  • China
    • Shanghai
    • Beijing
    • Hangzhou
    • Nanjing
2 - 4 weeks

Program Details

Program Type
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
$2,720 USD
Price Details
- Tuition:
Session 1: 20,500 RMB (about 2,870 USD*)
Session 2: 22,800 RMB (about 3,192 USD*)
Session 3: 23,800 RMB (about 3,332 USD*)
Session 4: 23,000 RMB (about 3,220 USD*)
Session 5: 20,500 RMB (about 2,870 USD*)

- Early Bird Discount: Applications and payment on or before March 31st RMB 1000 off
- 2 family siblings: RMB 500 off per applicant
- Group Discount: 3 or above (siblings/friends) RMB 1000 off per applicant
- Returning Student: RMB 1000 off
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare SIM cards Travel Insurance
Dec 02, 2020
Dec 27, 2019

About Program

Top-ranked Chinese summer camp organizer in China; 10+ years of reputation; Offering best experience and best price; Small-class setting, results guaranteed.

NEW in 2021 program: Study in Shanghai + Tour in Beijing (Session 3&4)

Full-board Mandarin Chinese summer camp based in Shanghai's university campus, 4-star hotel in school, 24/7 supervision, 90 hrs. of Chinese classes and 1-on-1 tutoring, 11 culture experiences, IB/IGCSE/AP/HSK exercises, 6 tourist attractions in Shanghai, 3-day field trip, free service package (airport transfer, laundry etc.…).

Session 1: June 23 - July 8 / 16 days: Shanghai + 3-day Trip in Hangzhou
Session 2: July 4 - July 21 / 18 days: Shanghai + 3-day Trip in Hangzhou
Session 3: July 7 - July 24 / 18 days: Shanghai + 3-day Trip in Beijing
Session 4: July 19 - August 4 / 17 days: Shanghai + 3-day Trip in Beijing
Session 5: July 23 - August 7 / 16 days: Shanghai + 3-day Trip in Nanjing

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Total Immersion Experience: Fully immersed in a Chinese-only environment, improve language skill and explore the Chinese culture in a real-life setting.
  • Diversified Activities: To motivate students to learn we arrange: themed Chinese workshops, 1-on-1 tutoring, group assignments and more.
  • Fun and Educational Trips: Culture-enhancing excursions to various famous attractions and historical sites in China.
  • Secure Campsite: Comfortable rooms in university owned on-campus hotel. School cafeterias provide nutritious meals.
  • 24/7 Supervision: We have a group of experienced counselors to ensure safety and assistance. To make your camp life easier we provide free services such as airport transfer, laundry and more.

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Program Reviews

9.76 Rating
based on 50 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 100%
  • 7-8 rating 0%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 9.8
  • Support 9.8
  • Fun 9.8
  • Housing 9.8
  • Safety 9.8
  • Program Selection 9.9
  • Pre-departure Help 9.9
  • In-program Support 9.9
  • Impact on Student 9.9
  • Value 9.9
  • Growth 10
  • Support 10
  • Fun 10
  • Housing 10
  • Safety 10
Showing 1 - 8 of 50 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great place to learn Chinese and Chinese Culture

When my parents told me that they would send me to China for Chinese summer camp, I thought it was a missed holiday. But in fact, the summer camp I attended, RISH Chinese summer camp was a good combination between the language class and summer vacation. During the summer camp in Shanghai, we have a whole day's classes, but it's not simple grammar classes. RISH focuses on activities that enable us to practice what we have learned. We also carried out some cultural visits, liberated myself from classroom and made me enjoy the happiness of the holiday. These activities are all related to learning Chinese language and culture. Whether it's class, leisure, visit or even daily life, it's all for my Chinese improvement. What I like the most about this camp is that my Chinese level has progressed a lot without my realizing it!

