  • Spain
    • Granada
Academic Year, Fall, J-Term, Spring, Summer, Winter
Subject Areas
Art History Cultural Studies Hispanic Studies Latin American Studies Linguistics Literature Social Work

Program Details

Program Type
Apartment Host Family


Price Details
Program Price Includes:
• Comprehensive Advising and Support
• Tuition at the Host University
• Official Transcript from Host University with ISA Cover Letter
• Housing
• Meals and Laundry Services
• Bridging Cultures Program
• Full-Time Resident Staff
• On-Site ISA Offices
• Computer and Internet Access
• Excursions
• The ISA Discovery Model
• Cultural Activities
• Medical Insurance
• Comprehensive Health, Safety and Security Support
• Airport Reception
• Visa Support
• Tutoring
• The Professional Development Toolbox
• Scholarship Opportunities
Mar 04, 2021
Aug 05, 2018

About Program

Study abroad at the University of Granada with ISA! Choose one of the programs offered including Hispanic Studies, Intensive Spanish Language Trimester, or Spanish Language, Culture & Electives. ISA offers programs that will accommodate students of all language levels!

The University of Granada enrolls about 81,000 students, of which 11,000 are international. The city of Granada blends a beautiful mixture of modern attributes with its long history of architecture and culture. It is a great destination for international students to explore and improve their Spanish! Check out ISA's website for more information.

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ISA Scholarships

ISA Scholarships and Financial Aid

ISA is committed to increasing all students’ access to study abroad’s many benefits. We don't let financial hardships to get in the way of a life changing educational experience.

$350 - $2,000

Program Reviews

9.36 Rating
based on 11 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 81.82%
  • 7-8 rating 18.18%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 7.9
  • Support 9.5
  • Fun 9
  • Housing 9.6
  • Safety 9.5
Showing 1 - 8 of 11 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Greatest Experience In a Beautiful City

I am so happy that I was able to study abroad and spend everyday trying new foods, exploring beautiful architecture and practicing my Spanish truly made for an incomparable experience. I feel as if I became even more independent and appreciative of the small details that are important for a daily life. I woke up excited for the walks to class, and the walks to grab tapas with friends after a busy day of class. I challenged myself by speaking in Spanish both outside the classroom and in every class. That was definitely a change from my coursework incollege in the United States.
experience and through a graduate program I will have great success.
Many of the experiences I’ve had help in terms of understanding the cultural differences
between Granada and where I live in Massachusetts, but when asked to think of one specific
thing, I remember the first time I went into a tapas place and was completely overwhelmed
with the level of social interaction that was occurring. Everybody was standing up and talking
loudly while drinking their beer or wine and waiting for the tapa. My friends and I were the only people who found it strange that everyone was standing and that there was very little room between various groups. It was in this moment that I realized how heavily the culture in
Granada relies upon social relationships and the way that food and drinks are represented in
these circumstances, both with family and friends. That is truly unforgettable and no city compares to its antiquity and beauty.

What would you improve about this program?
I think there is always room to focus more on diversity and a bit more freedom on group trips, but otherwise I had a wonderful experience.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I loved my summer program in Granada!

While it's been several years since my study abroad experience, it was something that left a lifelong impact on me. The ISA staff, both in the U.S. and in Granada were always helpful when I had a question or needed assistance. While we were given the option to find our own place to live or stay with a host family, I'm glad I chose to stay with the host family. It was a great immersive experience and while challenging at times, I loved it! The classes were also challenging and you were placed depending on where you tested for an initial test. ISA also had great opportunities, even for the five week program to see other cities. Upon arrival we saw Madrid and Toledo before heading to Granada. We also went to Sevilla one weekend. You can also plan excursions on your own of course and I was able to visit the beach one weekend as well as Cordoba. I'm also glad I opted to sign up to meet with a local student who was taking English classes so I could practice my Spanish and she practiced her English, I always enjoyed those meetings and the city of Granada as a whole!

