  • Ireland
    • Limerick
Academic Year, Fall, Spring
Subject Areas
Accounting Business Communications Education English Geography Geology Graduate Studies History Humanities Liberal Arts Linguistics Literature Mathematics Media Relations Medieval Studies Music Psychology Religious Studies Service Learning Theology +11

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Degree Level


Starting Price
$10,000 USD
Price Details
Two Education in Ireland scholarships available: one semester study abroad and one postgraduate scholarship; see educationinireland.com for more details.
Sep 16, 2020
Feb 24, 2016

About Program

MIC has a vibrant international community, collaborating with more than 50 partner universities & colleges in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia, and hosting over 120 international students annually! International students enjoy a city-centre location in a youthful, historic, riverside city, abundant in Ireland's famous charms, and a rich and active community of international students with whom to explore Ireland and Europe! Staff at MIC sincerely put students’ welfare first, resulting in a professional and friendly atmosphere and an ideal study abroad location.

Program Reviews

9.43 Rating
based on 7 reviews
  • 9-10 rating 100%
  • 7-8 rating 0%
  • 5-6 rating 0%
  • 3-4 rating 0%
  • 1-2 rating 0%
  • Academics 8.1
  • Support 9.4
  • Fun 6.7
  • Housing 9
  • Safety 8.4
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Mary I

Mary Immaculate College really instilled in me the desire to be more and to do more. The professors challenged me to think outside of my typical American-centered thinking and to start viewing issues and concepts within a global perspective. My favorite experience with a professor was with Michael Breen, my Sociology of the Media professor. He challenged me to see how stories in the media were ultimately connected with one another and how we always needed to view media content skeptically and with a holistic view. He really inspired me to continue on in my studies in Ireland and actually wrote my letter of reference for my Master's degree in Ireland. Professor Breen is just one example of how the faculty and staff help support students to achieve their dreams abroad. While being in a foreign country can be scary at times, you never feel alone while at Mary Immaculate College.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Studying Abroad at Mary I

Studying abroad at Mary I last semester was, in a word, incredible. I went into this program thinking that I would spend every weekend jetting off to cities all across Europe. And though I did do some traveling while I was in Ireland, I came to love my host-city and host-university so much more than I'd expected. Limerick became as much of a home to me as my own hometown, and Mary I, as much of a second-home as my own college in the States.

The women in the International Programs Office are an incredible bunch, and they'll do anything and everything they can to make sure that you're well looked after, comfortable, and content. I didn't quite believe someone on Mary I's Student Union when they'd said these women would become my Irish mammies and aunties - but now I know they were completely right. Whenever there was an issue to be had or a problem to be solved, they'd drop everything to help me figure it out. More than that, they'd listen in when I wanted to chat or offer hugs and encouragement when I needed it most. They're the best women in Limerick as far as I'm concerned, and a big reason why I had the incredible semester I did.

The warm and welcoming nature of Mary I's staff is definitely mirrored in its students, too. I'd come to Ireland a little nervous about making friends - but before I knew it, I had friends from countries all across the globe. There was always an adventure to be had and experiences to be shared. By the end of November, the lot of us all got together to have our own Thanksgiving Day feast; I've never seen a room full of people so happy to just talk, laugh, and be together like that. I think the friends you make here are the friends you make for life.

Even school seemed like an adventure, made exciting and interesting again by the college's lecturers. As an education student, I found that getting an Irish perspective on teaching, learning and children was so enriching - and I think it really helped me grow as a future educator. Moreover, other classes like that of Tech Theatre and Celtic Mythology made my days at Mary I all the more enjoyable.

All in all, I can't say enough about my semester abroad in Ireland. I've had the experience of a lifetime and made memories that'll last just as long. Friends were in no short supply and there was always laughter, love, and adventure to be found. Thanks, Mary I, for this and for so much more. I'll be back someday soon for sure!

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The Mary I Experience

Though my time at Mary Immaculate College was but a brief semester, the impression left will last me the rest of my life. I could not have asked for a friendlier or more welcoming environment for my study abroad program. Between scheduling classes, helping with travel arrangements, or simply having a sympathetic ear, the people who work at Mary I from the International Student Office to the professors were completely dedicated to the student's individual experience. Because of the support and enduring kindness I received from everyone, my time abroad was nothing but a positive experience. I am so grateful for the depth of service to the student at Mary I. My time in Ireland will always be treasured as some of the most amazing months of my life, and Mary I was at the heart of all my experiences abroad.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Living it Up in Ireland

Mary Immaculate College, located in Limerick, was an amazing experience for me that helped me grow immensely as a person. I went into this program thinking that I'd be having fun travelling every weekend and seeing all of Europe, and while I did see a huge portion of Europe; what I didn't expect was how much I enjoyed Limerick and my host university. Mary Immaculate has an amazing support staff: Ger, Holly, and Ruth were always there to help and would do everything in their power to make sure you were comfortable. They consistently contacted me to make sure everything was okay and were a useful resource in finding out services and locations to see in Ireland. Limerick was also a lot better place than I had thought.

