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Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level


Starting Price
$2,000 USD
Price Details
Program Cost Includes:
• Comprehensive Advising and Support
• Tuition at the Host University
• Official Transcript from Host University with ISA Cover Letter
• Housing
• Bridging Cultures Program
• Full-Time Resident Staff
• On-Site ISA Offices
• Computer and Internet Access
• Excursions
• The ISA Discovery Model
• Cultural Activities
• Medical Insurance
• Comprehensive Health, Safety and Security Support
• Airport Reception
• Visa Support
• The Professional Development Toolbox
• Scholarship Opportunities
Mar 04, 2021
Apr 06, 2015

About Program

Study abroad in London, England with ISA!

London, the vibrant capital of England, is also one of the world's most diverse and multicultural cities: A place where you can meet people from all around the world and still feel at home. The world's knowledge capital, as considered by many, sits atop the Thames River which meanders its way through the cultural, business and historic heart of Europe. London is a leading global city with strengths in education, entertainment, sports, finance, fashion, media, tourism, and the arts- all contributing to its importance. With its accessible public transport, all of London is within the grasp of students seeking to experience and know this exciting and diverse center of the world.

ISA programs are hosted through the University of Westminster, King's College London, Queen Mary- University of London, University of Roehampton and Kingston University.

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ISA Scholarships

ISA Scholarships and Financial Aid

ISA is committed to increasing all students’ access to study abroad’s many benefits. We don't let financial hardships to get in the way of a life changing educational experience.

$350 - $2,000

Program Reviews

9.71 Rating
based on 14 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 92.86%
  • 7-8 rating 7.14%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 8
  • Support 9.8
  • Fun 9.1
  • Housing 9.9
  • Safety 9.6
Showing 1 - 8 of 14 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my life so far...

I loved my study abroad experience! Kingston was the perfect location as it was only a short train ride from central London and the town itself is very nice. I felt completely safe the whole time I was there (walking around town day and night). It has a ton of shops, restaurants, a movie theatre, a market, lots to do on the weekends, a great bus system, and I loved walking along the river to get to class every day. I was at the Penryhn Road campus and lived in halls at Seething Wells. I had my own room and bathroom, but shared a kitchen with 5 flatmates. Kingston University even has awesome free buses for students, which was useful when it rained or was too cold to walk to campus. The school is very diverse and multicultural. My classes consisted of a lecture and seminar 1-2x a week for each class and my only grade in each was a final essay or exam. This has pros and cons as I had to make sure I did a lot of work outside of class on my own and stay on track, but it also gives you a little more flexibility since you don't have homework and tests every week. I kept a blog during my whole experience if you'd like to check it out:

14 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Experience of a Lifetime

The program was great as it provided a large degree of structure (on-site staff, planned trips, housing etc.) while still allowing us to really make it our own. For example, I knew that I wanted to really get involved with life at Westminster (my host university) so I was able to join a society (club). This provided me with a group of genuine friends who I still keep in touch with today (nearly two years later). Having the opportunity to interact with British Students outside the classroom was great as I was able to get a real sense of Britain and the island's culture. The program with ISA is absolutely top notch and I am so thankful to have been able to study abroad. Time abroad has shaped my career aspirations and has given me the "travel bug" I cannot wait to return to Europe and the UK!

What would you improve about this program?
The housing can be a bit hit or miss. I was fortunate and was in a flat in West London. While the flat was nice I felt like I didn't really know a large number of the other ISA students on the program (as they stayed in residence halls). Looking back on it I also wish that I was in a hall of residence as I would have been able to interact with a wider variety of students from different places rather than just three American roommates.
13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Experience of my Life So Far