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing that was disappointing was that there were a couple of occasions when the ISA staff surprised the students with an outing like a flamenco show toward the end of the program but a group of friends and myself had already gone because we didn't know they were planning it. Sometimes those things can't be prevented though!
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Semester in Granada, Spain

The ISA Granada program is a great option for those who wish to improve their Spanish skills while becoming immersed in the rich culture and fun social scene of Granada, Spain. One of the best aspects of the semester program is that it offers the option of extending your time abroad by completing an intensive month-long course before beginning the regular semester at the University of Granada's Center for Modern Languages (CLM). The intensive course allowed me to really focus on improving my Spanish because it was my only course for that month, and it met four hours a day for five days every week. I was not used to having classes taught exclusively in Spanish, so this intensive course helped me become comfortable using Spanish on a much more regular basis. By the time I started the regular semester, taking four courses in Spanish at the high-advanced or superior levels was much less intimidating. In terms of the social and cultural adjustment, I think the ISA staff really helped encourage students to become immersed in the Spanish culture by regularly offering tours, activities, and workshops in Granada, as well as several free excursions throughout Spain. Since these options were free and easy to sign up for, and because I felt very comfortable around the ISA staff and students, participating helped me take the first step in being more adventurous while abroad. When I first arrived in Spain, I honestly just wanted to stay in my room and mope about how much I missed home. I was also terrified to speak to any Spaniards in Spanish because I was self-conscious about my abilities in the language and did not want to be judged. However, the activities offered by ISA, as well as the intensive course at the CLM, forced me to get out, see more of Spain, and become more comfortable using the language. This was only the foundation for growth, of course, as there is only so much that ISA can require you to do; I appreciate how the program left it mostly up to me to decide how active I wanted to be as an international student. However, I always felt that the ISA staff wanted nothing less than the best for all of their students and would be more than willing to step in and do whatever they could to help make their students' semester the best experience it could be. Because I had this strong foundation to build from, in addition to a team of program staff and university professors who I always felt were on my side, I eventually felt confident enough in myself to travel outside of Spain alone. I'll admit that at the beginning my first trip, which was to Switzerland, I had a lot of the same feelings of fear and anxiety that I had had when I first arrived in Spain. But then I reminded myself how much I had grown in my first month in Spain and that I could do the same in Switzerland. I was absolutely right, and the changes in myself soon became very apparent. When I first arrived in Spain, I spent over an hour trying to figure out on my own how to get to another part of the airport because I was too afraid of potentially having to ask someone for help in Spanish, a language I had been studying for eight years. But by the time I was in Switzerland, which was only a month later, I found myself confidently ordering food and buying souvenirs in French, a language in which I have just one year of experience. And while I had originally been afraid of getting lost while walking just a mile to class in Granada, I had gained enough confidence in my navigation skills to get myself from the major city of Geneva to a small mountain village located three hours away. This first trip was such a success that I soon found myself wanting to travel by myself as much as possible, booking subsequent trips to Austria and Ireland. I am very thankful to ISA for helping me realize that being abroad does not have to be as scary as you might make it out to be; with the courage and self-motivation that the program helped me acquire, I was able to have what I consider the best experiences of my life by exploring Europe by myself. From now on, whenever I find myself doubting my own abilities, I will always remind myself about my time in Europe, and how it helped me realize that I had had the skills, courage, and confidence inside me all along.

What would you improve about this program?
This has more to do with the University of Granada's CLM than ISA, but I sometimes felt that the CLM's academics were a bit disorganized. For the intensive course, for example, I was supposed to have only two professors, but I ended up having four different professors because the original two professors left for periods of time. This made me question how well fhe professors would be able to grade our participation and improvement if each professor was only with us for a week or two at a time. In addition, the rotating professors did not seem to communicate very well with each other, as they clearly were not on the same page about certain aspects of the course, such as the date and structure of our final exam. Also, some of my courses did not provide a syllabus, so I was unclear on what we would be doing in the course and where my grade would be coming from. Finally, there did not seem to be a simple way to find a professor's contact information, as students seemed unable to contact their professors unless they were personally given this information by the professor. Therefore, my main suggestion for the CLM is that there be better communication, both amongst the professors and between the students and their professors.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Granada Life

I lived about a 20 minute walk away from the CLM where I studied, and after school I would often meet my friends for tapas, go to "intercambios" to practice our Spanish, or explore the grounds around the Alhambra. Granada is the best place to study abroad, and ISA is definitely the best program provider. They had 24/7 on site support, a computer lab that I could use during office hours, and staff that was available to offer tutoring during the week. They also provided great excursions for us to Sevilla, Córdoba, Nerja, Las Alpujarras, Madrid, Toledo, and Morocco. I wouldn't have studied with any other third party provider.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing, I would make some of the weekly activities more diverse and unique.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Go to Granada! You won't regret i!