14 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you RISH for giving children a wonderful experience of Chinese culture

Our family are Chinese immigrants to Italy. Our son Simone is 13 years old. Although both his father and myself can speak Chinese, he has no language environment since childhood so he can understand some but he is always lazy to communicate with us in Chinese. Every summer vacation we send him back to China and live in his grandparents' house. He always complains that he is bored. After being recommended by friends, I learned that there was such an immersive Chinese summer camp. The contents of RISH Chinese summer camp are very attractive, so I immediately registered for mon son. The summer camp gave him a Chinese environment, which made him naturally develop the habit of speaking Chinese every day. At the same time, the summer camp was also a wonderful trip to let him know more about China and made many good friends around the world. During three weeks of summer camp time, he was very happy and I was very relieved. Thank you to RISH instructors and counselors for your teaching and company! Learning Chinese well will benefit children for a lifetime!

15 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

We really appreciated RISH Chinese summer Camp

My 14-year-old son went to Shanghai to attend RISH Chinese summer camp in July 2019. I was a little worried before he departed for China. Because my son is a vegetarian, I'm worried that he won't eat well during the summer camp, or that he doesn't have anything to eat. Moreover, my son has high requirements for accommodation. Before signing up, I repeatedly confirmed with RISH's customer service staff, who confirmed to me that there would be no problem with vegetarian campers, and told me that the room was very new, very clean, and showed me the photos. Personally I really appreciate RISH's customer service for their smooth communication and quick feed back. Any questions can be answered immediately. Before the summer camp started, I still had some worries. But when my son arrived in Shanghai, he told me that everything was very good. The room was as clean and tidy as shown in the photo. There were many vegetables for each meal. My son especially liked Mapo Tofu and vegetable Ramen made in the school canteen. Counselors were also very careful and helpful. They always cared about my son and asked him what he ate and what he did not like. My son studies Chinese very hard. During this summer camp, he met several friends, all of whom were eager to learn Chinese. He and his friends exchanged their learning experiences every day and had a very happy time. I'm happy to help him choose RISH summer camp.

13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Très bonne expérience !

Translated by Go Overseas:
I only knew a few words of Chinese when I arrived at the camp. Initially, even though I was excited to go to China, I had prepared to do a cross on my vacation as it was a study camp, but I was more than pleasantly surprised! It was a real holiday camp. Classes are done in a very interactive way, with many activities like traditional Chinese games for example. We are far from the monotonous 'basic' course! Instead of finding myself in a classroom with disparate levels like home, I was assigned a class suited to my level. And as if it was not custom-made enough, every night I had an hour of classes with my instructor, where we chatted and told him my day, in Chinese (as much as possible). Bathing in a Chinese environment was a real plus, because everything you learn can be used in everyday life and vice versa! Classes and everyday life complemented each other naturally. At the end of the stay I managed to have simple conversations with locals.

Original version:
Je ne connaissais que quelques mots de chinois quand je suis arrivé au camp. Au départ, même si j’étais excité d’aller en Chine, je m’étais préparé à faire une croix sur mes vacances vues que c’est un camp d’étude, mais j’ai été plus qu’agréablement surpris ! C’était un vrai camp de vacance. Les cours sont faits de manière très interactive, avec de nombreuses activités comme des jeux traditionnels chinois par exemple. On est loin du cours monotone ‘de base’ ! Au lieu de me retrouver dans une classe avec des niveaux disparates comme chez moi, j’ai été assigné à une classe adaptée à mon niveau. Et comme si ça ne faisait pas assez ‘sur mesure’, tous les soirs j’avais une heure de cours part avec mon moniteur, où on bavardait et je lui racontais ma journée, en chinois (autant que possible). Le fait de baigner dans un environnement chinois était un vrai plus, par ce que tout ce qu’on apprend peut servir dans la vie de tous les jours et vice versa ! Les cours et la vie de tous les jours se complétaient naturellement. A la fin du séjour j’arrivais à avoir des conversations simples avec les locaux.

13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I'm really happy!