I studied at Kingston University for my Sophomore Year Spring '13 semester (Jan-June). For the first couple weeks I was very homesick. However, I forced myself to jump out of my comfort zone and meet people who were not part of the American group in my program. I got involved by joining the Volunteer Society and the Christian Union on campus. I made many great friends, who I still keep in contact with! It was so neat interacting with many different cultures everyday.
I really liked how the classes were set up as well. They encouraged discussion rather than purely lecture. I learned so much from hearing different opinions and topics.
There was a fantastic faculty and staff support system! I visited the international students office at least once a week just to update them on how I was doing. They were so helpful throughout my time abroad.
I loved how easy it was to travel around London and even the outskirts. I would explore the city every weekend and experienced so many unique places with my local friends. I spent a weekend in Wales when we went to visit the Doctor Who Experience museum. We even travelled to Venice and Rome during Spring Break!
The memories and experiences I had while studying abroad truly shaped part of who I am now. They were some of the best memories I have so far. If you would like a more detailed and genuine account of my experience, I kept a blog throughout my time there: madilynmarie.tumblr.com

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly loved every part of my program!
16 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ISA Veritas Study Abroad

When I decided to study abroad, I wanted to serve in the community and see the culture and religion of London, England. I wanted to interact with locals and get a feel for a totally different place that I was used to. ISA provided me with that. I learned so much about God, about myself, and about others. The excursions were SO FUN and I enjoyed it so much. ISA is an incredible program that really cares about their students. It is worth every penny. In fact, it was a priceless experience.

What would you improve about this program?
The class was a bit unorganized, but I learned to adapt and work with the professor.
12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

University of Roehampton

This school was great! Having been attending one a smaller, more challenging school at home, I found this school to be very easy going and laid back. The party scene was great and the area was just as good! Just a train ride away from the center of everything!

13 people found this review helpful.
Jubilee Bridge and a Mustache
Yes, I recommend this program

A Good Intro to London

You wake up to your cell-phone alarm and look around. To your left, a window, a small desk, and a wardrobe. Straight ahead you see a bathroom and a door leading out of the room. Still groggy from a night at the pub, you stumble into the bathroom and get yourself ready - shower, teeth, hair, and a spritz of the cologne your mother gave you as a going-away present. You toss on the first thing you find in your wardrobe, grab the paper you finished writing at 2 AM, toss it in your backpack, and head out.

You leave your room just in time to catch your suitemate leaving his. He asks if the milk in the fridge is still good. You say you don't know, you never have time for cereal, and grab an apple from the tiny, humid kitchen before running downstairs.

This is your home for the semester.

Your run slows to a jog, then a walk, when you realize you have a half-mile to school. As you stroll past the quaint, suburban houses, with their quaint suburban yards, you look at your watch, which is still set for your home time-zone, before checking the time on your cell-phone. You still have an hour before class. Plenty of time to hit the bakery! Halfway to campus, you see the orange sign that promises a hot meal good for on-the-go. You pop in and grab two sausage rolls for a pound each and continue your journey to campus, eating as you walk.

You get to class a few minutes early, with just enough time to hit the loo and try to wash out the grease stain from those sausage rolls. You sit down just as class starts. The professor takes attendance then gets right into the lecture. This part of class is pretty similar to back home, except that the Prof. has a dreamy accent. You daydream about British girls until the first break.

Time for lunch! Not wanting to walk very far, you join a few classmates on their way to the campus store, where you buy an energy drink, a pre-packaged egg-salad sandwich with bacon, and, as an afterthought, an orange, just to be healthy.

Class is resuming soon, and it's a field-trip day! So you and your mates head into Kingston proper to get to the train station. You manage to only get on one wrong train before finally arriving at Waterloo Station in London, where you're meeting the rest of your class. Today, you'll be doing a Dickens walk. You read "Oliver Twist" (er, well, skimmed), and now you're going to see some of the places mentioned in the book! Fagan's house, the bookstore where Oliver makes a delivery, etc. It's all there, coming to life in front of your eyes! Suddenly Dickens doesn't seem so boring - you can't wait to re-read "Oliver Twist."

And then "class" is over, and you're free to roam London to your heart's content. There's shopping in Piccadilly Circus, Broadway shows just down the street, a cafe if you're still hungry... and then a friend mentions a pub. It's only 4 PM, so there's plenty of time for a pint!

It's 1 AM, you just barely caught the last train home, and you fall onto your bed in a daze. It was a good day - you even think you learned something on that Dickens walk. Now it's time to pass out and do it all over.

I did a summer course at Kingston University - London, through GlobaLinks Study Abroad, and that's about what the whole semester was like. You're constantly going, going, going, because there's just so much to do!

