiful, you feel as though you are literally living out of a fairytale! Everything is so cheap, and the people may come across as being cold, but if you meet the right ones, they are some of the most genuine people you'll ever come across. If this hasn't convinced you enough, let me just say that beer is cheaper than water. Just going to leave it at that.

6 people found this review helpful.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Other programs are better

I came and made some really great friends and saw some really amazing places, but it was hard because most NYU kids knew each other coming in, and they are pretentious and rude. Also classes are a joke and NYU offered me no help when I desperately needed to go to the doctor. Prague is an amazing city, but go on a different program.

7 people found this review helpful.

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