I am a parent from Indonesia. I can speak fluent Chinese myself. I hope my son can learn Chinese well. My son is 13 years old. His first foreign language in school is Chinese. I usually want to speak Chinese with him at home, but he doesn't like to speak Chinese with me. RISH Chinese summer camp is a very good program. My son listened to the teachers very much in the summer camp and learned a lot. And I had been worried that he would not take good care of himself when he was alone. Unexpectedly, he lived alone for two weeks in this summer camp and everything was very good. In the middle, my son was sick one day. I was worried about it. Thanks to the teachers for taking good care of him. He was getting better very quickly the next day. I am very satisfied with everything in RISH summer camp. When my son came home after the summer camp, I felt that when I spoke Chinese to him, he could understand more and would answer me in Chinese. I'm really happy! I plan to send him to RISH Chinese summer camp again next year.

13 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I am happy and satisfied with the organization and the team of RISH!

I have a 12 year old and a 14 year old participated in RISH Chinese summer camp in 2019. Both of my kids have learnt Chinese for about 6 years, and are preparing HSK 4. I accompanied them to join the camp in Shanghai, and stayed with them for the first week. They were given a test on their first day, then they were grouped in different classes by their Chinese level proficiency. My kids were placed in a class that suited their level. I was happy that they loved the course and their teacher very much, and the most important thing was that they have learnt a lot during the camp. They had more than 60 hours of classes and 1-on-1 tutoring in two weeks’ time, which was extremely helpful for my kids to improve -- which was the main purpose of sending them to a camp in China, and also could be very expensive in Switzerland. I am happy and satisfied with the organization and the team of RISH. I would admit that sending my kids to participate a camp in China was not an easy decision for our family, but we are so lucky to meet RISH camp and RISH staff. In the end my kids were sad to leave the camp and the friends. We are now planning to send them to RISH again next summer. And I will recommend RISH to my friends, so maybe their children will join together with us to Shanghai!

12 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

C’était une vraiment expérience inoubliable

It was a first for me to go all alone so far from home. At the exit of the plane I felt literally catapulted on another planet! At first I admit that it was a little intimidated, but it immediately reassured me to have been directly supported by the camp counselor who had waited for me at the exit of Shanghai airport . She helped me with the formalities that remained to enter the summer camp, and to the door of my room. I really enjoyed the atmosphere with the other students and the everyday life on the university campus. The instructors were all really friendly, and showed us a lot of things during the cultural outing and the end-of-stay trip. It reassured me that we are so well framed by what I was initially super nervous ... It was a truly unforgettable experience. I learned so much about Chinese culture! I will never forget the laughs and all the friends I met there!

Original: C’était une première pour moi de partir toute seule aussi loin de chez moi. A la sortie de l’avion je me suis sentie littéralement comme catapultée sur une autre planète ! Au départ j’avoue que ça m’a un peu intimidé, mais ça m’a tout de suite rassurée d’avoir été directement prise en charge par la monitrice du camp qui m’avait attendu à la sortie de l’aéroport de Shanghai. Elle m’a aidée avec les formalités qui restaient pour entrer au camp de vacance, et jusqu’à la porte de ma chambre. J’ai vraiment apprécié l’ambiance avec les autres éléves et la vie de tous les jours sur le campus universitaire. Les moniteurs étaient tous vraiment sympa, et nous ont montré pas mal de choses lors de la sortie culturelle et le voyage de fin de séjour. Ça m’a rassurée qu’on soit si bien encadré par ce qu’au départ j’étais super nerveuse... C’était une vraiment expérience inoubliable. J’ai appris tellement de choses sur la culture chinoise ! Je n’oublierai jamais les fous rires et tous les amis que j’ai rencontré là-bas !

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Yes, I recommend this program

Thanks RISH Chinese summer camp Team!

I wanted to thank RISH counsellor team for making such an amazing experience for my daughter and myself. My daughter is 10 years old and attended RISH Chinese summer camp in July 2018, and I stayed together with her during the whole camp. The school environment was very comfortable and convenient. The counsellor team was so friendly and helpful to accompanying parents like myself. The 1-on-1 tutoring was one of the activities that I liked the most in this camp. My daughter could have close interaction with the tutor 1v1 to practice as much as possible. The excursions were language learning related, very helpful for the kids to know more about Chinese history and culture. At the end of the camp I was happy to see that my daughter was given confidence to speak Chinese herself in daily life. I have decided to bring my daughter and my younger son to RISH Chinese summer camp again next year.

12 people found this review helpful.

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