My first thought upon finding out that I was studying in Limerick, Ireland was: isn't that a type of poem?. Needless to say, I wasn't quite sure what Limerick was like. After studying there, I can say that its a lovely city with plenty to do. Everything is within walking distance, although the cabs are cheap and not a bad option either; especially if you're travelling with a friend. There's plenty of sights nearby, and if you want to travel further than nearby train/bus station lets you go anywhere in Ireland.

Living on your own in a foreign country is an experience that I recommend everyone partakes in. It seriously helps you to see things in a new way. Mary I is the place to do it, because the support staff is amazing and they will take awesome care of you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Small School, Huge Opportunity

Mary Immaculate College, though small in comparison to other universities across Ireland, could not have had a larger impact on my life. In fact, I can't believe that I'm supposed to simply choose one story to tell in this review that would illustrate my experience in a way that will do it justice. From beginning to end, the staff in the college went above and beyond all expectations I had throughout my attendance. The students were so welcoming, and I had no issues making friends; before I knew it, I was attending soccer and rugby games, watching hurley in the local pubs while enjoying pints with the lads. I was going to the club with groups of people and above all, I was enjoying everything that Ireland has to offer. Apart from my Irish friends, I really bonded with people from all across the world, from Brazil to Germany, France to Tanzania, and beyond. There were smiles shared among us all throughout our adventures. At the Cliffs of Moher I dangled my feet off of the edges with my fellow international students, admiring the view with them who will now be lifelong friends. On the Aran Islands we dug "International 2015" in the sands on the beach while posing like fools all the while laughing just for the sake of laughing, before continuing on a self guided bike tour of the island. Walking around Dublin, or Galway, or staring at the ruins of a Blarney castle, were all shared with smiles, selfies, and times of solidarity. Aside from the fun I've had, the school never served to damper my sense of adventure. In fact, school was an adventure. I branched out from my typical courses in Communication and Sociology, and pursued classes in theatre, history, and geography. My time spent in the geography classroom was definitely challenging, as I had no idea what was going on for the better part of the semester, but the professor welcomed me into his office week after week to explain everything we covered in ways that I could understand. Iw would often joke with him that he should charge me admission, because by the time I left, he would be a very rich man. I definitely grew the most in that class, as I really gained an understanding for the Irish landscape, the geo-political systems, and more. Finally, whenever I felt I had an issue, I could always turn to the ladies in the International Office for help, or even when I simply wanted to chat with someone. These ladies would simply drop whatever it was they were doing to listen and talk, or even grant a hug when I needed it. Instead of being employees at the college they quickly became my Irish mum and my Irish auntie, and I can honestly say that the biggest impact came from them. In all, I will never forget my experience here in Ireland, and this is in large part to the connections I've made and the memories I've gained. Thanks Mary I, for everything I got the opportunity to do. You'd better believe I will be returning to visit.

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly, there is probably something I could find that could use some improving. But as I sit to think about it, I can't pinpoint exactly what needs to be improved. I've just enjoyed my time so much here in Ireland, and if I had to say one thing, it would be to never let go of the support systems you construct for your students. Always make them feel as welcome and loved as you made me feel.
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Yes, I recommend this program

It's a small world after all

So while I was here I went to London for a few days with friends. On the last day we were there, it was just two of us at that point, we met some of the other girls friends. They were a married couple, one from France, and one from the U.S. They told us that during Christmas they were going to go to Ohio to visit her family then Chicago to visit her sister. My mom is from Chicago so whenever I meet someone from there I am always interested to know where. I asked where she lived, and the woman said Palos Heights. That is where my mom is from. My cousins live there, and my grandma still lives there. I spent a good portion of time there. Needless to say I freaked out a little. Then later after a very long trial of trying to get back to Ireland we were on a bus headed from Dublin to Limerick. There was an American girl on there going to UL. I asked where she went to school and where she was from, and I told her the same things. She said she was from Chicago and I said my mom was from Palos Heights. She said that she was born in Palos Heights. I again freaked out. It was quite a funny story that made up for missing a flight and no sleep that night.

What would you improve about this program?
I think the program was great. I would have enjoyed a few more days where it was just the International students getting to know one another. I met a lot of people in the group, but not all of them. Bonding games are cheesy but fun and I think that's something to definitely look into when it comes to getting to know students. I also felt that I did not make as many Irish friends as international friends. Perhaps try and set up more events where the two groups can mingle.
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The Best Time of my Life

To say studying abroad at Mary I was a fantastic experience would be an understatement. My time here was a wonderful. This was the first time that I had ever traveled outside of the United States and lived somewhere without knowing a single person. The girls in the office were such a huge help getting every single one of us international students settled in and truly making us feel at home. There are so many places to visit and see along with many new people from all over the world! Studying abroad at Mary I was the best way I could have spent the beginning of my last year of college!

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