Some practical advice:

- Get your schoolwork done ASAP. It's no good having to rush through Buckingham Palace, because you forgot about that paper due by midnight.

- Talk to your professors before doing any major projects. Paper requirements are different over there - for example, I'm a Creative Writing major who hasn't gotten anything lower than an A- on a paper in years, but I got a B+ and B- on two papers, because the professor simply had different expectations than the ones at my home school. It never hurts to ask!

- Try the food! Drink the beer! Have a sip of that funny looking soda in the convenient store! You've got a limited time to experience an entire culture, so go DO it!

- There's no shame in doing the touristy things. Remember, you ARE a tourist. Go to Buckingham Palace; take a picture with the Beefeaters; stop someone in the tube station to ask how to find your terminal; walk into a pub and ask exactly what a "pasty" is. It's okay! As long as you're friendly, the locals will be, too.

- Talk to the locals! Making friends is probably easier than you think, especially when you mention that you're a foreign student. Think of how YOU react to foreign students back home - probably with interest, asking questions, offering to show them around, right? Right.

- Talk to the other students. It's a lot less scary to explore when you have someone to watch your back. Also, strength in numbers! I didn't personally deal with crime in London, but you're much less likely to be targeted if you're in a group.

- I can't stress this one enough... GET OUT OF LONDON. That's right. London is huge, awesome, and only city out of dozens in England. Take a weekend, catch a train to Portsmouth, Brighton, or Newcastle. Check out Wales or take a ferry to Ireland. Your options are only limited by your time and imagination, so start planning side-trips!

- This is a super-tough one, I know, but try to keep a budget. It will make the whole trip a lot less stressful, and you don't want stress when you're supposed to be having fun.

What would you improve about this program?
A few of the planned events went a bit awry - buses not showing up, food not being ready, etc. A bit of extra preparation on that end would definitely have been nice.
15 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Life Changing Experience

I decided to study abroad because I wanted a summer that I would never forget. I also wanted the opportunity to travel and experience new things. The program I participated in was absolutely great. To start off, I became extremely infatuated with the city after living there for only a couple days. London is truly hopping. The great restaurants, shopping, nightlife, I could go on for days. In addition to the NYC feel, London has great architecture and history rooted within the city. The ISA program was so easy-going and fun. Many activities were planned but not mandatory (even though everyone wanted to go to everything!). The education abroad team found the perfect medium between guiding me to find things to do/places to see and allowing me to venture out on my own. The education abroad team was terrific and so loving. They truly took good care of us! The best thing about this program was that it allowed me to see some the most beautiful, jaw-dropping sights. The Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Houses of Parliament, Stonehenge, and the Roman Baths just to name a few. I have absolutely no regrets in choosing this program. For future students studying abroad, just dive right in. It is going to be the greatest experience of your life!

17 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Location of a Lifetime.

London became much than a study abroad location, but a home. This was my first time to leave the country, let alone travel by myself. I felt completely safe and sound (being a young 20-something female and the baby of the family, this was important to both myself and my family). This is partly due to ISA's on-site 24 hour staff and partly the city of London, itself. I knew that if I ever got into a jam, I could simply call one of the three ISA local staff members, and they would be ready to assist me anyway they knew how. London was fantastic for many reasons. It is a friendly city, where if you ever get lost, you can ask anyone on the street for directions, and, more often than not, they will be willing to help. My day to day life involved exploring the city through simply meandering the streets both by myself and with friends as well as attending class. I explored any and every museum I could and found many local hangouts that appealed to my hobbies here in America. Such places were poetry bars, book stores, coffee shops, and art galleries, as well as local dives, pubs, and parks. The ISA staff was great preparing us to go abroad, willing to answer any question that came our way. The local London staff did made sure that we were enjoying ourselves to the fullest extent through checking up on us, to informing us of cool (and free) events happening around the city. I couldn't have asked for a better experience and was so thankful to have chosen ISA as my provider.

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly can't think of a single thing right now. My 5 month stay met my expectations above and beyond what I could have ever anticipated.
14 people found this review helpful.

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