I'm under the impression that Granada is an underrated city in Spain. It has a magical vibe, so full of history. The mountains surrounding the city are absolutely stunning. There was no other city in Spain that i felt had such a wonderful environmental surrounding. It is the perfect city to study abroad in if you choose to study in Spain. ISA is helpful in informing us about activities which we can do in a near Granada. They also assist you in making the most of your semester by being there for you every step of the way. When i say this, i do not mean that ISA staff is breathing down your neck. They give you freedom to do your own thing, but its comforting to know that they are always there if needed. Also, the housing provided was not at all fancy, but the warm staff of my residencia more than made up for this fact. ISA sets up a couple of excursions during the semester. These excursions were definitely some of the funnest, most memorable and most educational parts of the semester. The Morocco excursion costs extra, but don't miss it! It was by far the best one in my opinion. (I studied in the Spring, idk if this is available in the Fall). One piece of advice to those of you who choose Granada. Having chosen such a wonderful city you will unfortunately have to deal with a few hordes of tourists now and then, especially in the warmer months. Don't be a tourist! Be a local! Explore the places where the locals flock, there are plenty of them, you just need to do a little bit of exploring. Overall, this program is awesome. ISA really does the job right.

What would you improve about this program?
If more opportunities were provided for cultural emersion.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Granada has my heart.

From the moment I landed in Granada I felt something special. Granada is a magical city full of culture and history. Listening to the music from Sacramonte to La Alhambra it is a must see city in Spain.

What would you improve about this program?
Longer library hours.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Un Semestre Especial

Oh Granada.... I miss it so much! This experience changed my life without a doubt and it is very hard to decide where to begin. My overall experience was fantastic - I improved my Spanish, made amazing friends and explored Europe. I'm going to focus on three things that I wish had been different: My living situation, prior knowledge about my school's attendance, and cultural immersion. My host family was very caring and we lived in a large apartment complex like most people in Granada, however I was not expecting the lack of communication/involvement from my host family. I think that in Spain many host families are older ladies who need money and so they are not hosting for the cultural experience so much as they are for cash. I found this disappointing - although I could have pushed to do more with them. Secondly, one of the major reasons I went to Spain was to travel through Europe - I even bought a EU rail pass prior to leaving... Don't do that.... After arriving in Granada I learned that my school had a rule forcing you to attend at least 80% of your classes or else you can't take the Final test (a couple of my classes were graded with only 2 tests - each 50% of your final grade). The rail pass was a huge waste of money, was time consuming, and very restricting. USE RYAN AIR! Flying is much faster and more flexible so it should be able to fit into your limited amount of time to travel. Lastly, I was disappointed that the centro de lenguas modernas was its own little island of international students and I had virtually no interaction with Spanish students. If you plan to make Spanish friends, seek how to get involved on the main campus at the beginning of your trip! Overall, I had a great time. The people are wonderful, the city is beautiful, and you will experience a type of freedom you didn't know existed... Now i'm feeling really nostalgic. You will love it!

What would you improve about this program?
Ensuring that host families are excited to show the student around the city and to be involved in their student's lives.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My semester in beautiful Granada

I chose to study abroad in Granada because I wanted to improve my Spanish, and I had learned that Granada has a unique culture and a rich history. I am glad I chose to study through ISA. They set me up with a wonderful homestay, just a short walk away from everywhere I wanted to go. My host mom made the most delicious meals for us.

All of my classes were taught in Spanish, and through then I learned a lot about Spanish history and culture. The only downside to my classes is that most of my classmates were Americans. I did join a theater club, and made friends from all over the world that way.

My favorite part of the experience was traveling a lot. ISA set up several excursions to cities throughout Spain, and we also had time to travel on our own.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked more regular activities during the week, and more opportunities to interact with locals. I sometimes had to force myself to get out and do something, even if it was just going for a walk.
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Questions & Answers

In Granada, you can only miss 20% of EACH class per semester until you are unable to take the final. Even ISA excursions will add to this 20%.